3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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「 喝酒誤事,喝酒傷身,喝酒...今日關鍵詞: Aliens每天跟讀一篇美文迅速提升口語流暢度」外星人Aliens來自旅遊英語00:0000:57There are aliens out there, somewhere. I strongly believe this. Not sure what they look like,though. I really doubt they are green, like they are in science fiction movies.I also don』t think they look like us. But I』m sure they exist. I just don』t think we』ll ever see any or find any. They live too far away. If you think about it logically, there has to be aliens out there. All a planet needs is tobe warm and have water and life will exist. There are billions and billions of planets in the universe, so there are probably millions and millions that have life. Alien life. It』s also likely that some of the aliens are much more intelligent than we are. I wonder what we』d do if really intelligent aliens visited Earth. What would we ask them?外面的某處有外星人,我堅信這一點,但不確定它們是什麼樣子。我真的懷疑他們是綠色的,就像他們在科幻電影里一樣。我也不認為他們長得像我們。但我肯定他們存在。我只是不認為我們會看到或發現任何外星人。他們住得太遠了。如果你從邏輯上想一想,外面一定有外星人。所有的行星需要的是溫暖和有水,生命將存在。宇宙中有數以億計的行星,所以可能有無數的外星生命。也可能有些外星人比我們聰明得多。我想知道如果真正聰明的外星人訪問地球我們會怎麼辦?。我們會問他們什麼?1. aliensn. 外星人; 外僑; 外國人( alien的名詞複數 ); 局外人; 2. logicallyadv. 邏輯上,符合邏輯地;能推理地3. probablyadv. 大概;或許;很可能;備不住4. intelligentadj. 聰明的;理解力強的;有智力的;[計]智能的這世界上很多人都相信有外星人L君就是其中一個♥人類最大的挑戰就是如何超越自己生活就應該勇往直前你,想好了嗎?...想要跟老外流暢的交流,也許你更需要系統的學習方法!點原文申請試聽直播學習課了解更多課程詳情!

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