3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

01《The snowy day》《下雪天》02One winter morning Peter woke up and looked out the window.一個冬天的早晨,彼得醒來,望著窗外。03Snow had fallen during the night. It covered everything the night. It covered everything as far as he could see.雪在夜間降臨。它把夜晚的一切都覆蓋了。它涵蓋了一切他所能看到的。04After breakfast he put on his snowsuit and ran outside. The snow was piled up very high along the street to make a path for walking.早餐后他穿上冬裝,跑到外面。街道上本來供走路的小道被厚厚的積雪蓋住了.05Crunch, crunch, crunch, his feet sank into the snow. He walked with his toes pointing out, like this:咯吱,咯吱,咯吱,每走一步他的腳都深陷進雪裡。他走路時腳趾往外指的話,就像這樣。06He walked with his toes pointing in, like that:他走路時腳趾向內指的話,就像這樣:Then he dragged his S-l-o-w-l-y to make tracks.然後,他拖著慢-慢-的步伐走著。07And he found something sticking out of the snow that made a new track.他發現了有東西在伸出雪地,造出了一條新的小路。08It was a stick.這是一跟棍子。09A stick that was just right for smacking a snow-covered tree.一根棍子,正好可以用來打被冰雪覆蓋的樹。10Down fell the snow-plop! -on top of Peter』s head.落下的雪撲通一聲在彼得的頭上。11He thought it would be fun to join the big boys in their snowball fight, but he knew he wasn』t old enough-not yet.他認為向大男孩一樣打雪仗一定是很有趣的,但他知道他並沒有足夠的大。12So he made a smiling snowman, and he made angles.所以他做了一個微笑的雪人,還給他放置了一個不錯的角度。13He pretended he was a mountain-climber. He climbed up a great big tall heaping mountain of snow.他假裝他是一位登山者。他爬上了一座又高又大的堆山的雪。14And slid all the way down.然後滑下去。15He picked up a handful of snow-and another, and still another.他抓起一把雪,又抓了另一個,然後再抓了一把。He packed it round and firm and put the snowball in his pocket for tomorrow. Then he went into his warm house.他把這些雪球團成一團,放在口袋裡準備明天用。然後他回到了溫暖的家。16He told his mother all about his adventures while she took off his wet socks.他告訴了媽媽他的冒險經歷,媽媽脫掉彼得的濕襪子。17And he thought and thought and thought about them.他想了又想,思考著那些雪球的事情。18Before he got into bed looked in his pocket. His pocket was empty. The snowball wasn』t there. He felt very sad.在他躺上床之前,他又看了一下他的口袋。他的口袋是空的!雪球不在那裡!他感到非常難過。19While he slept, he dreamed that the sun had melted all the snow away.在他睡覺時,他夢見太陽融化了所有的雪。20But when he woke up his dream was gone. The snow was still everywhere. New snow was falling!但當他醒來時,他的夢就消失了。雪仍然無處不在。新的雪還在不停的下。21After breakfast he called to his friend from across the hall, and they went out together into the deep, deep snow.早飯後,他叫了他的朋友,他們一起出去到在厚厚的雪裡玩。abc360是國內專業的互聯網英語教育公司,致力於通過互聯網科技整合高品質的外教資源,專註青少兒英語學習,讓成千上萬的青少兒隨時隨地就能享受高品質在線英語教學 。文中部分內容與圖片來源於網路,若有不妥之處,請微信留言告知,謝謝!

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