3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

有這樣一些詞,在現代英語中已不再使用,但是在法律英語,尤其是法律合同中仍普遍使用。審判君先為你放送一組:hereby, hereto, hereof, herein再來一組:therein,thereof,thereto,therewith…以及whereas這些詞屬於英文中比較古老的用法,嚴格意義上不符合語法規則,但是鑒於英文合同的嚴肅性,現代英文合同還是沿用了這些古體詞。下面讓審判君帶你一起掃盲一下:here+介詞here+介詞構成的古體詞相當於介詞+this,即here+介詞=介詞+this1. hereby英文釋義:by means of , by reason of this中文譯詞:特此,因此,茲用法:常用於法律文件、合同、協議書等正式文件的開頭語;在條款中需要強調時也可用。語法:一般置於主語后,緊鄰主語.例:The Employerherebycovenantsto pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution andcompletion of the Worksand the remedying of defectstherein the Contract Priceorsuchother sumasmay become payableunderthe provisions of the Contractat the time and in the manner prescribed by the Contract. 業主特此立約保證在合同規定的期限內,按合同規定的方式向承包人支付合同價,或合同規定的其它應支付的款項,以作為本工程施工、竣工及修補工程中缺陷的報酬。註釋:(1)hereby: by reason of this 特此(2)covenant: v. make a formal agreement 立約,簽訂合同、條約; n. legal agreement具有法律約束的正式合同(3)completion of the Works: 工程的竣工(4)therein: in the Works在本工程中(5)the Contract Price: 合同總價,指工程的總造價(6)such...as: 關係代詞,相當於that, which(7)under: in accordance with 根據,按照(8)the provisions of the Contract: terms and conditions of the Contract合同條款2. hereto英文釋義:tothis中文譯詞:至此,在此上,上文已提及的。用法:在表示上文已提及的「本合同的……本文件的……」時,使用該詞。例如表示「本合同雙方」,可以說「the Parties hereto」,這裡hereto表示「to this Contract」;表示「本協議附件4」,可用「Appendix 4 hereto」,這裡hereto表示「to this Agreement」。語法:一般置於要修飾的名詞的後面,與之緊鄰。例:If Party B demands toaudit the accounts of Party A, Party B shall, within 10 days after receiving the written notice issued by Party A underSub-Clause 3.4 of this Contract, notify Party A of the mater in question.The specific contents and procedure of auditing accountsare detailed inAppendix 4 hereto.乙方如需查核甲方的帳目時,應在接到甲方依上述本合同第3.4款規定開出的書面通知后10天之內通知甲方,其具體的查帳內容和程序詳見本合同附件4。註釋:(1) audit the accounts of Party A:查核甲方的帳目(2) Sub-Clause 3.4 of this Contract:本合同第3.4款(3) the specific contents and procedure of auditing accounts:其具體的查帳內容和程序(4) Appendix 4 hereto:本合同附件4 hereto:to this Contract3. hereof英文釋義:of this中文譯詞:關於此點;在本文件中用法:在表示上文已提及的「本合同的、本文件的……」時,使用該詞。例如表示本合同條件、條款時,可以說「the terms, conditions and provisions hereof」,這裡hereof表示「of this Contract」;又如表示本工程的任何部分,可用「any parts hereof」,這裡hereof表示「of this Works」。語法:一般置於要修飾的名詞的後面,與之緊鄰。例:Foreign trade dealersas mentioned in this Lawshall, in accordance withthe provisions hereof, cover suchlegal entitiesand other organization asare engaged in foreign trade dealings.本法所稱對外貿易經營者,是指依照本法規定從事對外貿易經營活動的法人和其他組織。註釋:(1) foreign trade dealers:對外貿易經營者(2) as mentioned in this Law:本法所稱(3) the provisions hereof:the provisions of this Law 本法規定(4) legal entity:法人(5) be engaged in foreign trade dealings:從事對外貿易經營活動4. here in英文釋義:in this中文譯詞:以下,在下文語法:一般與referred to as, called等片語連用,以避免重複,置於這些片語前面,與之緊鄰。例:In accordance withtheLaw of the People』s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Venturesand the Contract signed by and between Co. (hereinafterreferred to as Party A) and Co. (hereinafter referred to as Party B), thearticles of associationherebyisformulatedand prepared.