3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

This is the letter F. You can call it a big "F" or a capital "F".這是字母「F」。你可以說這是「大F」或者是「大寫字母F」。There's also a small "f". But I like to call it a lower case "f".還有一個小「f」。但是我喜歡叫它「小寫字母f」。Here are some words that start with the letter "F":下面是以「F」開頭的單詞:FoxFiddleFlowerFrogFireflyFishFlamingoLet's put the words into a story.讓我們把這些單片語成一個故事。One night, a fox was playing his fiddle.一個夜晚,一隻狐狸正在拉小提琴。It was really, really dark outside.外面非常非常黑。A firefly turned on his light, so the fox could see the flowers. 一隻螢火蟲打開了他身上的燈,狐狸就能看見花兒。Fiddle music was so nice that the fish jumped out of the water.小提琴的音樂非常好聽,以至於魚兒都跳出水面。A flamingo came over to see what the noise was about.一隻火烈鳥過來看看是什麼聲音。The fox started to play his fiddle again, so the frog and his friends could dance all night long.狐狸又開始拉小提琴,以便青蛙和他的朋友們能整夜跳舞。

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