3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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一組由NASA資助的研究人員準備進入偏遠的夏威夷火山上一個孤立的測地線圓頂來研究人類長期太空探索的行為,包括前往火星的旅行計劃。周四,六名機組人員進入他們位於大島莫納羅亞山的新家,停留8個月的時間。團隊成員與外界沒有人際接觸,有20分鐘的通信延遲,這是模擬信息從火星到達地球的時間。這項研究將評估長時間居住在偏遠、封閉環境中所帶來的心裡障礙。該項目旨在幫助NASA的太空研究機構將人類送上長期太空旅行的征程,包括2030年前往火星。「我們希望弄明白如何才能以最好的方式選擇宇航員,如何組成一個團隊以及如何支持這個團隊執行長期的太空任務,」夏威夷大學科學教授,首席研究員Kim Binstead說。她說,該研究的目標是「減少人類前往火星的障礙。」她說NASA的時間表符合實際,除非該機構「由於新政府上台而改變計劃。」川普的過渡團隊還沒有回復郵件,就NASA的計劃發表看法。團隊領導者的是該任務指揮官,James Bevington,他是自由空間研究者,曾經是國際空間大學的訪問學者和西北大學顧問。團隊的其他成員包括工程師、計算機科學家、博士研究所和生物醫學專家。他們是從700名具有太空科學背景的申請人中挑選出來的,這些申請者通過了認知和人格測試,以及廣泛的詢問。「開始的時候,我最擔心的是我們會像生物圈2號的成員一樣,沒有一個完美的結局,」 Bevington說。生物圈2號是20世紀90年代在亞利桑那州的一個實驗性溫室棲息地。它容納了不同的自然生態系統,研究其他星球上居住的需要。實驗很快就失去了控制,因為棲息地未能保持二氧化碳的安全水平,團隊成員越來越不滿。最新的HI-SEAS任務是NASA資助的第三輪研究。之前的任務關注重點是食物需求和成員的凝聚力。在太陽系中,火星是尋找過去或現在生命的最好的地點之一,Binstead說。「在地球之外任何地方發現生命...都將是有史以來最大的科學發現」此外,人為的災難,如氣候變化或自然災害,如小行星撞擊可能迫使人類逃離地球。「現在,我們把所有的雞蛋都放在一個籃子里,」Binstead說。「我認為這對我們來說是一個很棒的整體性策略,讓物種向外擴散。」研究人員給團隊成員佩戴設備(在脖子上)來測量他們的情緒以及與團隊其他成員的距離。他們也會利用虛擬現實設備來模擬熟悉和舒適的環境,而這些團隊成員在火星上是不會感受到的。當他們離開場地進行日常工作的時候必須穿著太空服,日常工作包括地質和測繪研究。團隊成員的飲食以保質期長的凍干食品為主。一些罐頭食品和零食也可以帶進來,包括夏威夷的特產之一。「罐裝豬肉越來越受歡迎,」 Binstead說。為了保持團隊成員的隔離狀態,偶爾的再補給運輸都是由機器人完成的。1200平方英尺的模擬太空家園,為每位成員準備了小的睡眠區,以及廚房、實驗室和浴室。夏威夷大學管理的設施被稱為夏威夷太空探索模擬和模擬,或HI-SEAS世界各國有很多其他的火星模擬項目,但夏威夷大學的項目多年來一直得到聯邦政府的資助,而且夏威夷大學稱,他們的項目是獨一無二的,因為夏威夷的可訪問性、天氣和類似火星的地理條件,位於岩石之下,世界上最大活火山山頂之下的紅色平原。(張微編譯)以下為英文原文:NASA study in Hawaii paving way for human travel to MarsA group of NASA-funded researchers is poised to enter an isolated geodesic dome on a remote Hawaii volcano to study human behavior in long-term space exploration, including a planned voyage to Mars.The six scientists enter their new home Thursday on the Big Island's Mauna Loa volcano for an eight-month stay.The team will have no physical contact with people in the outside world and will work with a 20-minute delay in communications, the time it would take for an email to reach Earth from Mars.The study will assess the psychological difficulties associated with living in isolated and confined conditions for an extended time.The project is designed to help the U.S. space agency send humans on long space voyages including to Mars by the 2030s."We're hoping to figure out how best to select individual astronauts, how to compose a crew and how to support that crew on long-duration space missions," principal investigator Kim Binstead, a University of Hawaii science professor.She said NASA's timeline is realistic unless the agency is "directed to do something different by the new administration."Trump's transition team did not respond to an emailed request for comment on NASA's plan.Leading the crew is mission commander James Bevington, a freelance space scientist who has acted as a visiting researcher for the International Space University. The other team members include engineers, a computer scientist, a doctoral candidate and a biomedical expert.They were selected from a group of 700 applicants that went through cognitive and personality tests as well as extensive interviews."When I started, my biggest fear was that we were going to be that crew that turned out like Biosphere 2, which wasn't a very pretty picture," Bevington said.Biosphere 2 was a 1990s experimental greenhouse-like habitat in Arizona. It housed different natural ecosystems and a small crew in an effort to understand what would be needed for humans to live on other planets.The experiment quickly spiraled out of control as the habitat failed to maintain safe levels of carbon dioxide and the crew grew discontent.The latest HI-SEAS mission is the third round of research funded by NASA, which has dedicated over $2 million to the Hawaii project. Previous missions focused on food requirements and crew cohesion."Mars is one of the best places in the solar system to look for signs of past or current life," said Binstead, adding that would be the most significant scientific discovery "of all time."Furthermore, man-made disasters or natural catastrophes such as an asteroid hit could force a human exodus from Earth, she said. "Right now, all of our eggs for life are in one basket. I think it's a good overall strategy for us as a species to spread out further."The researchers will wear devices around their necks that measure their moods and proximity to other team members. They'll also use virtual reality devices to simulate familiar and comforting surroundings they wouldn't have access to while living on Mars.They will wear space suits whenever they leave the compound to conduct daily tasks including geological and mapping studies. The crew eats mostly freeze-dried foods that have a long shelf life. Some canned food and lightweight snacks are also brought in, including one of Hawaii's favorites."Spam gets quite popular," Binstead said.Occasional resupply deliveries are recovered with a robot in order to maintain the crew's isolation. The 1200-square-foot simulated space home has small sleeping quarters for each member as well as a kitchen, laboratory and bathroom.The University of Hawaii operates the facility called Hawaii Space Exploration Analog and Simulation, or HI-SEAS.There are a number of other Mars simulation projects around the world, but the Hawaii project has been receiving federal funding for several years and is unique, the university says, because of its accessibility, weather and Mars-like geography, tucked away on a rocky, red plain below the summit of the world's largest active volcano.

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