3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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開心,喜悅,幸福。這些情感全都可以用happiness表達。可是——收到一封不常聯繫的朋友的來信,季節變換帶來的好心情,與「世界上的另一個自己」惺惺相惜。一個單詞,九個字母,又如何能概括人生中紛繁複雜的幸福呢?人生短暫,但快樂從不膚淺。今天小編就介紹十五個各國語言中關於快樂、滿足與幸福感的表達。Velpro在人煙稀少之時來到慣常擁擠之處的滿足感The joy of being in a usually crowded place after hours. The satisfaction of being inyour school at night, walking out of a mall movie theater into a lobby ofdarkened storefronts.在沒人或人少的時候來到一個通常人滿為患的地方,有一種特別的滿足感。就像在深夜的學校,或者走齣電影院進入一個黑暗的小店裡。Not the eerie stillness of abandoned, ruined places, but the nameless feeling of perfectly alive functional places that happen to beempty. 你並不會覺得它陰森得令人害怕,反而能感受到一種難以名狀的充實。The poignancy of your presence induced by years of consuming cinematic apocalypse fiction, the comfort of fluorescent lights and ticking clocks that assure you humanity is still there, but simply sleeping.末日電影催生的思緒,房子里透出的昏暗燈光和鐘錶聲都提醒著你——這裡不是四下無人,只是尚在熟睡——這讓人感到寧靜又滿足。2Pondrie打破規則的刺激感The gleeful desire for something, someplace, or someone that is illicit or taboo. Pondrie occurs dashing past 'do not enter' signs and crushing on a best friend. 面對禁忌事物時產生的慾望與興奮感,比如闖入「禁止進入」的地區,或是愛上最好的朋友。It is our basic desire to do what others have said we cannot; a runaway train that decries our reason; wailing "I CAN have it all"想做被禁止的事情其實是我們的本能,情感總像失控的火車一樣衝破理智的牢籠,大呼「我可以」。before we resume control of ourengine, divert our gaze, return to school, forget our love and lust and sitdown to dinner with fellow civilized humans, satisfied that our discretions are invisible to them.而當我們重獲理智,轉移視線,回到學校,忘記愛與慾望,與其他有教養的人類坐在晚餐桌上時,沒人知道我們做了什麼——我們喜歡這種感覺。3Photophescence那張你不記得拍過的驚艷照片The breathtaking quality of a photo taken: distilling an entire moment's candid emotion, unfeigned reaction, spontaneous laughter, tasteful back-lighting rarely seen outside of Sears frame stock picture; a picture you never remember taking.照片背後有著驚人的力量,它能記錄瞬間的情緒,捕捉真實的反應和發自內心的笑容。The quality being ever the more dazzling as it hides amongst hundreds of other photos, and pops out while you are perusing your collection - a memory ambush and a startling reminder that while it takes hundreds of mistakes to make one passable photo, sometimes it's worth it.而一張你永遠都不記得拍過的照片,會在數百張普通照片的映襯下顯得更加耀眼。你無意中在相冊中找到它的一瞬間,當時的回憶全部湧上心頭。它提醒著你,要犯錯數百次的錯誤才能得到這麼一張照片,但一切都是值得的。Famiglistimo你愛的人都在身邊The opulence that no fame or fortune can afford you when you're surrounded by your dearest ones, by choice or by blood, 當你最親愛的人陪著你的時候,你會感受一種再多名聲和財富都給不了你的充實與滿足。something simmering, boiling or frying on the fire, its steam emanating the preamble of the expected cuisine, plates and glassware exchanged every which way, attempting to squeeze in just another placement, just another chair, just another million laughs – 無論是因為情感還是血緣的緣故,那種感覺會讓你有點煎熬又有點躁動。就像是在一次熱鬧的團圓飯給人的溫馨,大家推杯換盞,擠在一起坐著,不停發出笑聲——pupils widened, mouths salivating, stomachs growling, and hearts most gratified to be included.你的瞳孔微微散開,嘴上掛著笑容,胃被食物慰藉,心也異常滿足。 