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It』s a girl. Pop superstar Jay Chou and model Hannah Quinlivan have welcomed their first child, their agents said on Monday night.是個女孩!其經紀人於周一夜晚透露,流行音樂超級巨星周杰倫與模特昆凌迎來了他們的第一個孩子。The confirmation came after rumours went round that Quinlivan, 21, had given birth to a preterm baby by caesarean, said United Daily News.聯合日報稱,隨著纏繞著昆凌的流言接踵而至的是21歲的她剖腹提早誕下一名嬰兒的證實消息。Chou, 36, had been so secretive about the birth that even his long-time manager J.R. Yang, who lives in the same neighbourhood as him, did not know, said the report.據報道,今年36歲的周杰倫此前將保密工作做的很好以至於連和他住同一個小區的長期經紀人楊峻榮也被蒙在鼓裡。Later, the star said through his manager: 「We had a daughter. Hannah and I are very happy.」不久之後,周杰倫通過他的經紀人向外界宣布:「我們有了一個女兒。昆凌和我感到非常開心。」But the new father did not disclose the date of the baby』s birth, said the report.但是據報道,這位新手爸爸尚未公開孩子的出生日期。In Taiwan and Hong Kong, it is customary for a celebrity baby birth to be accompanied by astrolgers』 predictions in the media, a scenario the singer was presumably hoping to avoid by withholding the date and time of his daughter』s birth.在台灣和香港,媒體往往會根據名人孩子的出生日期預測其星座,可能是為了避免這樣的情況發生周杰倫選擇隱瞞女兒的出生日期和時間。Chou said he would share his news online later, when he is calmer, reported United Daily News. There have been no updates on the birth on his social media accounts.據聯合日報報道,周杰倫說等他冷靜下來,他會在網上分享自己的消息。直到現在在他的社交賬號中還沒有關於孩子出生的更新。

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