3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

還有一個半月就到了2017年6月大學英語四級考試的時候,備考要及時不要臨時抱佛腳。四級翻譯是一個重要得分點,也是拉開差距的關鍵。新東方在線英語四級頻道為大家整理了英語四級翻譯,希望對大家的備考有所幫助。請將下面這段話翻譯成英文:長江(Yangtze River)僅次於南美洲的亞馬遜河(theAmazon River)與非洲的尼羅河(the Nile),是世界第三大河,亞洲第一大河。遼闊的長江流域,資源極為豐富,自古以來是最重要的農業經濟區。今日長江,以上海為中心的長江三角洲經濟區、武漢為中心的華中經濟區和重慶為中心的西南經濟區為依託,橫貫東西,帶動南北,成為經濟發展的重要基地。多少年來,人們一直讚譽長江流域的四川盆地是「天府之國」,兩湖地區是「魚米之鄉」。參考譯文:The Yangtze River ranks the longest river in Asia andthe third longest river in the world,second only tothe Amazon River in South America and the Nile inAfrica.There are abundant resources in the vastYangtze River basin.Since ancient times,theYangtze River has been China's most important economic zone for agriculture.Today,theYangtze River has become an important base of economic development across both east towest and north to south,supported by the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone centered inShanghai,the Central China Economic Zone centered in Wuhan and the Southwest EconomicZone centered in Chongqing. Over the years, the Sichuan basin along the Yangtze River hasbeen praised as the 「Land of Abundance」,while Hubei and Hunan provinces are often called 「aland flowing with milk and honey」.解析:1.世界第三大河,亞洲第一大河:即「世界第三長河,亞洲第一長河」,故譯為the longest river in Asia and the third longest river in the world。2.遼闊的長江流域:其中「遼闊的」譯為vast,「流域」譯為basin。故此處譯為the vast Yangtze River basin。3.資源極為豐富:可使用there be句式,故譯為There are abundant resources。4.自古以來:可譯為Since ancient times…或可用down the ages,from ancient times表達。5.農業經濟區:可譯為economic zone for agriculture表達。6.以上海為中心的長江三角洲經濟區,武漢為中心的華中經濟區,重慶為中心的西南經濟區為依託:其中「上海為中心的長江三角洲經濟區」可譯為the Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone centered in Shanghai;「武漢為中心的華中經濟區」可譯為the Central China Economic Zone centered in Wuhan;「重慶為中心的西南經濟區」可用the Southwest Economic Zone centered in Chongqing;「以....為依託」則可使用過去分詞結構based on或supported by。7.橫貫東西,帶動南北:可譯為across both east to west and north to south。8.多少年來:可用 over the years或 for many years表達。9.魚米之鄉:可譯為a land flowing with milk and honey。

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