5Augety在心中進入夏天的快樂The unmatched intoxicating instant when you recognize that it has arrived – legs gleaming under pretty sundresses, the light scent of SPF lingering in the air, fired-up grills making stomachs growl instantly, 你會在那個瞬間突然意識到,已經到了可以穿著亮閃閃的背心裙走出門的季節,你會聞到空氣中淡淡的防晒霜香氣,被街上的燒烤味搞得胃口大開,the campfire sounding a unique melody of cracks, sizzles and pops, the screams and laughter of children echoing down every street, crowds of people swimming in the free-flowing liberty of bodies of water – 心滿意足的聽著露營篝火的噼啪聲,孩子們在街上瘋跑時的笑鬧聲,人們在泳池中自由的享受戲水的樂趣,and organically, in that spell, your state of mind shifts and its cellular subjects now radiate cheer to everyone you encounter, an unbreakable inner habit settling into the Bed & Breakfast that is your summer self.你的心好像也突然切換到了夏日模式,被這些歡樂的片段所喚醒。你正式走入了夏天。Iphigenity逆境后的頓悟The epiphany that you experience after years of what once appeared to be interminable affliction, when you come to realize that you were born with the cardinal virtue of fortitude, and but for the existence of adversity, you would have never come to recognize it in your own reflection – 這是你在體驗了某種沉重痛苦多年後所生出的頓悟。你會突然意識到,在你身上一直具備著堅韌的美德。moving forward now with an amulet of credence that though there will still be days where the disorientation is disabling and nights where the sorrow seems set to smother you, you will breathe a sigh of relief eventually, you will live to recount what will someday seem like hallucinatory fiction.你也會終於接受現實:逆境永遠會存在,但它們終會遠去。總有一天,你會回首感嘆,自己曾經經歷過的日子就像一部小說一樣虛幻而不真實。Plentaude不愁吃喝的快樂當你在吃一頓普通的飯時,突然想到:數千年前,和你吃著相同食物的人不是法老王侯,就是帝王將相。僅僅是因為今年的糧食收成不好,他們就可以讓成百上千的人送命;他們為了修建自己的陵墓耗費了無數的人力。但是你卻吃得越來越好,在真正意義上「不愁吃喝」。Sin soledad發現幸福掌握在你自己手中The comforting acknowledgment that euphoria isn't a gift that can be given or a puzzle piece that can be found when sought after, but rather the flower in your own garden that was able to bloom only after it survived, days and nights, rain and three seasons, sun and negligence. 當你明白幸福不是一種命運的饋贈,也不是神秘的人生拼圖,而是自己花園中開出花時收穫的安慰。幸福也要經受風吹日晒、四季變換、晝夜交替才能在你的花園中茁壯生長。You realized that you can't grow a garden insomeone else's backyard and move it into yours – you don't have to go anywhere or look for anything, you just start right here – you plant the seed and let it grow.它不能被栽種在別人家的院子然後移到你的花盆裡,只有你能栽種它。而了解到幸福就在你手中,本身就是一種幸福。9Mutluscence從忙碌中被打撈起來的寧靜The tranquility you feel the moment you sit down, resulting from an event or culmination of sequential events that recharged your faith in the cards, following what seemed like your entrapment on a sinking ship that couldn't be salvaged – 在你忙完了一堆事,耗盡精力后窩進椅子里的那種寧靜感,就好像你剛剛從一條沉船上被打撈上來。recognizing the fleeting nature of this feeling, like every other feeling, but sinking right into it with the desire for every cell in your being to be rejuvenated by the radiance of hope.這種感覺轉瞬即逝,但沉浸其中之時,身體里的每一個細胞似乎都被希望洗滌得容光煥發。 10Sokäch周日的幸福感The pleasure of waking up on a weekend morning, by the device of your own internal clock, refreshed with peace of mind for there is no race against time o rtraffic, the apprehension of deadlines non-existent or postponed,周日早上起床時的快樂在於,你可以一覺睡到自然醒,不用和時間賽跑的,不用苦惱擁擠的交通或擔心遲到,也不用因為拖延症以及即將到來的deadline而感到不安。