3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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作者/雙語君文/日報網雙語新聞ID/chinadaily_mobileYouTube上有一個挺火的博主,名叫Johal。Johal熱衷於通過做各種社會實驗測試人性。比如假裝在路人面前掉落iPhone,看對方會不會把手機撿起來還給他。這次,Johal假扮成一位盲人,拿著一張500美元的中獎彩票分別去了窮人區和富人區,讓那裡的路人「幫忙確認」中獎數額。Johal想知道,在面對金錢的誘惑時,窮人和富人分別是怎樣反應的。《每日郵報》(Daily Mail)也報道了這件事:At the start of the two-minute clip, Johal explains that he plans to walk up to homeless people and individuals in a wealthy neighborhood and ask them the same question: Did he win?在這段兩分鐘的視頻開頭,Johal解釋說,他計劃分別走近流浪漢們和富人區的居民,並問他們一個相同的問題:自己中獎了嗎?Johal will be wearing sunglasses and feeling his way with a cane, convincingly playing the part of a blind man unable to see his fortune for himself.Johal將戴著墨鏡,用一根棍子摸索前進,假裝自己是一位盲人,無法看見獎金。First, he visits a "wealthier area" of town, calling out to a passing man who stops to talk to him. Johal tells the man that his mom gave him the lottery ticket in his hand and told him it was a big winner, but he wanted to confirm whether it really was. He explains to the man that he is blind, so he can't see the ticket himself.一開始,他去了一個較為富裕的區,叫住路過的一位男士。該男子停下來和他交談起來。他告訴男子,媽媽給了自己一張彩票,並說他中了大獎。但是Johal希望確認自己是否真的中了大獎。他解釋說,自己是位盲人,所以看不見彩票。Shockingly, the man takes the ticket from Johals hand, looks both ways, and then walks away without a word.令人震驚的是,該男子將彩票從Johal的手中接過後,向兩邊看了看,然後一聲不吭地就走了。當Johal接近另一個富人區的男士時,竟發生了相同的故事。''No, it's not a winner, not at all,'' the lying man tells him before slipping the ticket into his own pocket and adding that he's happy to get rid of it for Johal.該男子謊稱,「沒有,根本沒中獎。」然後把彩票悄悄放進了自己的口袋。他還說自己很樂意幫Johal丟掉它。Johal給了他一次說實話的機會,再次向他確認中獎與否,然而得到的回答是:"I've looked at it twice, three times now. Not a winner." 我都看了兩三次了,真沒中獎。這時Johal才告訴他,自己其實並不是盲人。男子聽了后,立馬丟掉彩票,咒罵了一句,匆匆離開了。《每日郵報》的記者問,要是這500美元真的就這樣被拿走了怎麼辦?Johal說:"I wasn't actually worried about the possibility of someone stealing the ticket because, while it was real, it wouldn't bring the thief any riches. The ticket I was using had already been redeemed."「其實我並不擔心別人會偷走這張彩票。儘管這張彩票是真的,但不會給小偷帶去任何財富,因為彩票已經被兌換過了。」接下來,Johal去了窮人區,向那些無家可歸的流浪漢們問了同樣的問題。"My god, you won $500 on this." one homeless man in a baseball cap tells him earnestly. 「天哪,你這張彩票中了500美元。」一個戴著棒球帽的流浪漢認真地告訴他。終於得到了一個誠實的答覆,Johal很開心。他摘下自己的墨鏡, 告訴了這個男人真相,然後給了他10美元。The few bucks are especially welcome since the man informs Johal that he hadn't eaten since breakfast the day before.這不多的幾美元讓流浪漢喜出望外,他告訴Johal,昨天吃過早飯後,到現在還粒米未進。之後Johal又去問了另外一個無家可歸的女人。When he asks her whether is ticket really is a winner, she exclaims: "Wow! It's a $500 winner."當他詢問自己的彩票是否真的中獎時,她喊道:「哇!中了500美元呢。」Touchingly, the woman seems genuinely excited for Johal, laughing while she directs him to go cash it. Johal rewards her as well, handing her a $10 bill for being so "honest and generous".令人動容的是,這位女士笑著讓Johal趕快去兌換彩票時,能看出她真的為Johal中獎感到激動。Johal同樣也給了她10美元,作為對她誠實和善良的回報。做完實驗后,Johal有點失望,他告訴《每日郵報》:''I was extremely sad from the results, seeing someone who is homeless on the streets and doesn't take my lottery ticket compared to someone who had a job - it's a pretty sad thing.''「這樣的結果讓我十分難過,看看那些大街上無家可歸的人們,他們都不願意拿我的彩票,再比比那些有工作的人,真是太難受了。」這位小哥還做過很多社會實驗,小研為大家選出另外一則。在這個街頭實驗里,Johal趁一個流浪漢睡著時,偷偷塞給他100美金。之後的劇情發展讓人淚目……(美國研究所留學)

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