3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

象徵主義畫派名家畫作 —— 德國象徵主義畫家 Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach 繪畫作品欣賞德國象徵主義畫家 Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach (1851 – 1913)Karl Wilhelm Diefenbach (February 21, 1851, Hadamar, Duchy of Nassau – December 15, 1913, Capri) was a German painter and social reformer.Diefenbach was a pioneer of the naturist and the peace movements. His country commune, Himmelhof, in Ober Sankt Veit near Vienna (1897–1899) was one of the models for the reform settlement Monte Verità in Ascona.[2] His ideas included life in harmony with nature and rejection of monogamy, turning away from any religion (although he was a follower of theosophy), and a vegetarian diet.[3] When his commune went bankrupt, he moved to Capri and stayed there for the rest of his life.As a painter, Diefenbach was an independent representative of Symbolism. There has been a museum of his works in Certosa di San Giacomo on Capri since 1974.(註:轉載藝術家原文,請自行翻譯中文)象徵主義是19世紀末始於文學,以後影響到戲劇、繪畫、哲學等領域的一中文藝思想。文學中象徵派有宣言、有理論,美術中的象徵主義不過是一種藝術傾向而已。象徵主義藝術家反對寫實主義和印象主義對自然的客觀摹寫。強調主觀精神的表現。他們認為人的內心世界是不明確的、難以把握的,只能通過象徵的手法,用寓意和象徵性的然而又是具體可感的形象來隱喻主題和情感,暗示微妙和神秘的內心世界,通過形象來尋找在外事物與內心世界的對應關係,帶有神秘主義的色彩。象徵主義反映了當時一種不正視現實,向神秘的精神世界尋求靈感和啟迪的思想傾向。

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