3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

觀點速遞本文作者是布萊恩·雷丁,曾任英國前首相愛德華·希思經濟顧問,現為貨幣金融機構官方論壇(OMFIF)顧問委員會委員。原文摘自國際貨幣金融機構官方論壇(OMFIF)評論,OMFIF是一家總部位於倫敦的全球金融智庫。作者提出,上世紀末以來,勞動收入佔比相對資本收入持續下降,財富分配的差距擴大。造成這一現象的原因很多,而科技進步和全球化是其中的一個有解釋力的因素。這一現象正在成為威脅發達國家政治穩定的導火索。中文譯文如下:收入差距是政治的毒藥反叛的人民開始還擊布萊恩·里丁翻譯:駢亞男審校:肖柏高收入分為勞動收入和資本收入,一個通過勞動獲得而另一個通過所擁有的資本獲得。法國經濟學家托馬斯·皮凱蒂在他《二十一世紀資本》評論道:資本回報率超過經濟增速時,貧富差距就會增大。2017年4月國際貨幣基金組織發布了《世界經濟展望》報告,其中一個章節題為「二十一世紀的收入情況」。該章節指出世界各地工資在名義收入中的佔比不斷下滑。發達經濟體中的這種下降趨勢始於20世紀80年代。十年之後,發展中經濟體步其後塵。兩個現象傳達的信息一致,即貧富分化擴大。如果實際工資低於實際產出,勞動收入份額就會減少。這些變化突出了富人和窮人尖銳的分歧,並且擾亂著大多數發達經濟體的政治。相較於資本報酬增長速度,工作報酬的增長速度落後於生產力的增長速度,這個差距加重了貧富分化。箇中原因複雜,難以理清。技術進步和全球化是部分原因。由於無法分清資本收入與勞動收入之間的界限,個體戶收入未計算在內。衡量服務業特別是非市場化的公共服務的生產力難於登天。數量是一個衡量指標,但也許和質量成負相關。據稱,國際金融危機和大蕭條之前生產力發展緩慢,部分歸咎於製造業就業崗位流向私營和公共服務業。技術降低了資本設備的成本,使企業以更低的成本提高了生產力。資本和勞動之間的替代彈性已經變得更偏向於資本。結果是,在高薪發達經濟體中的中等技能的重複性工作要麼被機器人和計算機所取代,要麼外包給低工資的新興經濟體。工資份額的下降以及收入不平等的加劇導致了中產階級減少。少數高技能人員工資比以往任何時候都高。並未參與全球競爭的低薪家政服務人員處境沒有惡化。夾在兩者之間的中產縮小了。也許儲蓄過剩與財富和收入差距有關。財政緊縮的解藥——量化寬鬆和零利率的貨幣解決方案產生了資產價格通貨膨脹和產品價格通貨緊縮的高風險組合。值得注意的是,英國失業率處於42年來最低點,通貨膨脹溫和反彈,但工資增長依然疲軟。非加速通貨膨脹失業率理論出了什麼問題?生產率下降,帶來更多的就業機會也導致了較低的薪資。日益擴大的收入和財富差距造成分裂。這是當代政治的共同點,可以解釋美國川普和法國埃馬紐埃爾·馬克龍當選總統的現象,德國安格拉•默克爾以及英國特雷莎·梅當選首相的原因。1848年是革命之年,也稱「民族之春」,統治者因人民不滿而被推翻。現在農民正在像1848年那樣反叛。2017年春,政客們應小心行事。英文原文如下:Income gap poisons politicsRebellious citizens are fighting backby Brian Reading in LondonFri 19 May 2017Income is split between labour and capital, what you earn and what you own.The French economist Thomas Piketty, in his book Capital in the Twenty-First Century, observed that wealth inequality is increased when the rate of return on capital exceeds the rate of economic growth. One of the chapters in the IMF』s April 2017 World Economic Outlook could have been entitled 『Income in the Twenty-First Century』. It documents declining wage shares in nominal income almost everywhere.The downward trend in advanced economies began in the 1980s. It started a decade later in developing economies. The message is the same – increased inequality. If real wages grow less than real output the labour share of income diminishes.These developments underscore the acrid divisions between haves and have nots that now poison politics in most advanced economies.The gap between the growth (or lack of it) in productivity and the lesser increase (or decrease) in real rewards from working, relative to rewards from owning, exacerbates inequality. The causes are far from simple and almost impossible to disentangle. Technological advances and globalisation play their part. Self-employed income is not included as statisticians cannot divide it between labour and capital. Measuring productivity in service industries, especially in non-market public