3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

一直以來的文章好像都沒碰上我心目中的「大客戶行為」。這種大客戶行為,不一定是指營業額有達到多少個億的這種定義,而是複雜的內部行為。以我自身的經驗,最常見的就是「中西之爭」,「新舊之爭」兩種。一幫人極力開發新的供應商(一般在亞洲),另一幫人死命希望維持用舊的供應商(有時在他們本土,有時在)。這種事的背後,不一定是你們所想單純是為了金錢利益的,而是自身在公司的影響力,仕途,舊人之間的感情,不願變化的打工心態等,種種混合而來的。本篇所說的,貌似是單純的交期問題,實際上卻似是權力之爭。作為供應商,如何能在當中如魚得水,盡享齊人呢(笑)?這是個政治課。能教你的,並沒有那麼神。但如何見招拆招,總是可以的。同學仔的原文太長,我把一部分找出來。Ben 叔叔好:一個大客戶,今年第二次合作,去年第一次合作不是很順暢,很多因素,後來客戶還是決定在歐洲當地買。今年主動給客戶降價2次,最後終於重啟合作。但是這次合作的時間又正好趕在過節。客人在10月底確認12月份的訂單。交期非常緊張。我催客人的定金催了2次。第一次我只說時間緊張,要快點。第二次我覺得要說明白點,免得將來客人怪我。於是我說如果付款不及時,生產不出來就趕不上客人預定的貨到時間了!郵件如下:Good morning dears(原諒我現在真的基本不用dear了) Sorry I have to chase on the balance payment again. (Order Ref: 69946/2661077)Let me explain to you why.You ask 1st December container W/C 05.12.2016, we need to ship it before the end of October (no later than 29th).Therefore, we need to receive balance payment at 24th to ensure I can arrange the container loading on time. Time is tight, please pay us today to help your timely delivery. 2nd December container (Orfer Ref: 69957/2661942) W/C 12.12.16. We need to ship it at the beginning of November. (No later than November 5).Need deposit to us ASAP so I can arrange your production in advance.Two payments at one time can save some bank charges for you. : )現在看好像還是說的不夠明白。客人回復:As advised yesterday we need to leave it till Monday and hopefully we can pay the balance of the 1st container and the deposit of the 2nd container at the same time.我看客戶不著急的樣子,我也木辦法了,而且我開始默認客戶的到貨時間是可以隨便改動的,於是我也不著急了。 直到前兩天客戶終於付款了,然後客戶就開始催交貨,要求聖誕假期前到貨,實情是這麼短的時間我們根本生產不出來,更別說現在連訂艙都快定不上了!昨晚跟客戶說明,由於節前船期緊張,到貨時間必須調整為明年1月初。 看到這裡,忍不住跑出來罵兩句話!該!!不過,你這個錯,99%的外貿人都會犯。什麼?明明是客戶自己錯了,為什麼說是同學仔錯?明明是老外自己不緊張自己的訂單,關我個屁事?以上心態,是一個average的業務員的心態。做個average的人,拿個average的提成,可以了。那麼,我們接著看下去,你的這份心態會在「大公司行為」下變成一個什麼樣的結果?同學仔在最後關頭收到錢了,可是已經太遲了。老外根本沒有留多少時間生產。以下便是同學仔的反應。我看出了很大的苦心,還在想辦法安撫老外說遲到有遲到的好啊,運費便宜點啊。可是很明顯菜鳥不知道,比較起趕在聖誕節前上貨架,根本沒人關心這點兒運費。好心的安撫,很易被反過來利用。。。 D, We just got payments yesterday.If to meet 12/11 sailing, we need to finish loading at 9/11, it's Impossible for us to finish production of 3 containers within 5 days. I hope you can understand.Especially at present all orders around Xmas and Spring Festival are waiting in line for production.We have had to put off some customers' orders.While the good news is I heard about that the freight cost will drop a lot after Xmas. And send several containers at one time can get a better discount on freight cost too. : ) (你可能難以想象,你這樣一句好心的話,很可能會變成把柄。輕則成為老外間的一個笑話,重則成為代罪羔羊:你看?他們根本不知輕重,這樣還能合作什麼?人家新舊陣營在角力,當中會利用什麼做把柄,這不是沒有參與在內的人能理解的。) It seem that you need longer time on balance payment. It took more than one week.I want to know if we need balances at the end of Nov, when do I need to remind you the balance payments? 