根據《中華人民共和國中外合資經營企業法》以及由 公司(以下稱甲方)與 公司(以下稱乙方)所訂的合資經營的合同,特制訂本公司章程。註釋:(1) in accordance with:under 根據(2) Law of the People』s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures:中華人民共和國中外合資經營企業法(3) Hereinafter:以下(4) articles of association:合營公司章程(條款)(5) hereby:特此(6) formulate:prepare 制訂there+介詞there+介詞構成的古體詞相當於介詞+that,即there+介詞=介詞+that1.therein英文釋義:in that; in that particular; in that respect中文譯詞:在那裡;在那點上,在那方面用法:在表示上文已提及的「合同中的……,工程中的……」等時使用。例如表示「修補工程中的缺陷」:「the remedying of any defects therein」,此處therein表示「in the Works」;表示「用於工程中的材料或機械設備」:「materials or plant for incorporation therein」,這裡的therein表示「in the Works」。語法:置於所修飾詞后,緊鄰修飾詞。例:The contractor shall not, withoutthe prior consent of the Employerassignthe Contract or any part thereof, or any benefit or interestthereinor thereunder,otherwise than by:沒有業主的事先同意,承包人不得將合同或合同的任何部分,或合同中或合同名下的任何利益或好處進行轉讓,但下列情況除外:註釋:(1) the prior consent of the Employer:業主的事先同意 注意:consent只有單數形式,表示同意(2) assign:轉讓(3) therein:in the contract;thereunder:under the contract(4) otherwise than by:但下列情況除外。也可寫成:unless otherwise specified in the following circumstances:2.there of英文釋義:of that, of it中文譯詞:由此,其用法:在表示已提及的「人或事的……」時,為避免重複,可使用該詞,比如表示「合同條件、條款」時,可譯為「the terms, conditions and provisions thereof」,此處的thereof表示「of the Contract」;表示「工程任何部分」,可譯為「any parts thereof」,這裡的thereof表示「of the Works」。語法:置於所修飾詞后,緊鄰修飾詞。例:When the Buyeris entitled to determinethe time within a specified period and /or the place of taking delivery, the Buyer in question shall give the Sellerthe notice thereof.買方有權確定在規定期限內提取貨物的時間和/或地點時,應給賣方有關這方面的通知。註釋:(1) be entitled to determine:有權確定(2) the time within a specified period and /or the place of taking delivery:提取貨物的時間和/或地點(3) the notice thereof:有關這方面的通知 3.thereafter, thereto, therewith, therefor, thereunder1)thereafter::after that此後;之後2)thereto::to that 隨附;附之3)therewith:with that 與此;與之4)therefor:for that 因之;為此5)thereunder:under that 在其下;依照用法:上面提及的各詞,其用法與there+介詞的用法一樣,主要強調的是「that」。如果強調的是「this」,則要用hereafter, hereto, herewith和hereof等。語法:緊接所修飾詞之後。whereaswhereas釋義:considering that, 鑒於,就......而論(法律用語)用法:常用於合同協議書的開頭段落中,以引出合同雙方要訂立合同的理由或依據。語法:緊接於要修飾詞之前,常位於句首。例:WhereasParty A and Party B,adhering to the principle of equality and mutual benefitandthrough friendly consultation, agree to jointly invest to establish a newjoint venture companyin China (hereinafter referred as「Joint Venture」). The Contract hereunder is made and concluded.鑒於甲方與乙方按照平等互利的原則,經過友好協商,決定共同投資在建立合資經營公司(以下稱「合資企業」),為此達成如下合同。註釋:(1) whereas:鑒於(2) adhering to the principle of equality and mutual benefit:按照平等互利的原則(3) through friendly consultation:通過友好協商(4) joint venture company:合資經營公司(5) hereinafter referred as:以下稱(關注「審判」微信公眾號,獲取更多精彩資訊)編輯丨孫敏 ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆A bad beginning makes a bad ending.不善始者不善終《每周諺語》

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