3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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朝鮮半島問題:問:英國首相在日本稱,應該為解決朝核問題更努力地向朝鮮施壓。中方對此有何評論?Q: The British Prime Minister said in Japan that China should do more to pressure the DPRK in order to resolve the DPRK nuclear issue. What is your comment? 答:每當朝鮮半島局勢出現緊張時,各種論調就會出現。其中比較典型或有突出代表性的就是你提到的:應該在施壓方面做得更多、更努力。A: People say all kinds of things whenever the situation on the Korean Peninsula becomes tense. What you just mentioned about China being asked to apply more pressure is one of them, a very typical and representative kind. 我想強調,中方一貫從推動實現半島無核化、維護國際核不擴散體系、維護半島和平穩定的大局出發處理半島問題,全面、完整執行安理會相關決議。我們秉持客觀公正立場,一直在努力、積極、不懈地發揮我們應有的作用。I want to stress that China approaches the Korean Peninsula issue while bearing in mind the goal of realizing denuclearization of the Peninsula, safeguarding the international non-proliferation regime, and maintaining peace and stability on the Peninsula. We have been comprehensively implementing relevant Security Council resolutions in their entirety, upholding an objective and unbiased position, and making positive and unremitting efforts as we should. 同時,我也很想問問有關方面,當他們說應該在施壓方面使出更多力氣、發揮更大作用時,他們自己是否在不折不扣、全面、完整、忠實地執行聯合國安理會相關決議?還是只是有選擇性地執行?比如,只注重施壓制裁,而完全忽略了推動對話和談?我們也注意到,有的硬塞私貨,有的一邊指手劃腳、一邊「背後捅刀」,有的則是渾水摸魚,甚至企圖火中取栗。嚷嚷制裁時衝到最前面,推動和談時又躲到最後面,不想承擔任何責任,卻只想坐享成果。這些都不是負責任國家應有的態度和作為。In the meantime, I would like to ask other relevant parties as they ask China to exert more pressure, are they comprehensively, completely and faithfully implementing relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council without holding back anything? Or are they consciously being selective in implementing the resolutions, such as overemphasis on pressure and sanctions and total overlook of calls for dialogue and peace talks? We have seen some with their own axe to grind, some pointing fingers while stabbing in your back, and some muddying the water to seek profits, or even risking getting burnt to gain what they want. They are the loudest when it comes to sanctions, but nowhere to be found when it comes to making efforts to promote peace talks. They want nothing to do with responsibility. They just want to sit by and wait for the outcomes delivered to their faces. No responsible country will have that kind of attitude or do things in that way. 有句話說「種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆」、「解鈴還須繫鈴人」。我們已經多次指出,半島問題的實質是安全問題,打開和平解決半島問題的鑰匙在朝美、朝韓等直接當事方手裡。如果他們手裡拿著鑰匙,卻進一步、退三步,遲遲不願開門,別人再著急也沒有用。所以我們希望,在當前形勢下,半島問題的相關直接當事方應勇於承擔起應有的責任,發揮應有的作用,以真正對本國人民和地區和平穩定負責任的態度,作出理性判斷和正確選擇。In China, we say "you reap what you sow" and "those who tied the knots are responsible for untying it". We have said many times that the essence of the Peninsula issue is the security issue. The key to peacefully resolving the Peninsula issue is in hands of the directly concerned parties which are the DPRK and the US, the DPRK and the ROK. They hold the key, but each time they take one step forward towards unlocking the door, they backtrack three steps, showing no willingness to open the door. So, what's the use of others worrying and agitating? Therefore, we hope that under the current circumstance, the directly concerned parties will be brave to take up their own responsibility, play their due role, truly think about their people and regional peace and stability, judge reasonably and make the right choices. 今天,聯合國安理會通過了一個主席聲明,反映了國際社會在朝鮮射導問題上的共識。這份主席聲明既要求朝鮮立即停止所有射導活動,呼籲所有成員國執行安理會對朝制裁決議,同時也重申安理會仍將致力於以和平、外交和政治手段解決朝核問題。Today, the UN Security Council issued a presidential statement which reflects the consensus of the international community on the DPRK's missile launching activities. It asks the DPRK to immediately halt all missile launches and calls on all member states to observe the Security Council resolutions on sanctioning the DPRK. It also recommits the Security Council to resolving the DPRK nuclear issue through peaceful, diplomatic and political means. 