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180來自何凱文考研英語00:0004:41大連五天課結束了!謝謝大連同學們的堅持!想問一下各位作文句子在開始背了嗎?上周末,谷歌一位工程師在內部備忘錄中抨擊了谷歌的性別平等計劃,認為科技行業中存在性別差距的部分原因來自於生理(他認為女性的抗壓能力相對較低,谷歌不應把「共情力」看的那麼重要),谷歌應該停止通過所謂的性別平等計劃「排外保守主義者」。該內部備忘錄后流出,引爆了社交網路,招來一片討伐之聲。然而據這名工程師說,許多谷歌的同事都同意和衛護他的觀點。谷歌的人力資源在兩方之間又是躲石子又是找立場,一時間不知道如何回應。直到周一,谷歌的首席官SundarPichai說:「這份備忘錄違反了我司的行為準則,通過倡導有害的性別定型越了界。」谷歌工程副總裁Ari Balogh發表聲明說:「我們文化中很重要一部分是分享不同的觀點。但這份備忘錄的一個方面讓我深刻不安,他暗示女性或者男性必須以一種特定的方式去感受或行動。這是有害的標籤化。它的內核是偏見。」彭博社隨後報道,該名員工已被解聘。而谷歌對於這份報道沒有提出異議,相當於默認了解聘行為的發生。今天的句子:After a controversial memo by a Google engineer about diversity programs at the company and gender differences went viral over the weekend, sparking an explosive reaction on social media, the search giant did not dispute media reports late Monday that the employee had been fired.辭彙突破:controversial有爭議的diversity多元化的viral廣為傳播的spark引起;導致explosive爆炸性的reaction反應確定主幹:the search giant did not dispute media reports late Monday.(主幹你找對了嗎?)切分成分:1.After a controversial memo…went viral over the weekend時間狀語從句2.by a Google engineer about diversity programs at the company and gender differences後置定語;修飾memo3.sparking an explosive reaction on social media現在分詞其主語是前面這件事4.that the employee had been fired同位語從句參考譯文:周末谷歌工程師的一份極具爭議的內部備忘錄在社交網路上瘋狂傳播,引發爆炸性反應。備忘錄內容有關谷歌的多樣性計劃和性別差異。之後,這家搜索引擎巨頭沒有否認周一晚些時候關於該名僱員已被解聘的媒體報道。明天的句子:Managing extreme old age – the prince is 96 – is a new challenge for the monarchy, but only one of many that this extraordinary institution now has to confront. It is doing so with the kind of professionalism that has also become typical since its hold on popular esteem seemed genuinely challenged in the dark days between the row over the taxpayer paying for the 1992 Windsor Castle fire and the death of Princess Diana five years later.

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