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Isaiah Thomas' Message for Boston in the Player's Tribune: This is for Boston.小托馬斯在球星看台上發表文章告別凱爾特人:獻給波士頓。虎撲全文翻譯鏈接:以賽亞-托馬斯親筆長文:給波士頓的一封信 https://bbs.hupu.com/20185464.html[–]Trail BlazersNoveson 2055 指標 7小時前People had these signs they made, and I can still see them: THIS IS FOR CHYNA. WE <3 ISAIAH. That sort of thing. Then they did a moment of silence, the whole arena, in Chyna』s honor. And it was like … man. I just realized, in that moment, that I didn』t need the court to shield me. I didn』t need to block it all out, and pretend I wasn』t grieving. I didn』t have to be alone in this.Shit man...it's too damn early on a Wednesday for that kind've emotion「我得到的掌聲,我現在仍能聽到。人們打出的標語,我現在仍能看到:這是為了Chyna,WE ❤️ ISAIAH。隨後他們默哀了一段時間,整個球館,為了Chyna。我驚呆了。在那一刻,我才意識到,我不需要球場來保護我。我不需要屏蔽這一切,並假裝我不悲傷。」哎…這才周三啊…我不想這麼早就借酒消愁。[–][GSW] Andre Iguodalaandyjs 489 指標 6小時前This may be my favorite PT article ever. Beautifully written, and genuine. Man, IT is something else. Makes me wanna pick up his Boston jersey cheap somewhere if I can勇士球迷:這可能是我最喜歡的一篇球星看台文章。文筆華麗,感情真誠。小托馬斯真TM是一條漢子!現在我想找地方買件他的降價波士頓球衣了。[–]Warriorscoop0606 106 指標 5小時前Dont forget he was a King before it all!別忘了,在這一切之前他還是國王的一員啊![–]Kingszmaniacz 144 指標 4小時前We are SUCH idiots.國王球迷:我們是真的蠢。[–]HeatTakeOutFromHooters 41 指標 3小時前His only "sin" is that he couldn't gel with Cousins. Not that DC is an easy person to play with or coexist with.小托馬斯在國王時期唯一的所謂罪過就是無法和考辛斯共存。不過跟考辛斯打球和共存也不是一件容易的事。[–]Celticsbirthdayboy6969 240 指標 7小時前WHO IS CHOPPING ALL THE ONIONS凱爾特人球迷:是誰在切洋蔥(我的眼淚止不住地流)?[–]MavericksPilot_G3 1109 指標 7小時前"Ok, now destroy it"Damn IT「(另一隻球隊)告訴我:好了,現在去摧毀你在凱爾特人建造的一切吧。」小托是真TM受傷了。[–]Lakersacl2149 261 指標 6小時前What's kind of weird is that Boston only has one starter from last year left right? Isaiah wont really recognize that team he's going against.奇怪的是,凱爾特人去年的首發現在只剩下一個了。小托馬斯再對上凱爾特人的時候可能都認不出來他們了。[–]KillerBeesRedux 186 指標 6小時前Yeah, just Horford. Smart is a "starter" too, in that he plays starter minutes and closes out games for them.沒錯,只剩霍福德了。斯瑪特也勉強算是個首發,因為他打的是首發才有的出場時間,而且關鍵時刻都在場上。[–][SAS] Danny GreenVanizOne 190 指標 6小時前This is going to be a great year for the NBA下賽季的NBA有得看了。[–]Celticsbustedracquet 217 指標 5小時前Cavs vs. Celtics is a great drama for the NBA considering that everybody knows the Warriors are going to win the championship.凱爾特人球迷:既然大家都知道勇士下賽季的冠軍是鐵板釘釘的事實了,騎凱對決一下成了NBA最有噱頭的劇本。[–]HeartOfFartness 113 指標 5小時前Those two teams meeting in the eastern conference finals will be way more exciting than the finals honestly.說實話,下賽季東決的騎凱決戰會比總決賽有意思的多。