3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

資料圖It『s the ancient art of telling your fortune from numbers hidden in your life。 Here, in the concluding part of our fascinating numerology series, how they hold the key to your character。。。 All you need do is look up the day of the month on which you were born in the key below。根據人生中隱藏的數字便可對你的未來做出預測——這是一項古老的藝術。這裡,我們用數字占卜序列總結了人們的性格。你只需要在下面相應找出自己出生那天的解讀即可。Where the number has two digits — as it does for anyone born beyond the 9th of each month — we often see a combination of the qualities associated with each of the two numerals。如果號碼是兩位數(即對每個月出生在9號之後的人而言),我們通常會把十位和個位這兩個數字具有的特徵結合起來分析。Your Day of the month …你出生的那天是:1st You『re a strong individual with leadership abilities。 You have a creative and inventive mind that must be utilised。 You prefer to be in charge or self-employed。 Your independent streak encourages you to march to the beat of your own drum。1號:你是一個很有能力的人,擁有領導才能。你具有創新和創造力,並一定會運用這些能力。你更喜歡做負責人或是自我管理。你獨立的個性激勵著你按照自己的意願行事。2nd You seek balance and harmony in your life。 You『re cooperative, empathetic, and understanding of others』 problems。 You work well with others but need to build your self-confidence。 Love and partnership are very important to you。2號:你於生活中尋求平衡與和諧。你富有合作意識,能推己及人,懂得他人的難處。你與其他人共事得很好,但需要構建自信心。對你而言,愛與夥伴非常重要。3rd You have a good sense of humour and enjoy communicating with others。 You may also have artistic or creative abilities。 People are attracted to your charismatic personality。 You have that 『certain something』。3號:你很幽默,喜歡與他人溝通。你也許還有藝術細胞或創造力。人們為你迷人的氣質所吸引。你擁有「某樣才能」。4th You are strong-minded and determined。 You set high standards for yourself and others, and honesty is very important to you。 You『re hard-working and conscientious about the quality of your work。 Others trust and rely on you。4號:你意志力堅定,不會被輕易撼動。你不僅嚴於律己,也對其他人設立高要求。你很看重誠實。你工作認真勤懇,注重工作質量。其他人信任並依靠你。5th You have the gift of the gab。 A born communicator, you can talk to anyone about anything。 You『re multi-talented and have a variety of interests。 However, you』re easily bored when something is no longer a challenge。 You find it easier to commit to things that mentally stimulate you。5號: 你能說會道,有天生的交流能力。你和什麼人都有的聊。你多才多藝,且興趣愛好廣泛。不過,當某件事對你來說再也不具有挑戰性時,你很容易感到無聊。你覺得自己更易熱衷於那些讓你感受到興奮刺激的事。6th You『re reliable and responsible and enjoy taking care of others。 People often turn to you for advice and assistance。 You』re family-orientated and would rather be in a relationship than on your own。 Love is very important to you。6號:你可靠又負責。你喜歡照顧他人。人們總向你尋求意見或幫助。你顧家,而且,與其事事自己一人,你更樂意與他人一起。你很在意愛。7th You have a deep and analytical mind。 You dislike superficiality and like to look beyond the surface of things。 Quiet time alone away from the hustle and bustle of life is vital to your wellbeing。 You『re extremely intuitive。 Be sure to follow your instincts。7號:你想法深沉縝密。你討厭虛偽,且喜歡透過事物的表面看本質。從生活的繁忙喧囂中逃離,獨自一人的靜謐時光便讓你感到幸福。你的第六感很強。確保跟隨自己的直覺走。8th You『re a leader rather than a follower。 You have a logical, practical mind and a talent for business。 You have the ability to be self-employed or a manager, a team leader or a supervisor。 Both your appearance and your achievements are important to you。8號:你不是被領導者,而是領導者。你想法實在,很有邏輯。你有商業頭腦,你能夠自己創業或是成為一個經理、團隊的領導者或監督者。你對自己的外貌和成就都挺看重的。9th You have a sensitive and generous nature。 You『re broad-minded and able to see the bigger picture in life。 You』ve been gifted with the ability to understand a diverse range of people and their cultures。 You may also be creatively talented in some way。9號:你生性敏感而慷慨。你很大度,且能看到更廣闊的生活圖景。你天賦異稟,能理解各種各樣的人與差別各異的文化。