結果客戶的採購回復仍然讓我上火,郵件也是抄送給銷售主管的(最開始聯繫訂單都是由銷售主管確認的,所有的郵件基本都是同時抄送給好幾個人) It seems that the terms are not suiting how we work if I』m honest. It is disappointing to see that out of 4 containers we wanted delivered in Christmas we are now only going to get 1. The problem being is you have our deposit for the 3 containers but we are not going to get them this year. We need at least 2 weeks notice on deposit requirements and balance payments preferably so Sharon has enough time to do what she needs to do including getting the payments authorised and signed off.Please now send the 3 outstanding containers with deposit already paid at w/c 5th December, 12th December and 19th December so as to receive them w/c 9th January, 16th January and 23rd January 2017. You must ship a week between each container Please confirm you understand our request. 好了,原文停了。看到了嗎?這叫指鹿為馬,蠻不講理。氣憤嗎?氣憤!很奇怪嗎?以我多年跟老外打交道的經驗,這算什麼?更指鹿為馬的事情都常常發生。同學仔懂得上火,算是清醒了。更多可憐的業務員小妹真的以為自己錯了。現在讓我福爾摩斯還原一下故事的真相吧:有人故意或意外地遲了付款(當中有N個可能性),那個D先生相信已經知道罪在己方了,這事牽連巨大,人真的不發貨了!於是他最直接的辦法是什麼?就是讓你人覺得錯!反正我是大公司買手我怕你敢不服?很可能他也有成功的經驗,只要嚇一嚇供應商別說交貨就連賠貨都有可能。先來一個指鹿為馬迫你連夜加班再賠空運。真是一個神奇無敵的disppointed!!那麼,我為什麼說同學仔活該呢?因為其實她只要在那個準備不了了之的關頭,寫一個電郵,說以下一句: Well understood. Our production will start upon receive your deposit. Pls be reminded that production leadtime would be 20 days. 這招叫做白紙黑字。這是你不能用whatapps 取代的。必須發到客戶公司的郵箱。他日有什麼爭論,你也知道there is no confusion。跟大公司玩,就是有大公司的玩法。。 這一次,我選擇了一個十分強硬的回復。我沒有辦法百分百從簡單一段原文就知道同學仔的這段生意關係,所以我只能以供大家學習的立場出發。這樣的回復,如果是對在問價中的客戶那是必死無疑了,但他已付了訂金又不一樣了。這招太兵行險招,90%的情況不太建議大家用。但是學東西就是要學一些出其不意的,存著便是。據理力爭的時候,就要站出來,禮貌地微笑著並舉起你的中指。以下是回復的郵件: Hi Dave, You know better than I do regarding your company payment system. (他原文有好幾句在說自己付款系統是怎樣的。講真,關我啥事?)I think we have reminded several times on the payment and I don』t understand where is the confusion come from. (這已經是很禮貌的了。他說我方不知how to work with 他們,我看這樣回復也挺適合的)Production start only after deposit and 20 days lead-time to turn material into your product. I think our quotation and my previous emails have made it quite clear. (白紙黑字的力量!那些隨便在whatsapp報個價的看過來!)There is no magic. (這句。。。型啊) What I can do now to rescue (不妨用rescue 這個字,因為你真的是在幫他的錯擦屁股)your situation is to relocate the maximum of our resource to your production even if this means to jeopardize our other customer delivery. (懂這個字嗎?不認識的建議查字典。老美常用的。不是那種在朋友圈所謂的商業英語在教英國農村80年前的idiom,如什麼clothes made the man呀,什麼don』t prop your feet up。。之類。別用了,笑話人家!)Of course you will not receive everything per your original schedule, and will cost you extra on premium transportation in order to hit your requested leadtime. (直言不可能有你想要的結果的了,最重要的,還是老外您要付運費啊~) This is not what we want but if this is meaningful to reduce your lost we can do that. Otherwise goods will be delivered at our normal lead-time. (我是在幫您,我只是在幫您,這是底線了,不要拉倒)I guess this is the best we could do. Thanks. Regards,XX. 這次用的生字又有點多,但都是很常用的了。值得學習。更多外貿相關資訊,請關注微信訂閱號:外貿這點事 。邦閱|外貿知識平台微信ID:waimaozhedianshi

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