[–][CLE] LeBron Jamesbootlegsupreme 207 指標 7小時前*I got fucking goosebumps from reading that. The context with him talking about how that celtics team came together and how he played a part in building that. And then he drops a flex bomb with "ok, now destroy it."Whoooo騎士球迷:我看那段的時候全身起雞皮疙瘩。他談到凱爾特人的那支陣容是如何組建到一起,他自己是如何幫助凱爾特人成功的,然後他就投下深水炸彈:「等到季後賽來臨的時候。另一支球隊(騎士告訴我):好了,現在去摧毀你自己建造的一切吧。」哇…這筆交易簡直冷酷地沒人性。[–][BOS] Isaiah Thomasddownie56 1152 指標 7小時前Shit man. That was a tough read.凱爾特人球迷:操…看得我心痛。[–]Celticspersona_dos 807 指標 6小時前We love IT. He framed it beautifully. I think what hurt the most was reading this:And so when I say this hurts, man — just know that it isn』t because of anything anyone else did. It』s only because of something I did.I fell in love with Boston.凱爾特人球迷:我們都愛小托馬斯,他完美地把把這些情感表達了出來。我覺得最令人心痛的部分是這段:「當我說這一切很令我受傷時,你們只要記得,這不是來源於其他人的所作所為,而恰恰是我自己的。因為我愛上波士頓了。」[–]CelticsiAmTheRealLange 153 指標 6小時前He really hates Danny. It makes me happy knowing how much he loved it here, and I hope he knows he will always be loved and welcomed back here. But that man really hates Danny Ainge.凱爾特人球迷:他現在是真的恨安吉。知道他很愛波士頓令我很開心,我也希望他明白,波士頓永遠愛戴並歡迎以賽亞-托馬斯。不過,小托馬斯現在是真的恨安吉入骨。[–]Xanaxdabs 108 指標 5小時前Danny makes the smart roster moves, but doesn't think much about the players themselves, or the fans.安吉把陣容搞得有聲有色,但是不怎麼考慮球員的感情,也不怎麼考慮球迷的想法。[–]Heat BandwagonMalevolentAmmo 69 指標 5小時前Yet the 2008 Celtics are still salty and a lot of Boston fan still angry that Ray left.熱火球迷:然而,2008年的那支綠軍上下還是對雷-阿倫的離去憤憤不平,很多波士頓球迷也還是對雷的離開憤怒不已。[–][BOS] Kevin Garnettceltics090 298 指標 7小時前He clearly loved the city and the fans so much. A lot of athletes that come through Boston don't fully understand how much this city will love you if you play the right way. IT definitely did, and gave everything he had to earn that. Like he said, it's a business, but still tough to see a guy like that traded.凱爾特人球迷:很明顯,小托馬斯深愛著波士頓這座城市和球迷。很多來波士頓的球隊打球的運動員不能夠完全認識到:如果你好好打,這座城市絕不會吝嗇自己的喜愛之情。小托馬斯全力以赴,自己掙得了我們的熱愛。就像他說的那樣,這一切只不過是生意,但是小托馬斯被交易走還是讓我傷心。[–]Lakersacl2149 115 指標 7小時前I freaking hate boston sports but after reading that Im really sad Isaiah didn't get to be a legend there. Hit me right in the feels湖人球迷:我TM恨死波士頓的體育隊伍了。但是讀完這篇文章之後,我真的對小托馬斯不能在波士頓退役成為傳奇傷心不已。太感人了。[–]Celticspersona_dos 88 指標 7小時前He wanted to be a legend too. I'm so sad. :(凱爾特人球迷:小托馬斯自己也想成為波士頓的傳奇。我好傷心。[–]Celticsmike8902 120 指標 6小時前Does a legend have to play here their whole career to be legendary? I don't think so. Scoring 53 points in a crucial playoff game, on a bum hip, a couple days after your sister died is ABSOLUTELY legendary in my eyes.凱爾特人球迷:成為傳奇也並不代表該球員必須在那支球隊度過自己的整個職業生涯啊。