3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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點擊收聽音頻>>內容簡介你有對你當面笑臉相迎,背後藏刀的朋友嗎?他們算是朋友嗎?聽節目,學習一個用來形容「不是真正朋友」的新合成詞。文字稿(關於台詞的備註: 請注意這不是廣播節目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能沒有體現錄製、編輯過程中對節目做出的改變。)Feifei:大家好,歡迎收聽BBC英語(精品課)教學的《地道英語》節目。我是馮菲菲。Neil:…and hello, I'm Neil. So Feifei, did you enjoy Jane's leaving party last night?Feifei:Oh yeah, it was great. 我們的同事 Jane 離職了,昨晚我們給她辦了一個告別會。還有好多吃的,喝的……Neil:But that was the only reason, was it? Weren't you sad to see her leave? You've worked with her for many years.Feifei:Oh… right… yes. Very sad. Jane 找到了一份新工作所以要離開我們,我當然很傷心了。Such a shame to see her go: we were such good friends.Neil:Friends! Really? Didn't she tell the boss when you took that extra-long lunch break?Feifei:那倒是,不過我們平時的關係還是很好的。Neil:Hmm, and didn't you once punch her when she tried to chat up your boyfriend at the Christmas party?Feifei:OK, OK, I didn't like her that much.Neil:Well, it sounds like you really were her 'frenemy' – someone who pretends to be her friend but is really her enemy. It's a combination of two words – friend and enemy. Get it?Feifei:Yes, a fren-emy! 在英語里,一個笑臉相迎、偽裝成朋友的敵人或者和我們互相競爭的同伴就叫「frenemy友敵」。Hmm, I've never had one of those before.Neil:Really? Well, let's hear this word in action.ExamplesShe seems so false. I wouldn't trust her – she's just a frenemy.Tania's been my frenemy for years – I'd go for a quick drink with her but that's it!Tom's just my frenemy – I pretend to like him but really I can't stand him!Feifei:合成詞 frenemy 的意思就是「一個表面上假裝和我們做朋友但實際背後不認可、不喜歡我們的人」。 I wonder if I was her frenemy?Neil:I'm afraid you were. She told me she was only friends with you so she could share your biscuits – but she really didn't like you. She told me at the party last night.Feifei:Thank goodness we are real friends, Neil – at least we can be honest with each other.Neil:Well, actually, I don't like you much either. I only pretend to be your friend when I'm presenting this programme!Feifei:你也是我的「友敵」?Neil:Oh, don't cry, Feifei. I'm only joking.

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