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  訪問學者英文簡歷又簡稱CV,一個好的訪問學者英文簡歷對申請國外訪問學者來說至關重要。要寫好訪問學者英文簡歷,就必須理清如何寫好簡歷,針對這個問題,我們就重點介紹一下一份好的訪問學者英文簡歷應該重點突出的兩方面內容分別是什麼,供大家參考!  一、能夠全面而有重點地展示自己  所謂全面,就是要把與申請密切相關的各種有效信息都放進去,這些信息主要包括姓名、出生年月(或年齡)、性別、婚姻狀況、聯繫方式、教育經歷、研究興趣、科研經歷、論文著作等。  一般來說,以上列舉的信息是必需的,缺乏任何一項都會造成信息缺失,有心的外方導師若看不到這些信息,有可能會覺得你有所隱瞞、誠信度不高。所謂有重點,就是要在簡歷中重點展示自己在所申請專業領域內的優勢。請注意,這裡的優勢不僅是自己的優勢,而且包括組織(即自己所在研究機構)的優勢。  自己的優勢,主要包括上過什麼學校、發過什麼論文、做過什麼項目、得過什麼高級別的獎勵等;組織的優勢,則是申請者容易忽視,但外方導師卻極為看重的。所有合作均是以利益為前提的,若你所在機構對外方導師而言毫無價值,那麼你所在機構的人員,也就是你自己,對他來說也是沒有價值的,你也就是個利益無關人員。很難想象外方導師會接受一個利益無關人員作為訪問學者/博士后。  二、能夠特別地展示自己。  特別地展示自己,就是展示自己的特點。何謂特點?就是與別人不一樣的亮點。這些亮點主要包括:各種能力(小語種能力、極強的計算機能力等)、社會任職及相關組織資源(XX學會聯絡人等)、品格性格(NGO成員、志願者等)。若能在簡歷中添加以上亮點,可使自己的形象更加立體,並可傳達「我不僅是個學者,我更是個生活家」的信息,無疑這些亮點增加了簡歷的說服力。  學者是專註於學術的人,但不止於學術。給外國導師看的簡歷,不應該是個「學術簡歷」,而是一個「學者簡歷」。因此,給外國導師看的簡歷,要源於學術、不止於學術。一個簡歷,若能全面而有重點,並「特別地」展示自己,才能真正地、生活地刻畫一個學者,才能超越一般簡歷(局限於談學術經歷)。    隨附一篇訪問學者英文簡歷製作模板,希望對大家申請國外訪問學者有所幫助!  Curriculum Vitae  (Name)Ph.D  Curriculum Vitae, April 2009  Finance Department Date of Birth:   University of Minnesota Citizenship: U.S.A.   Avenue South SEX:  Minneapolis Major:  Professional Title:  Office Telephone: E-mail:  Mobile: School Website:  Fax:  ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE  Minnesota Banking Industry Professor of Finance,Carlson School of  Management,University of Minnesote,  Associate Professor,Finance Department, Carlson School of Management,  University of Minnesote,  Visiting Scholar,Financial Markets Group,London School of  Economics,December   …  …  OTHER EXPERIENCE  Consultant,Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland,  Research Analyst,CoreStates Financial Corp/Philadelphia National Bank,    ……….  EDUCATION  The Wharton School,University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,PA  Ph.D.,Finance,August   Ph.D.Thesis Title:  Ph.D.Thesis Research was performed at:  M.B.A.,Finance,Mar   Princeton University,Princeton,NJ  A.B., Mathematics,June   Curriculum Vitae  RESEARCH INTERESTS  Financial contracting, security design, and corporate finance.  Structure and regulation of financial institutions.  REFEREED JOURNAL ARTICLES  「Risk Overhang and Market Behavior,」 (with Anne ). Journal of Business  74:4 .  「Delegated Monitoring and Bank Structure in a Finite Economy.」 Journal  of Financial Intermediation, 4:2   ……  WORKING PAPERS AND WORK IN PROGRESS  「Risk Overhang and Loan Portfolio Decisions,」 (with Robert and Anne ).  .  「When Do Institutional Investors Become Activists? Trading Incentives  and Shareholder Activism,」 (with Chen Liu). .  OTHER PUBLICATIONS  「The Social Cost of Bank Capital,」 (with Gary Gorton). Proceedings of  the 32nd Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, May  1996, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.  ……  COURSES TAUGHT  MBA: Corporate Finance; Managing Financial Institutions.  Non-Degree Executive Education: Financial Strategy.  ……  TEACHING AWARDS  Teaching commendations from Kellogg Dean's Office, every academic year    ……  SCHOOL SERVICE  Chair, Carlson Finance   2  Curriculum Vitae  Carlson Finance Department Recruiting Committee  …  …  PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES  Editorial Activities:  Associate Editor, Journal of Financial Intermediation  Associate Editor, Journal of Finance  …  …  Association Service:  Society for Financial Studies Nominating Committee  …  …  Conferences  Program Committee and session chair, Western Finance Association  Meetings  Meetings.

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