3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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英語四級聽力習題:13.A. Hosting a seminar.B. Giving a lecture.C. Giving a report.D. Introducing a book.14.A. She is the supervisor of the HR department.B. Her friend is the supervisor of the HR department.C. She can help the man to get an interview opportunity.D. She has some relatives working for the company.英語四級聽力原文及參考答案:13.W: We are delighted to have Dr. Smith, the distinguished expert in architecture, to give us a report on his latest book. Good morning, Dr. Smith.M: I'd like to express my appreciation to the president for her introduction. It's my great honor to address in this symposium.Q: What is the woman doing?正確答案:A解析:女士在一次研討會上介紹一位著名的建築學家,可見女士是以研討會的主持人身份出現的。故答案為A。選項告訴我們,題目問的是某人正在進行的行為動作。本題解題的要領是抓住會議開頭介紹的套話「be delighted to have...」和「appreciation for introduction」。還要留意本題考點落在女士而不是男士上,避免張冠李戴。14.W: Hey, look. I just met a guy who works for a computer company. He might be able to help out if you want to have an interview with the supervisor of the HR department.M: Oh, so you do have some connections.Q: What do we learn about the woman?正確答案:C解析:女士說自己遇見一個在電腦公司工作的人,那個人也許可以幫男士安排一次面試。故答案是C。預讀選項,說明題目問的是女士的情況,對話內容可能與幫助男士面試有關。

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