3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

保護我們的海洋環境勢在必行,浩瀚海洋是確保生物多樣性的美麗家園。這個8月,享受萬豪酒店帶來的可持續海鮮嘉年華!來自8家酒店的資深主廚將以可持續海鮮為您烹調一系列各具風味的特色美食。您的選擇也許可以改變世界!關注萬豪酒店海鮮嘉年華活動,與我們共同為海洋環境做出一點努力。Our oceans must to be protected, they are the homes to an amazing diversity of life. Therefore, this August, enjoy our Sustainable Seafood promotion at selected Marriott Hotels. 8 different chefs will present an array of dishes crafted from these ocean delicacies.Be part of the change!!! Look out for this special promotion in a Marriott Hotel nearby you and support us in ensuring there is enough seafood for ours and our children』s future.

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