我想再次指出,安理會相關決議包含了兩方面內容:一方面是採取有效措施阻遏朝鮮的核導開發進程,另一方面是支持六方會談,強調以和平、政治、外交方式解決半島問題,避免採取加劇局勢緊張的言行。這兩個方面同等重要,不可偏廢。希望各方都能拿出負責任的態度,切實全面、完整地執行安理會決議,共同努力把半島問題重新拉回到通過和談和平解決的正確軌道上來。I must point out once again that the relevant resolutions of the Security Council have two parts. The first is to take effective measures to curb the DPRK's nuclear and missile development. The other is to support the Six-Party Talks and stress the importance of resolving the Peninsula issue through peaceful, political and diplomatic means and avoid words and actions that may escalate tensions. These two parts are equally important, and neither of them shall be overemphasized or overlooked. We hope that all parties could demonstrate their sense of responsibility, implement the Security Council resolutions in a comprehensive and thorough way, and work together to draw the Peninsula issue back to the right track of peaceful settlement through peace talks. 追問:你剛才提到有的國家的行為是不負責任的,你指的是哪些國家?這其中包括英國嗎?Follow-up: you said some countries are irresponsible. What do you mean by that? Is the UK one of them? 答:大家可以憑良心觀察一下,想一想,答案就不言自明了。我昨天也表示,有關方捫心自問,他們到底為和平解決半島問題作出了哪些努力?光嚷嚷制裁能有用嗎?如果僅靠施壓制裁能夠解決問題,半島局勢還會走到今天這種惡性循環不斷升級的狀態嗎?到了當前半島火藥味很濃的時刻,各方都應冷靜下來,仔細想想。A: Just look around and think with an open and unbiased mind, and the answer will present itself. Like I said yesterday, relevant parties should consider several questions. What have they done for the peaceful settlement of the Peninsula issue? Do they believe that sanctions alone have worked, regardless of how hard they have pushed for them? If this issue could be worked out by simply plying pressure and pursuing sanctions, then how did we get stuck in this vicious cycle where the situation simply gets worse and worse? Cannot we all smell the strong smell of "gunpowder" on the Korean Peninsula? Isn't it time for all sides to cool down and do some serious thinking? 我也想建議有關方面,重新翻開2005年第四輪六方會談達成的9·19共同聲明,認真閱讀和體會一下,半島核問題陷入了目前這種核導開發、制裁施壓輪番升級的困境,到底誰該負主要責任?一個巴掌拍不響。各方只有始終不忘推動實現半島無核化、維護半島和平穩定的初心,才有可能在儘快恢復對話協商的道路上取得積極進展。For me, I would like to suggest that relevant parties revisit the September 19 Joint Declaration. Just read it and ponder on it. Who in the final analysis should be the principal responsible party or parties that led the Peninsula issue into a vicious spiral of nuclear and missile development vis-a-vis sanctions and pressure? It takes two to have a quarrel. Only when all parties stay faithfully true to the reason that set us all on this path, which is to achieve denuclearization of the Peninsula and safeguard its peace and stability, can we make positive steps on the track of resuming dialogues and consultations with the least delay possible. 問:你剛才提到了中方的立場,如果以後有國家在安理會提出要進一步加強對朝經濟制裁,中方將採取什麼樣的態度?Q: You just talked about China's position. If other countries seek stronger economic sanctions against the DPRK, how will China respond? 答:我們認為,對朝鮮採取的制裁措施應該在聯合國安理會框架內,應該按照安理會決議加以執行。今後會不會有新的舉措,應該由安理會進行討論,並形成共識。同時,我們反對任何國家搞單邊制裁,或根據自己的國內法對別的國家進行「長臂管轄」。我剛才已表示過,安理會決議包含制裁和促談兩方面內容,兩者同等重要,不可偏廢。希望有關各方都能切實、全面、完整地執行現有安理會決議。A: We believe that all sanction measures against the DPRK shall fall within the framework of the UN Security Council and follow the resolutions of the Security Council resolutions. Whether there will be more measures shall be decided by the Security Council upon consensus. Meanwhile, we oppose any country using unilateral sanctions, or evoking its domestic laws to impose "long-arm jurisdiction". I just said that the Security Council resolutions include two equally important parts, neither of which shall be overemphasized or overlooked. We hope that all relevant parties could earnestly, comprehensively and thoroughly implement the existing Security Council resolutions.中-俄關係問題:問:最新的安理會會議后,我們注意到和俄羅斯兩國大使的表態有很多相似之處。中俄兩國在朝核問題上保持著有多緊密的溝通和協調?兩國在解決這個問題的目標上完全一致嗎?對俄羅斯在本地區日益增長的政治或軍事參與,中方持何態度?