the possibility of doing nearly absolutely nothing attainable – pajamas on all day, coffee tasting more like honey than a drug, eating whilst sitting down, a bygone concept on any other day of the week – able to make plans for the rest of your day that only revolve around you and your simplest desires.你知道自己完全可以一天什麼都不做,穿著寬鬆的睡衣到處晃。咖啡不再是一劑猛葯,而是像蜂蜜般甜美,你可以久違地坐下好好吃點東西,規劃一下接下來的一天,用它實現你最簡單的願望。Post-Hilarity Myalgia笑到肚子痛The painful, but nonetheless welcome, cramping of the abdominal muscles following a lengthy session of hearty laughter. Often experienced after spending time with friends, but can also be induced by a good night in front of the TV.這是一種大受歡迎的痛苦,常常伴隨著腹部痙攣和一系列大笑。常發生於朋友之間,也見於一個熬夜的電視機、iPad前。Gnomeshgh某人願意在第一時間與你分享有趣的事The tenderness you feel when someone shares an idea, a photo, a song, a passage etc., accompanied by a note that conveys that you were the face that came to the forefront of his mind when this thing first occupied his senses – 某人與你分享一個想法、一張照片、一首歌或是一句話,並表示你是ta第一個想到的人時,你所感到的那種溫柔的心情。that you've organically nestled your way into this other person's cortices so that he no longer just sees remote objects in time and space, but rather a set of associations that lead back to you – recovering you once again from the self-inflicted fallacy of aloneness.這些事情標誌著,你已經在另外一個人的生活中佔據了一席之地,ta眼中所看到的不再是當下時空中存在的事物,而是它們與你的聯繫——而這一事實將你從自我施加的孤獨中拯救了出來。Neolen直接穿上新買的衣物The feeling of putting on brand new socks straight from the packet. Closely associated with the pleasure of newly-washed sheets. But not with newly-bought sheets. They smell weird.拆開包裝直接把新襪子、新衣服穿上的感覺,和躺在剛洗好的床單上一樣快樂。但絕對不包括新買的床單,因為它們很難聞。Piacerance對某首歌一聽鍾情The experience of hearing a song for the very first time that stops you in your tracks, your ears perked to the immaculate composite of lyrics, melody, harmony, and chord changes as if each constituent part was given life with you and your narrative in mind, 初次聽到某首歌就被它打動的經歷。它的旋律、歌詞、和弦都是你心目中的完美搭配,這首歌在你的耳中彷彿有了生命,同時也激活了你某種微妙的感受。and now eternally stored in your medial pre-frontal cortex so that years from now when you walk into a coffee shop and hear it again, you will immediately see the associated person, place or memory of your past self in your mind, autobiographical details more vivid than ever.它會永遠停留在你的腦中。當你幾年後走進一家咖啡店再次聽到它時,你的腦海里會馬上浮現出與它有關的人、事與地點。過去的種種記憶也被喚起,細節栩栩如生。Tryiantly追上快要開走的車To run so hard for a purpose(catch a train, bus, insulin delivery)that your heart beats right off the optimal fat burning heart rate for your age group, that it leaves your body with an intense déjà vu when you ran entirely too hard in gym to impress your very own Little Girl With The Red Hair.為了趕車拚命奔跑讓你的心臟都要跳得如此之快,以至於它似乎給你留下了身體記憶。而當你在健身房用盡全力跑步想要吸引ta的注意時,你的身體似乎又重新回顧了一次當時的場景,依然會因此心跳加快。為什麼學了這麼多年英語卻仍開不了口?是不夠努力?還是無法堅持?...如何跟老外流暢交流?也許你更需要系統的學習方法!點原文申請試聽直播學習課了解更多課程詳情!點「閱讀原文」,領取免費直播學習課

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