3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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在雅思考試中,翻譯題型是一類考查考查語言輸出能力的題型,歷來為廣大考生所重視。而我們知道,要想做好這類問題,就需要進行大量的實戰練習。今天,北外網課(北京外國語大學網路課堂)老師也總結了雅思翻譯題型的實用句子練習,幫助大家複習。兒童絕不應為了支撐家庭或者輟學去工作。A child should never work to support his family or go to workinstead of school.被動吸煙是位於主動吸煙、涉酒類疾病之後的第三類最可預防的死因。Passive smoking is the third preventable cause of death after activesmoking and alcohol-related smoking.傳統的完全按照分數錄取學生的做法需要進行重新評估。The traditional system of accepting students purely on the basis oftheir grades needs to be reevaluated.儘管開展了一項新的廣告宣傳活動,但他們仍在虧本。Despite a new advertising campaign, they were suffering from fallingsales.現在十幾歲的青少年偏愛呆在電視機或電腦前,而不是和朋友在一起。Teenagers now prefer spending time with the TV set or the computerrather than with their friends.這種對機動車的依賴已經引起重大的問題,包括環境污染、石油資源枯竭、交通阻塞以及安全問題。This dependence on motor vehicles has given rise to major problems,including environmental pollution, depletion of oil resources, trafficcongestion and safety.當學生學習感到疲倦,希望有機會放鬆、和朋友在一起的時候,他們可以參與一些娛樂活動。When students are weary from study and want the chance to relax andenjoy themselves with friends, they can participate in a number of recreationaland activities.顯然,某些疾病在醫學進步面前正在退卻。Clearly, certain diseases are beating a retreat in a face of medicaladvances.10. 隨著家庭和農業需求也在增加,供水系統的能力面臨越來越大的壓力。With domestic and agricultural demands also increasing, the capacityof water supply systems is under growing strain.一些俄羅斯科學家聲稱小孩子在接觸紫外線之後會學習得更好。Some Russian scientists claim that children learn better after beingexposed to ultraviolet light.此表提供了1999年澳大利亞男性和女性在畢業后的繼續教育方面獲得不同層次文憑的信息。The chart gives information about post-school qualifications interms of the different levels of further education reached by men and women inAustralia in 1999.火箭的發明和「黑色火藥」的發明密不可分。The invention of rockets is linked inextricably with the inventionof 「black powder」.社會環境的變化一部分還可以歸因於年輕人對做這些事情缺乏興趣。Part of the changing social situation in China can also beattributed to the lack of interest young people have in pursuing these kinds ofactivities.許多特徵,比如身高智力,不僅是基因作用的結果,而且也是基因與環境之間相互作用的結果。Many characteristics, such as height and intelligence, result notfrom the action of genes alone, but from subtle interactions between genes andthe environment.兩百年前,拳擊比賽在英國非常流行。Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago.自從那個時期以後,火箭技術已經取得了巨大發展。Since then, there have been huge developments in rocket technology.國際貿易正在驚人的速度增長。International trade is growing at a startling pace.我們希望在出發去野餐之前雨就已經停了。We hope it will have stopped raining before we set off for thepicnic.

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