services, is near impossible. Quantity is a proxy but quality may be inversely correlated. Supposedly slower productivity growth, predating the global financial crisis and great recession, may be partly blamed on employment shifts from manufacturing to private and public services.Technology has reduced the cost of capital equipment, allowing companies to be more productive at lower cost. The elasticity of substitution between capital and labour has shifted in favour of capital. The result is that middle-skilled repetitive jobs in high-wage advanced economies have either been replaced by robots and computers or outsourced to low wage emerging ones. The fall in wage share, and growing income inequality, has led to a middle-class squeeze. The highly skilled few are better paid than ever. Low-paid domestic service workers who don』t compete globally are not much worse off than before. The middle shrinks between the two.Perhaps the savings glut has something to do with wealth and income disparities. The monetary antidote to fiscal austerity, quantitative easing and zero-bound interest rates, produces a lethal combination of asset-price inflation and product-price deflation.Remarkably, UK unemployment is at its lowest in 42 years, inflation has modestly rebounded yet wage growth remains anaemic. What has happened to Nairu, the non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment? Slower productivity equals more jobs but less pay.Increasing inequality in income and wealth divides. It is the common denominator in contemporary politics. It explains Donald Trump in the US, Emmanuel Macron in France, Germany』s Angela Merkel and even Theresa May, Britain』s prime minister.The peasants are revolting as in 1848, the year of revolutions – known as the Spring of Nations – when rulers were overthrown by popular discontent. In spring 2017, politicians should tread carefully.Brian Reading was an Economic Adviser to Prime Minister Edward Heath and is a Member of the OMFIF Advisory Board.觀點整理 田雯圖文編輯 田雯波蘭央行行長:不必害怕寬鬆貨幣政策(中英雙語)墨西哥央行副行長:為何多元貨幣體系更為強大(中英雙語)新加坡國立大學教授:美聯儲緊縮促使央行採取特殊應對措施(中英雙語)英國前首相經濟顧問:誰應為危機后十年的低迷買單(中英雙語)英國前首相經濟顧問:目前通貨膨脹形勢為哪般(中英雙語)歡迎加入群聊為了增進與冬粉們的互動,IMI財經觀察將建立微信交流群,歡迎大家參與。歡迎讀者朋友多多留言與我們交流互動,推薦好文章可聯繫:郵箱imi@ruc.edu.cn;電話010-62516755關於我們人民大學國際貨幣研究所(IMI)成立於2009年12月20日,是專註於貨幣金融理論、政策與戰略研究的非營利性學術研究機構和新型專業智庫。研究所聘請了來自國內外科研院所、政府部門或金融機構的80餘位著名專家學者擔任顧問委員、學術委員和國際委員,70餘位中青年專家擔任研究員。研究所長期聚焦國際金融、宏觀經濟理論與政策、金融科技、財富管理、金融監管、地方金融等領域,定期舉辦高層次系列論壇或講座,形成了《人民幣國際化報告》《金融機構國際化報告》《財富管理報告》《金融科技二十講》等一大批具有重要學術和政策影響力的產品。2016年,研究所入圍《智庫大數據報告》影響力榜單列高校智庫第4位,並在「經濟類研究機構市場價值排行榜(2016)」中名列第32位。國際貨幣網:www.imi.org.cn只分享最有價值的財經視點We only share the most valuable financial insights.

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