從某方面來講,你也許還有創造才能。10th You『re a natural manager and leader。 Highly independent and unique, it』s important that you embrace your individuality and originality, because this is the key to your success。 You can be competitive and insecure, and like to be number one。10號:你天生有管理與領導才能。你非常獨立且有個性。盡情發揮你的獨立和創新意識,因為這是你成功的關鍵。你也可能缺乏自信又好勝,喜歡做第一。11th Highly sensitive and intuitive, you『re a deep and caring person who enjoys uplifting and inspiring other people。 But you can also be easily hurt and taken advantage of by others。 When you believe in yourself, you can achieve big things。11號:你很敏感,直覺很強。你內斂而友愛,喜歡鼓勵、激勵他人。不過你也容易受傷,並被他人利用。當你堅信自己時,你能成大事。12th You『re sociable and friendly and enjoy being around people。 You』re a natural entertainer, with the ability to cheer people up when they『re down。 You possess the independence and determination of the 1, combined with the kindness and compassion of the 2。12號:你友善隨和,喜歡和人交際。你是天生的娛樂家,能夠讓心情低落的人振作起來。你有1號出生之人的那種獨立與決心,同時還兼蓄了2號出生之人的友善與憐憫心。13th You『ve had to learn the value of hard work。 No stranger to the importance of perseverance and discipline, you』re a talented problem-solver who gets things done。 You combine the strength and determination of the 1 with the creative mind of the 3。13號:你尤為明白努力工作的意義。你對持之以恆、嚴於律己並不陌生,你有解決問題的才能。你融合了1號出生之人的實力、決心和3號出生之人的創造力。14th You『re a natural salesperson and communicator, and people are attracted to your charisma。 Your challenge is to make a commitment and stick with it。 Be mindful of addiction and overindulgence。14號:你有做銷售和溝通的天賦。人們被你的個人魅力吸引。你的難題在於許下承諾並堅守它。你要小心別對某樣事物上癮而過度放縱。15th You enjoy helping others and are blessed with a magnetic personality。 Due to the independence of your 1 and your 5『s need for freedom, you require the space to be yourself in relationships。 Love and family are important to you。15號:你樂於助人,迷人氣質與生俱來。鑒於你具備1號出生者的獨立以及5號出生者對自由的渴望,在和他人接觸時,你需要足夠的空間來做你自己。愛與家庭對於你來說很重要。16th You can see through phoney people and situations。 You don『t trust easily。 Deep, contemplative and intuitive, you look beyond the surface of things。 Personal development and a complete overcoming of the ego is the key to your success。16號:你能識破騙子和假象。你不輕易交付自己的信任。你內斂,愛沉思,並相信直覺。你能看到事物的本質。要想成功,你得取得個人發展並完全地戰勝自我。17th You prefer to work in a position of authority。 You combine the leadership qualities of your number 1 with the intuition and logic of your 7, making you a gifted decision-maker to whom others look for guidance。17號:你更喜歡自己在工作中處於權威地位。你結合了一號出生之人的領導力以及7號出生者的直覺和邏輯能力,因而這使你有做決策的天賦,他人會想你尋求指引。18th You may work in a service-based career。 You『re a strong-minded and independent person who prefers to be in charge; but you also have a good understanding of people and their needs。 Patience and tolerance are keys to your success。18號:你也許會做一份與服務相關的工作。你意志堅定且獨立,喜歡掌控局面。不過你也很能理解人們和他們的需求。耐心與寬容是你成功的關鍵。19th You have executive abilities and are driven to achieve your goals。 When you admit your mistakes and accept advice from others, you increase your potential for success。 A talented leader, you are often respected by others。19號:你有作為執行者的天賦,並下定決心達成自己的目標。當你承認自身錯誤,接受來自他人的建議時,你成功的幾率便增大了。你有領導者的才能,經常受到他人的尊重。20th You『re a peaceful person who dislikes arguing and confrontation。 You』re empathetic towards others and are a natural counsellor and healer。 You can be indecisive and insecure; however, self-confidence is your key to success。20號:你是個討厭爭論與衝突的平和之人。你有同情心,是做諮詢師和治癒者的那塊料。你可能優柔寡斷、缺乏自信,不過你走向成功的關鍵卻是自信。21st You『re multi-talented, with varied interests。 You were born with the gift of communication — a talented speaker who can talk to anyone about anything。 