3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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在外就餐問孩子吃啥,他們說「我不知道」、「我不在乎」,真等菜端上桌子,他們又說「我不想吃那個」……帶孩子外出就餐的父母遇到這種情況難免抓狂。一家餐廳幫家長們解決了這個難題,把孩子的牢騷話翻譯成菜名,以後再也不用擔心不會給孩子點餐了! Anyone with children, or young relatives, will know that dining out with little ones can be a frustrating experience. 任何有孩子或年幼親戚的人都知道,和小朋友出去吃飯會有多令人頭疼。 If they're not running around the entire restaurant or asking to go to the toilet as soon as the food arrives, then they're throwing a tantrum or refusing to eat their meal. 他們如果沒在滿餐館亂跑或是食物一上來就要去洗手間,那麼就在發脾氣或拒絕吃飯。 But now a Maryland restaurant has created a hilarious and very helpful children's menu that all parents will relate to because it translates common phrases such as 'I don't know what I want' and 'I'm not hungry' into meals you can order for them. 美國馬里蘭州的一家餐館創造出了一種滑稽而十分有用的兒童菜單。因為該菜單把諸如「我不知道我想吃什麼」和「我不餓」這樣的常用語句翻譯成了可以給他們點的菜,所以所有家長都能理解。 From fries for when they say 'I don't want that,' to a grilled peanut butter sandwich for when they say they don't 'care' what they eat, the menu is a godsend for any parent of fussy eaters who know what a struggle mealtimes can be. 當孩子說「我不想吃那個」時就給他點炸薯條,如果他說對吃什麼「無所謂」就點烤花生醬三明治…這個菜單是任何挑剔孩子的父母的救星,他們知道和這些孩子出去吃飯有多難。 The hilarious menu is from Fager's Island, a restaurant in Ocean City, and a picture of it was posted on Reddit. 這個滑稽有趣的菜單出自位於大洋城的費格島餐廳,菜單的照片被上傳到Reddit網站上。 In its 'Kid Friendlies' section, its children's dishes are given very creative names, which are common phrases fussy eaters say at mealtimes. 在菜單中「適用於孩子」的部分,菜都用挑剔的孩子在吃飯時常說的話命名,菜單極具創意。 The idea is that parents can translate what their child says into a meal you can order for them at the restaurant. 這樣一來,在餐館吃飯時父母就可以把孩子說的話翻譯成可以為他們點的餐。 If a child replies to the question, 'What do you want to eat?' with 'I don't know,' for example, parents are advised to order them a $2.50 Triple Layer PB&J sandwich. 例如,如果家長問孩子「你想吃什麼?」,孩子回答 「我不知道」,家長就被建議點一份2.5美元的三層花生醬和果醬三明治。 If they say they 'don't care,' the menu translates this grumpy phrase into a $3.50 Grilled Peanut Butter & Banana Sandwich. 如果他們帶著點兒怒氣說「無所謂」,家長就會按照菜單點一份3.5美元的烤花生醬和香蕉三明治。 The response, 'I'm not hungry,' will result in the child being ordered a $7 basket of Chicken Tenders. 回答「我不餓」,孩子就會得到一份7美元的嫩雞肉。 And if the youngster replies to a parent's meal suggestion with 'I don't want that,' the restaurant advises them order the little one some $3.50 Kids' Fries. 如果小孩對於家長的點餐建議回答「我不想吃那個」,餐廳建議家長為他們點一些3.5美元的兒童薯條。 If they simply say 'What?', then parents should order their child a $4.50 Cheese Quesadilla. 如果他們只是說「什麼?」,父母就應該為孩子點4.5美元的乳酪玉米餅。 The ingenious solution to children's mealtime tantrums could save parents a lot of drama when dining out. 這個巧妙的方法解決了孩子在外吃飯時使性子的問題,讓父母不再為哄勸孩子而大費精力。 One father commented on the picture on Reddit, and said: 'As a dad this is on the money. Good stuff.' 一位父親對Reddit上的菜單圖片評論道:「作為父親我覺得這樣做太對了,這個菜單真棒!」 Though one cheeky user joked that the section should be renamed 'Girlfriend Friendles' instead of Kid Friendlies. 然而一名調皮的用戶開玩笑說,菜單的這一部分不應叫作「適用於孩子」,而是應該改為「適用於女朋友」。 英文來源:每日郵報翻譯:王雅鈺(實習生)編審:yaning

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