帶著臀部傷病、還沒從自己的妹妹幾天前的去世的悲痛中緩過神來,小托直接在一場關鍵的季後賽中砍下53分。這TM就是傳奇![–][BOS] Jaylen BrownJay7Tum11 1635 指標 7小時前I like to imagine that sometime not long from now, somewhere in Boston, someone is going to be a parent, talking basketball to their kid. And their kid is going to ask them, point-blank like kids do, you know, 「Yo — why you become a Celtics fan?」And that parent, man, they』re going to think back to themselves — really think on it. And then they』re going to smile, and tell the truth.「I saw Isaiah Thomas play.」That would make me very happy. For me, I think, that』d be enough.That got me.「我喜歡去想象在不久后的某個時刻,在波士頓的某處,某人將會成為一位父母,向他們的孩子講籃球的故事。他們的孩子天真無邪,開口問道,「爸爸/媽媽,你為什麼會成為一名凱爾特人球迷?」那位父母,他們會認真地思考這個問題。然後他們會微笑,並告知孩子真相:「因為以賽亞-托馬斯。」這會讓我感到非常開心。我認為,對於我而言,這足夠了。」我的眼淚在讀到末尾時掉了下來。[–]CelticsLeo_the_great 393 指標 7小時前I was a "big" Celtics fan during the big three era because my discovery of basketball coincided with moving to New England and the start of the big 3. However, my fandom was not even close to what IT's Celtics fostered these past 2.5 years.Despite being a Celtics fan for awhile before IT, I think I would answer that question the same way.凱爾特人球迷:因為我恰好在三巨頭聚首初期搬到了新英格蘭,那時候我剛剛接觸到籃球的美妙,自然而然地成為了綠軍的球迷。然而,這一切都比不上小托馬斯時代的綠軍帶給我的美好和隨之而來的對綠軍的狂熱。儘管在小托馬斯來到綠軍之前我已經做了很長時間的凱爾特人球迷了,我覺得,如果別人問我為什麼喜歡凱爾特人,我也會回答:「因為以賽亞-托馬斯。」[–]CavaliersAminElHassavag 547 指標 7小時前James, my oldest — I guess he really is his father』s son, because he asked the same first question I did. 「To where?」「Cleveland. They traded me for Kyrie.」 And I』m pretty sure you know what came next.「LEBRON! LEBRON JAMES! Dad — Dad. You get to play with LeBron James!」James gets it我的大兒子James真不愧是他爹的兒子,因為他的第一個問題跟我問的一樣:「交易到哪了?」「去了騎士,他們用我換了歐文。」我想你們應該能猜到他的反應:「勒布朗!!!勒布朗!!!老爸,老爸,你要和勒布朗-詹姆斯一起打球了!!!」騎士球迷:小托馬斯的兒子詹姆斯懂球。[–]Celticsawrf 378 指標 7小時前I can't wait to read Jae Crowder's eloquent all-caps follow up Players Tribune post, "FUCK YOU BOSTON: < I HAVE NO PROBLEM LEAVING IT.!"凱爾特人球迷:隨之而來的可能就是克勞德的全大寫的短小精悍的文章:「去特么的波士頓,離開那我一點事兒都沒有!「[–]Trail BlazersNoveson 413 指標 8小時前Lol not one comment on this?And like I said, there』s no hard feelings. But I just hope that the next time a player leaves in free agency, and anybody wants to jump on him or write a critical story or a nasty tweet about him, maybe now they』ll think twice. Maybe they』ll look around the league, look at a case like mine, and remember that loyalty — it』s just a word. And it』s a powerful word if you want it to be. But man … when it comes to business, it ain』t nothing to count on.Reddit aint going to like this!just like that, without any warning — by the franchise that I scratched and clawed for, and bled for, and put my everything on the line for? That』s why people need to fix their perspective. It』s like, man — with a few exceptions, unless we』re free agents, 99 times out of 100, it』s the owners with the power. So when players are getting moved left and right, and having their lives changed without any say-so, and it』s no big deal … but then the handful of times it flips, and the player has control … then it』s some scandal?哈哈竟然沒人提到這些:「如我所言,我並不會抱怨什麼,但我希望當明年有自由球員選擇離隊時,如果有人還打算踩他幾腳,寫文章噁心他或者發推特攻擊他的時候,也許該三思而行了。也許他們應該審視一下這個聯盟,看看像我這樣的情況,然後記住這一點:忠誠,就是普通的兩個字而已,當然也可以是兩個強有力的字,但是在生意麵前,它是多麼得蒼白無力。」哎呦,Reddit可要恨死接下來的這段話了:「沒有任何預警,我就這樣被這支我為它盡心儘力、流血流淚、傾盡所有的球隊交易了?這也是為什麼人們需要改變他們的觀念——99%的情況下,權利都是掌握在球隊手中的,唯一的例外就是當我們是自由球員的時候。球員們被送來送去,朝不保夕,生活因此改變卻沒有任何發言權,但是這好像很無所謂。然而當事情發生翻轉,我們球員們掌握了主動權……然後這反而成為了我們的醜聞?說實話,這很大程度上揭露了我們所處的聯盟的現狀,甚至是這個社會的現狀,同時說明我們還有很長的路要走。」[–]ThunderLeMeloBall 340 指標 7小時前*KD is awesome and I'm glad he did went out to get a ring.If KD came back different from that foot injury to average 14PPG then OKC would've traded him and it would've been a "business." Glad KD did that before they had an opportunity to do him dirty.Chicago threw out hometown MVP Rose like yesterday's fish, Miami wouldn't shell out an extra couple million to someone who willed them to their first chip, loyalty is deadKD all day, 5x Finals MVP in the works boiii, also I hate the warriors, KD is the future best player in the world tho"Le he join 73-9 team xD" -> Lebron formed a team that he initially thought would win 6-8 championships because he thought DWade would be 2009 DWade for years to come and age like Vino Kobe.雷霆球迷:杜蘭特棒極了,我很開心他能離開我們去追尋戒指。如果杜蘭特沒有從那次腳傷中恢復,場均得個14分。雷霆指定會交易他的,人們又會說這一切只是生意。我很開心杜蘭特有機會在別人搞他之前自己決定自己的未來。公牛把昨日的家鄉MVP羅斯像臭魚一樣丟了出去,熱火甚至都不願意給那位抗起球隊奪得第一個總冠軍的球隊傳奇多付幾百萬美元。根本就沒什麼忠誠。我tm一路頂杜蘭特,5個FMVP,杜蘭特上吧!另外,我恨勇士,不過杜蘭特是未來的聯盟第一人。人們說他加入了73勝9負的球隊。但是要記住,詹姆斯加入熱火的時候原本以為自己能拿下6-8個總冠軍,因為他覺得韋德會保持2009年的狀態,並像科比那樣,如紅酒般經得起歲月沉澱。[–]KingsTheFoxKing5 121 指標 7小時前*I think it's a bad narrative that people keep pressing. I think you'd find the majority (not all) of fans that disagree with KD do so because they hate where he went and what that meant for the competitive nature of the league. It's not that he left OKC. In fact, there was a lot of excitement around him potentially going to Washington or Boston to add another challenger in the East.我覺得小托馬斯關於杜蘭特的這番話是有些人故意歪曲輿論。大部分的球迷都並不反對杜蘭特離開鵝城,他們恨的是杜蘭特加入了勇士,徹底搞砸了聯盟的競爭性。根本跟他離開鵝城沒關係。實際上,他進入自由市場時,他去奇才或者凱爾特人的前景都令廣大球迷激動不已,因為這意味著東部不再一家獨大。

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