However, you must be mindful not to use your words to gossip or complain。21號:你多才多藝,愛好廣泛。你在與人交流方面具有天賦——無論何人你都能談得來。不過你得小心用詞用語,別去八卦或抱怨。22nd You『re highly sensitive and intuitive。 You have the gift of added insight when you combine your intuition with your logical mind。 You work well with others and have the ability to lead large projects when you focus and apply yourself。22號:你極度敏感,直覺超好。當你將邏輯思維與直覺結合時,你具備的洞察力能錦上添花。你和他人合作得很好。且你在聚精會神、發揮自我才能的同時,還可管理好大型項目。23rd You『re a mover and a shaker, with a magnetic personality。 You like excitement and adventure and need your freedom to do your own thing。 You enjoy networking with others and offering advice。 You』re a natural salesperson and promoter。23號:你有權勢,又具備個人魅力。你喜歡刺激和冒險,且希望能自由做自己的事。你喜歡與人交流,並提供建議。你有做銷售員和宣傳員的天賦。24th You are family-orientated and like to be needed。 You『re a natural parent and caregiver and are happiest when you』re helping someone out。 You may work in a service-based career but you need to be careful not to 『over-help』 or interfere in others『 lives。24號:你顧家,且喜歡被人需要的感覺。你有照顧他人的才能。在幫助某人走出困境時是你感到最為快樂的時刻。你也許會從事服務行業,不過你需要小心,別幫忙過度或干擾到他人的生活。25th You『re a natural student and teacher, whose interests may tend towards subjects like psychology and philosophy。 Needing quiet time alone to process your thoughts and contemplate life, you may appear distant or guarded at times。25號:你兼有學習和育人的天賦。你的興趣也許偏向心理學、哲學這類主題。由於你需要一個人安靜地思考和對生活進行沉思,你可能有時看起來態度疏遠或神情警惕。26th You make a good leader because you lead alongside others, as opposed to controlling from above。 You『re determined and strong-minded, and you don』t like being told what to do。 You have a talent for business and thrive in self-employment。26號:你是一個很好的領導,因為你並非從高高在上地控制團隊,而是與團隊成員並肩做引導。你意志力堅定,不喜歡他人告訴你該做什麼。你有從商的天賦,在自我管理下漸漸壯大。27th You may be artistic or creative。 You love to fight for the underdog and have a strong sense of justice。 You combine the analytical mind of your number 7 with the intuition of your number 2 — giving you a leading edge when dealing with business matters and people。27號:你也許很有藝術家的氣質或極富創造力。你喜歡為弱者打抱不平,正義感十足。你結合了7號出生者的分析頭腦以及2號出生者的直覺。這使得你在處理商業事宜、與人打交道時,凸顯出領導優勢。28th You『re a go-getter who doesn』t take 『no』 for an answer。 When you have your mind set on something, you will do everything in your power to get it。 You『re competitive and like to stand out in a crowd。 You combine strength with intuition and compassion。28號:你很有抱負,不會被否認擊倒。當你下定決心做某事時,你會全力以赴去實現它。你好競爭,喜歡成為人群中的佼佼者。你將能力與直覺和同情心結合在一起。29th Deep, intuitive and spiritual, you may have an interest in anything that falls under the 『mind, body, spirit』 umbrella。 You『re a gifted counsellor and healer, with an open and loving heart。 However, you need to learn to love and appreciate yourself。29號:你內斂、直覺力強且精神世界豐富。你也許對任何能歸類於「心、身、靈」的事物抱有興趣。你天生就有做顧問和治癒者的才能,因為你心胸開闊、仁愛。不過你需要學著去愛和欣賞自己。30th You『re a born entertainer who likes to be the centre of attention。 You may be artistically or creatively gifted, or clever with your hands。 You』re a talented speaker who has a way with words — but you must use your words to uplift, rather than to criticise or put down。30號:你生下來就是當娛樂家的料,你喜歡成為眾人關注的焦點。你也許有藝術和創造力方面的天賦,或是動手能力很強。你有語言表達天賦,對說話很有一套。不過你要合理使用話語,要學會鼓舞,而非貶斥他人。31st Practical and grounded, you are blessed with creative ideas。 You『re also conscientious and hard-working, and strive to get results。 You work well with others but prefer to be in charge。 People respect and admire you, and rely on you for advice。31號:你實事求是,有創造力方面的天賦。你也勤勤懇懇,努力獲得好的成果。你同他人共事得很順利,但期望自己掌控局面。人們尊敬、欣賞你,並會依靠你、向你尋求建議。

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