3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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在時政類的英語新聞報道中,政治家們以及一些政府官員在面對選民或民眾時,需要做一些「承諾」,以獲取民意。不過,通常表示「承諾」或「誓言」的詞會是promise——即可以作動詞,也可以作名詞。可是,在很多的新聞報道中,記者們卻對promise「避而不用」,反而更多地用vow和pledge兩個詞。這是什麼原因呢?我們先來看以下面這個句子:Moon Jae-in, the president since May, has pledged that under his administration 「the thickness of a parent』s purse」 will not determine their children』s prospects.現任韓國總統文在寅承諾,在他的領導下,孩子的未來將不會再取決於「父母錢包的厚度」。在這個句子里,韓國總統的這個「承諾」是用於作為其政府政策的一個先期發布的形式。或者說,他說的這個話,將會成為其政府在教育領域施政或改革的一項政策。那麼,使用pledge一詞,必然是將用總統的信譽來做「背書」,增強其權威性以及嚴肅性,於是,它就不只是「空口無憑」了,是有附加的東西來加以。在韋氏英語辭典中,pledge的名詞釋義就很明確:a binding promise or agreement to do or forbearPledge的動詞釋義則是:to promise the performance of by a pledge在《柯林斯英語辭典》里,pledge一詞的內涵更多是強調「承諾」或「誓言」的嚴肅性(serious promise):When someone makes a pledge, they make a serious promise that they will do something.動詞則是對於要做的事情的「承諾」(promise in a serious way):When someone pledges to do something, they promise in a serious way to do it. When they pledge something, they promise to give it.例如:On the Facebook event page, more than 1200 people pledged to attend.在Facebook的活動主頁上,有1200多人承諾會前往參會。從這兩部辭典的解釋來看,pledge在表示「承諾」和「誓言」時,更強調這個動作的「嚴肅性」以及正式感。Vow一詞在意思上與pledge類似,也時常用於政治人物表示其觀點或政策的場合。例如:Hillary Clinton vowed Thursday to kill the Pacific trade deal that she helped push just a few years ago as President Obama』s top diplomat, hoping to win over wavering liberals and steal some of the anti-trade thunder from Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.在周四,希拉里·柯林頓承諾會撤消跨太平洋貿易協定。這份協定是她在幾年前擔任歐巴馬政府國務卿期間著力推動的。她希望以此來贏得搖擺不定的自由派選民的運行,以及能挖一些支持共和黨候選人唐納德·川普的反貿易群體中的選民過來。在韋氏英語大詞典里,對vow的解釋更多地強調這個行為會得到堅持,直到實現,而不只是嚴肅性:a solemn promise or assertion; specifically : one by which a person is bound to an act, service, or condition在《柯林斯英語辭典》中,vow更多地是與具體的事情聯繫在一起,即承諾要做什麼樣的事:A vow is a serious promise or decision to do a particular thing.例如:I made a silent vow to be more careful in the future. 我暗暗發誓,日後要倍加小心。I had to admire David's vow that he would leave the programme. 戴維發誓要離開這個項目,我不得不對他表示欽佩。在作動詞時,vow的意思與pledge同義。如《韋氏英語大詞典》的解釋與pledge的一樣:to promise solemnly例如:McConnell, a Republican and the Senate majority leader, has vowed to repeal and replaces the law despised by many in his party.參議院多數派領袖,共和黨議員麥克唐納發誓,儘管有很多同黨議員反對,他也要否決這部法律,並取之以新法律。在《柯林斯英語詞典》里,vow的動詞釋義是:If you vow to do something, you make a serious promise or decision that you will do it.例如:I solemnly vowed that someday I would return to live in Europe. 我鄭重發誓,總有一天我將回到歐洲生活。從意思上來看,可能會將vow和pledge視作同義詞。不過,專業的詞典編輯們並不這麼看。在《韋氏同義詞詞典》(Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms )(1942版)里,ledge只是與promise同義詞,卻並未與vow同列。在解釋與promise同義時,pledge的意思是:chiefly a transitive verb may imply either the giving voluntarily of a promise by some actor words that suggest the giving of a solemn assurance, or the provision of a formal guarantee (as to pledge one's honor that one will see that a dying friends wish is respected; [other examples omitted]), or the putting of another or of others under a solemn promise to do, to forbear, or the like [examples omitted].有例為證,在《華盛頓時報》(Washington Times)CNN的一篇報道中,在標題用了vow一( Poland wants Trump』s vow of protection from Russian activity),而在報道正文里,卻用了make assurance來表示同樣的意思:Poland』s foreign minister says the government would like visiting President Donald Trump to make assurances this week that the presence of U.S. troops in Poland will continue as long as the region』s security is threatened by Russia.在新聞報道中,由於一貫喜歡用同義詞的緣故,vow和pledge經常可以通用,甚至也能用promise來替代。其實,這與常言道,政客的承諾與白開水一樣平常。不管是vow、pledge,還是promise,都回歸到了「承諾」這個基本的意思。例如,在《紐約時報》的一篇有關大選的報道中,標題里用了vow,而報道正文卻用了promise。報道的標題用了vow,顯得很高大上:Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Vow to Protect Israel but Differ on Means。但到了正文里,卻用了promise一詞,「巧妙地」化解了總統候選人所說話的「儀式感」和「莊重性」:Mrs. Clinton promised she would stand unwaveringly with Israel while accusing her potential Republican rival, Mr. Trump, of being an unreliable partner for one of America』s closest allies.作為一個總統候選人,在競選時的任何「承諾」,其實都是只是為了拉到選民的投票而已。至於這些「承諾」能否實現,不還得等到贏得大選后才能有機會嗎?甚至是,贏得大選后,這些承諾是否能真地得到執行,還不得看坐上總統寶座的那個人的「心情」。執政后頻頻出現「發卡彎」的現象 ,在大陸對岸已成常態,甚至是「固態」。於是乎,在翻譯vow和pledge時,大致譯成「承諾」或「保證」,也就可以了,不必過於細究承諾人或保證人當時講話的語境了!翻

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