3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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為了幫助大家高效備考托福,熟悉托福閱讀辭彙,新東方在線托福網為大家帶來托福閱讀辭彙解析(68)一文,希望對大家托福備考有所幫助。更多精彩盡請關注新東方在線托福網!TPO 25中篇declinedecrease, reduction,cut, drop下降The move stopped the pound's decline but failed to bring about a significant rally.venetian威尼斯城的Dürer's work taught Venetian artists that landscape could be an independent element of a painting, rather than just a symbolic backdrop for religious subjects.peninsulaisland半島As for whether they will touch upon the situation on the Korean Peninsula, we will know after their meetings.procure獲得, 採辦No settlements were founded, experts believe that these brief raids were to procure supplies such as timber for other civilizations.shipmenttransportation裝運, 貨物The seller is not to take the responsibility for no delivery or shipment delay due to generally irresistible reason.shipyardfactory造船廠A few years after college, an old family friend offered me an office job in Virginia with a salary and benefits, so I moved hundreds of miles away from my family to work for a shipyard.florence佛羅倫薩So the scope of this project was more than the previous research in cities such as Florence and Rome, where only the presence and movements of tourists was mapped.elicit誘出I elicit their understanding of what gave rise to the symptoms, their expected course, and their perceived seriousness.resurgence復興, 再起Then the crash, happened here and there. Only Israel got a double whammy of the Second Intifada and a resurgence of violence starting around the same time.maritimeoceangraphy海事的This achievement rests above all on openness: openness of trade, openness of ideas, and openness of what I would call the 『common areas』 — whether in the maritime, space, or cyber domains.appealdraw呼籲The right of individuals to appeal to a higher court is provided for in the constitution.intermediary媒介的, 中間人Fourth, we have strengthened the service and coordinating functions of such intermediary organizations.dominatemonopoly控制We are even more social than monkeys and apes and it is this ability to get on with each other that has helped us dominate the planet.recruitemployment招募Every person you recruit to the Rebellion through your page will make your connection to the Force even stronger.cargofreight貨物They say it could one day replace Nasa』s Space Shuttle to transport up to 12 tonnes of cargo and astronauts to the International Space Station.demandrequest需求Why do we have to define professionalism in terms of basic supply and demand?compulsoryobligatory, mandatory必須的, 強制的voluntary;optionalSome subjects, such as mathematice, physics and English, are compulsory for the students in this department.privilege特權, 優惠His loss will be felt deeply, not only by his family but also by his soldiers and others who, like me, had the privilege to serve with him, " he said.stretch伸展You should be able to feel the stretch in your hip and down the IT band (in this case, along the right side of your right leg).handledeal with處理If you answered yes to one or more of the above, then you need to think about how you handle the matter of time in your application.innovationcreation創新Large numbers of machine tools have been rushed out since the implementation of technological innovation.reservebook預留The workers of this nature reserve try to clean it by themselves but their efforts are not enough.vessedship船, 艦capacity容量ImcapacityIf you go on living, you do so only through your capacity for objectification, your ability to free yourself, in writing, from the infinite strain.outdatedold-fashioned過時的, 落伍的To what extent have they been able to identify all the outdated equipment out there – have companies managed to hide some of it from the government?dung緊緊抱住Tom: No.Although 75% of its raw materials is elephant dung, it is light delicate fragrance instead of stink. This is due to its special fabrication technology.displayshow, exhibition陳列, 展覽Her attention was engaged by the display of the new dress in the ship windows.conventionalnormal傳統的So if you look at this part of the curve, this chart, everything to the right is in fact what you might see in a conventional fossil boil or natural gas plant.establishment建立With test infrastructures, one symptom of high maintenance costs is the establishment of a "tools team" to maintain the infrastructure.apparentobvious明顯的When the synthetic is contrasted with the natural one, the difference is very apparent.replacetake over代替, 取代IrreplaceableHowever, this will replace all of your work in this project, so backup anything you want to keep.scarcitylack缺乏, 不足This is indispensable in a region like the Near East, where the scarcity of water prohibits further agricultural expansion.profitable有利可圖的UnprofitableOur cost of production allows us to be profitable everywhere, not only in Europe but also in China.council委員會, 理事會Not only me, me and most of the Iraqis, they are concerned about this council.delivership, bring投遞, 發表No one will believe those promises because they know that later it will not be in your interest to deliver.previouslybefore, prior to, earlier之前Document these assumptions and constraints so that when you go to update your plan throughout the project you can remember some of the "unusual" decisions you made previously.mediterranean地中海If you』re on a cruise through the Mediterranean, you might only have one day in Athens.distribution分佈, 分配The principle of distribution in socialist society is 「from each according to his ability」and 「to each according to his work」.decayrot, spoil, decompose衰敗, 腐爛These materials are known as "radioisotopes"—versions of an element that, because they have an abnormal number of neutrons, frequently decay and release radiation.contemporarymodern當代的, 同時代的The ivory Buddha carved by Shen Weizhong, a contemporary Chinese sculptor, is the world's smallest piece of sculpture, its size being just four-fifths that of a grain of rice.conservationpreservation保守But he argues that in the long term the focus must shift to conservation, efficiency, and more rational pricing so that city users pay their fair share.emigrate移居國外ImmigrateAlthough I had had several opportunities to emigrate, I stayed in Albania throughout the darkest and most dangerous period.navigation導航, 航行However, since it performs module switching by launching other modules and is an integral part of the navigation structure, we include it here as well.noble高尚的In old days wealth and power centralized in the hands of a few noble families.propelpush, drive推進This little spheroid sports thousands of tiny hairs around the outer edge of its body called cilia that propel it at lightning speeds through freshwater scum.oar船槳Suchen never understood what had driven her to grasp the oar at the last moment.想要提高英語辭彙量,光看這些還不夠!授人以魚不如授人以漁!新東方十年功勛教師老司機唐悅寧老師親授18種英語辭彙記憶法教你如何事半功倍地掌握10000+托福單詞!18種方法,總有一款適合你!適用人群:凡是覺得背單詞難的同學戳圖查看詳情↓↓↓↓

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