在金磚國家領導人廈門會晤時,習近平主席如果和普京總統談及這個問題,你預期雙方是否會在朝核問題上達成新的一致嗎?Q: After the latest Security Council meeting, we noticed similar statements from the Chinese and Russian ambassadors. So how close are China and Russia on communication and coordination regarding the DPRK nuclear issue? Do you share the absolutely same goal on resolving this issue? How does China view Russia's increasing political or military presence in the region? At the BRICS Summit in Xiamen, if President Xi Jinping talks with President Putin about this issue, will any new consensus be reached? 答:你問在半島核問題上中俄合作有多緊密,我沒有辦法給你一個量化的精準回答。中俄是全面戰略協作夥伴,中俄全面戰略協作夥伴關係保持著高水平運行。雙方無論在雙邊事務中還是重大國際地區事務中,都保持著非常密切的協調與合作。A: I cannot really quantify the closeness of China and Russia on cooperating to deal with the Peninsula nuclear issue. China and Russia are Comprehensive Strategic Partners for Coordination, and such partnership operates at a very high level. Therefore, the two sides remain in close coordination and cooperation on both bilateral affairs and major international and regional matters. 至於中俄在半島問題上目標是不是一致,在推動實現半島無核化、維護半島和平穩定、通過外交方式和平解決問題的大目標上,中俄是完全一致的。不僅中俄目標一致,而且安理會五常以及國際社會在這一大方向上也是一致的。只不過在如何實現的具體途徑上,目前階段有些國家之間可能有不同觀點。As for whether China and Russia share the same goal, when it comes to realizing denuclearization of the Peninsula, maintaining its peace and stability, and peacefully resolving the issue through diplomatic means, we are on the same page. Actually, the five permanent members of the Security Council and the international community are on the same page with regard to this general goal. What makes some countries differ from each other at the current stage is the specific ways to achieve the goal. 俄羅斯是非常重要的鄰國,安理會五常之一,與一樣,在維護世界和平與穩定、推動和平解決地區熱點問題方面都有重要影響和作用。中方願與俄方繼續加強密切協調與合作,共同維護好地區和世界的和平與穩定。Russia is a very important neighbor to China and one of the five permanent members of the Security Council. Just like China, Russia have significant influence and impact on persevering world peace and stability and promoting peaceful solution of regional hotspot issue. China would like to further enhance coordination and cooperation with Russia to jointly safeguard peace and stability of the region and beyond. 至於你問金磚國家領導人廈門會晤期間,習近平主席與普京總統會晤時就半島問題會達成什麼樣的新共識,我沒有辦法預斷。但相信雙方會就共同關心的國際和地區問題深入交換意見。As for what kind of new consensus will emerge on the Peninsula issue when President Xi Jinping meets with President Putin during the BRICS Summit in Xiamen, I cannot prejudge that. But we believe the two sides will exchange views thoroughly on international and regional issues of mutual interest. 其它問題:問:8月29日,國際原子能機構低濃鈾銀行啟用儀式在哈薩克首都阿斯塔納舉行,中方對此有何評論?Q: On August 29, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inaugurated its Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) Bank in Astana, Kazakhstan. What is your comment? 答:我們高興地得知,國際原子能機構低濃鈾銀行昨天在哈薩克正式啟用。低濃鈾銀行將為降低全球核擴散風險、推動和平利用核能國際合作做出積極貢獻,中方高度讚賞東道國哈薩克為此所作的努力。中方一貫支持低濃鈾銀行建設。今年4月,我們同國際原子能機構簽署了低濃鈾銀行過境運輸協定。中方將認真執行,並與各方共同努力,確保低濃鈾銀行順利運行。 A: We are glad to hear that the LEU Bank of the IAEA was officially launched yesterday in Kazakhstan. The LEU Bank will make positive contributions to lowering the global nuclear proliferation risks and promoting international cooperation in the peaceful use of nuclear energy. China highly commends the efforts made by the host country Kazakhstan. China always supports the establishment of the LEU Bank. We signed the cross-border transportation agreement of the LEU Bank with the IAEA in April. China will earnestly implement that and work with all parties to ensure the smooth operation of the LEU Bank.外交部例行記者會(2017.08.29)外交部例行記者會(2017.08.28)外交部例行記者會(2017.08.25)外交部例行記者會(2017.08.24)外交部例行記者會(2017.08.23)外交部例行記者會(2017.08.22)外交部例行記者會(2017.08.18)外交部例行記者會(2017.08.17)外交部例行記者會(2017.08.16)外交部例行記者會(2017.08.15)外交部例行記者會(2017.08.14)外交部發言人答記者問(2017.08.11)外交部發言人答記者問(2017.08.10)外交部發言人答記者問(2017.08.09)外交部發言人答記者問(2017.08.07)外交部發言人答記者問(2017.08.03)外交部發言人答記者問(2017.08.02)註:外交部四月至七月例行記者會以及答記者問的內容,可查看首頁」翻譯學習「的「翻碩&CATTI」欄目。翻吧

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