3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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如果河裡成片的死魚還不夠觸目驚心的話,請看看印度孟買的藍狗。由於工業廢水污染了河流,這些狗的白色皮毛已經完全變成了藍色。印度經濟中心孟買附近的塔羅加工業區里,有近千家製藥、食品和製造業工廠。The Taloja industrial area near India's financial capital Mumbai has nearly 1,000 pharmaceutical, food and engineering factories. 有報道稱,印度經濟中心孟買郊區的狗變成了藍色,可能是由於工業廢水未經處理污染了河流。孟買新區中,塔羅加工業區的流浪狗常常會到卡薩迪河中尋找食物或直接飲用河水。Dogs in the suburbs of India's financial capital Mumbai are reportedly turning blue due to untreated industrial wastes being released into a river. Stray dogs near Navi Mumbai's Taloja industrial area often wade into the Kasadi river for food and water. 8月9日(周三),孟買新區的動物保護組織拍攝了一些藍狗的照片。On Wednesday (August 9), the Navi Mumbai Animal Protection Cell took pictures of a dog that had turned blue. 該組織周四向馬哈拉施特拉污染控制委員會(MPCB)提出投訴,稱工廠將未經處理的廢物直接排入河流,使動物遭受痛苦。The group filed a complaint with the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) on Thursday, saying the untreated waste that industries were releasing directly into the river was causing suffering to the animals. 據了解,該區域有近千家製藥、食品以及製造業工廠。Taloja is saidto have nearly 1,000 pharmaceutical, food and engineering factories. 住在孟買新區的動物保護機構負責人阿拉蒂•喬漢說:「看到狗的白色皮毛完全被染成藍色真是令人震驚,我們已經在這一地區發現了五隻這樣的狗。目前我們要求污染控制委員會對這些工廠採取措施。」"It was shocking to see how the dog's white fur had turned completely blue," Arati Chauhan, resident of Navi Mumbai who runs the animal protection cell said. "We have spotted almost five such dogs here and have asked the pollution control board to act against such industries," she added. 在2016年8月,漁民擔心受污染的河水會影響河中的魚類。300個工廠均把廢水排往一處普通廢水處理廠,而在該廠採集的樣本經過水質檢測表明,廢水的處理措施並不到位。In August 2016, fishermen were concerned that the polluted river water was affecting the fish in it. Quality tests conducted on samples collected from the common discharge treatment plant that 300 industrial units use to treat their waste showed that waste treatment was inadequate. 維持水生生物所需的生化需氧量(BOD)的參考濃度為80毫克/升。劇毒的高濃度氯化物,會損傷植被、水生生物和野生動植物。根據中央污染控制委員會的指導方針,當BOD水平每升高於6毫克時,魚類便會死亡;而水平高於每升3毫克時,人類便無法使用該水源。The levels of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) – the concentration of oxygen required to sustain aquatic life – was 80mg/L. High levels of chloride, which is toxic, have harmed vegetation, aquatic life and wildlife. According to the Central Pollution Control Board guidelines, fish die when the BOD levels are above 6mg/L and levels above 3mg/L make the water unfit for human consumption.《印度斯坦時報》報道,工廠排放的未處理工業廢水已經使卡薩迪河中的污染水平超標13倍。The untreated industrial waste pumped out by these industrial plants had increased pollution levels in the Kasadi river to 13 times the safe limit, the Hindustan Times reported. 約格思•帕嘉德是當地漁民組織的一個成員,他在去年進行了相關研究。「多年來MPCB收到的投訴不計其數,可只有卡薩迪河的惡臭減輕了,污染水平仍然很高,溶氧量在污染程度面前簡直不值一提。」"After numerous complaints to MPCB over the years, only the stench at Kasadi has reduced. However, the pollution levels continue to be extremely high and dissolved oxygen is negligible," Yogesh Pagade, member of a local fishing community that had conducted the study last year said. MPCB的官員表示已經受理投訴。「排放染料到水體中是非法的。我們將懲罰那些污染環境的人。」委員會的區域負責人阿尼爾•摩何卡爾說道,「我們已經派遣下屬區域負責人著手調查。」MPCB officials said they had taken cognisance of the complaint. "Allowing the discharge of dye into any water body is illegal. We will take action against the polluters as they are destroying the environment," the board's regional officer Anil Mohekar said. "We have directed our sub-regional officer to investigate," he added. 儘管如此,動物權益保護者們還是質疑MPCB的表態是否過晚。喬漢說:「目前為止只是目睹了藍色的狗,我們無法得知是否有鳥類、爬行類和其他生物因為這些排放到空氣中的染料受到影響甚至死亡。」Animal rights activists are wondering if the move has come a bit too late, "We have only spotted blue dogs so far. We do not know if birds, reptiles and other creatures are affected or if they have even died owing to the dye discharged into the air," Chauhan said. 歐洲移民危機怪橡皮艇質量太好?國產橡皮艇:這個鍋我不背!第72個投降日!日本電視台揭露731部隊,紀錄片追思「慰安婦」,日本右翼何時能正視歷史?圖圖是道 | 雙語:《戰狼2》背後,那些你不知道的撤僑史!

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