3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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最近,8歲的楊樂樂小朋友因為一張「最萌」請假條走紅網路。由於爸爸老說太忙不能陪他出去旅遊,楊樂樂給爸爸的領導寫了一封「雙語」請假條,末尾還附上一句朋友小明說的「夏天不旅行的人是傻瓜。」這麼天真可愛的請假條,楊爸爸敢交給領導嗎? An eight-year-old boy in China was so desperate to spend time with his father before the summer holidays ended that he sent a letter to his father's employer.因為太想讓老爸在暑假結束前花時間陪陪自己,一名8歲的男孩給爸爸的老闆寫了一封信。 The boy's dad was unable to take time off because he was under intense pressure at work, reports the People's Daily Online.據人民網報道,男孩的爸爸因為工作壓力太大而沒有辦法請假。 So the child from Beijing decided to take drastic action on July 25, penning a note to his dad's boss which has since gone viral on Chinese social media.於是這位來自北京的男孩25日果斷決定採取行動,給爸爸的老闆寫了一張便條。這張紙條在的社交網路上走紅。 The father who works in IT says his son handed him the note on July 25 before he headed to work.男孩的父親從事IT行業,他說,當天兒子在他上班前給了他這張便條。 上面寫著: 'To dad's boss, my friend Xiao Ming is with his father and mother travelling during the summer vacation. I also want to go out to play but my father said he is busy with work. Can you give my dad a few days off? Xiao Ming said that people who do not travel in summer are lame.'「爸爸的lingdao(領導)您好:shujia(暑假)到了,小明跟他爸爸媽媽去lu(旅)遊了,我也想出去玩,可是爸爸老說工作忙。neng(能)給我爸爸放幾天jia(假)嗎?小明說夏天不lu(旅)行的人是sha(傻)瓜。」 這張天真可愛的「雙語」請假條瞬間戳中了不少網友的心,而一句「小明說夏天不旅行的人是傻瓜」也在網路走紅,一些上班族紛紛在微博曬出自己的「小明體」請假條: He says he intended to take his son to Yunnan and Sichuan provinces however he was under intense pressure at work, reports Red Star News.據「紅星新聞」報道,這位父親表示,他曾打算帶兒子到雲南和四川,但是工作壓力太大了。 The father told reporters that he feels a little guilty and helpless.他告訴記者,自己感到有些內疚和無奈。 He told reporters that following the note, he has made up his mind to take a few days leave and take his son somewhere.他看到這張假條之後,已經決定休息幾天帶兒子出去。 The Red Star News article has since been shared some 1.6 million times on Chinese social media site Weibo.「紅星新聞」的文章在微博上的轉發次數已達160萬左右。 許多網友在評論中提到,希望父母能多陪孩子出去玩,畢竟孩子的成長是最重要的。 不過,也有網友戲稱,這麼熱的天,出去旅行才是傻瓜:

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