3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

大多數考生都知道雅思口語評分有四個維度,但如何根據每個部分做具體的準備呢?本文具體解讀了考官打分時最看重的四個維度,以及包含在維度內的17個得分點,大家可以根據這些要點更有方向性地提高口語能力~ 我在英國讀書的時候恰巧認識了一位雅思考官。慢慢地熟悉了之後,他開始給我透露一些雅思口語的高分標準,我把他的原話整理成以下文章。 雅思考官通常從以下四個方面來進行評分: When you go into the speaking test, the examiner grades you in four areas: FC--Fluency & coherence 流利度與連貫性 GA--Grammar Range & Accuracy 語法準確性與精確性 LR--Lexical Resource 辭彙的豐富度 PR--Pronunciation 語音語調的流暢與清晰度 Now to be honest every examiner knows what the strong and weak areas are for Chinese students. They all know that LR, which we can also call vocabulary is generally their strong point and FC and PR are generally the weaker. That does not mean that all students will have the same problems. The average IELTS score for Chinese students is 5.5. (翻譯:老實講,雅思考官對於烤鴨的強弱項早就瞭然於胸了。烤鴨們都知道辭彙是他們的強項,但是流利度、連貫性和語音語調卻是他們的軟肋。這並不是說每個學生都有這樣的問題。烤鴨的平均雅思成績是5.5。) The profile usually breaks down like this. Examiners called this a 「jagged profile」 because on a graph it looks like a jagged line。 (翻譯:烤鴨們的成績呈鋸齒狀(像下面展示的這樣)。考官們把這個叫「鋸齒圖式」,因為考鴨們的分數波動呈鋸齒裝。) FC 5 GA 6 PR 5 LR 6 If we take an average of these four scores we can see that is 5.5 score. This means that any strategy you use for passing the IELTS test should concentrate on FC and PR more than GA and LR. I am not saying that you should forget about GA and LR completely, just focus on the typical weak points。 (翻譯:四個分數平均一下就是5.5. 這就意味著如果你想拿到雅思高分,那麼你的重心應該更多的放在流利度和連貫性、語音上面,而不是語法和辭彙上面。) In the next few parts I will take a look at each area and discuss how you can increase your scores by looking at what examiners want. On the next page you can see a checklist of basic questions that you can ask yourself during the exam. If you can manage to pay attention to all of these points, then you are going to succeed on the exam。 (翻譯:接下來的幾個部分,我會詳細介紹一下如何準備每個部分,以「取悅」考官,從而拿到高分。在下一頁是你考試時會被重點考察的一個系列的問題。如果你在參加考試時能注意到這些點的話,你距離高分可能就不遠了。) A point that I want to remind you of, is that it is always your weak points that will pull you down, so remember to maintain your strong points, but really focus on your weak points so that everything evens out。 (翻譯:我想提醒烤鴨們,拉低你分數的是你的弱項而非你的強項。所以,記住要不斷強化你的優勢,同時還要重點改善你的弱點,這樣最終才會有好的結果。) 在這4個評分維度下,雅思考官在乎的有如下17個口語得分點,也是雅思口語考試中重要的得分點,大家可以對照下面的列表自我檢查一下,看看還有哪些不符合: Fluency & Coherence 流利度與連貫性 a) Can I speak at length on a topic? 我能否詳盡地就一個話題侃侃而談? b) Have I organised my ideas logically? 我的觀點敘述有邏輯嗎? c) Have I used appropriate linking words? 我有沒有用到合適、恰當的邏輯連接詞? d) Do I speak clearly and smoothly? 我是否講得清晰且平順? Grammatical Range & Accuracy 語法張度與準確性 a) Have I used a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences? 我是否混合著使用了簡單句、複合句和複雜句? b) Have I used a range of structures to convey modality, conditionals, active/passive, cause/effect and tenses? 我是否用了不同的結構去傳遞語法的正確形式、條件句、主被動語態、因果句、時態? c) How well can the assessor understand me even though I have made some errors? 在我偶有錯誤的前提下,考官能多大程度上的理解我所講的話? Lexical Resource 辭彙的豐富度 a) Are the words and expressions I use appropriate and accurate? 我所使用得詞和習語是否合適並且準確? b) Do I have a good range of vocabulary to cover the topic? 我所使用得詞頻是否涵蓋足夠廣泛,而非單一隻能運用某一個辭彙段? c) Have I used correct word forms? 我是否正確地使用了單詞的形式? d) Have I used some idiomatic language? 我是否使用了一些習慣用語? e) How well can I talk about personal and familiar topics? 我能多優異地談論個人和自己熟悉的話題? f) How well can I discuss more abstract topics? 我能多優異地討論更抽象的話題? Pronunciation 語音語調 a) Have I pronounced my words correctly? 我的單詞發音是否正確? b) How appropriately have I used stress and intonation? 我是否正確重讀了單詞,我們語調如何? c) How well can the interviewer understand me? 考官能聽懂我嗎? d) Is my voice strong and clear? 我的聲音是否自信並且清晰? 對雅思口語考生的建議是根據以上的4個維度與17個得分點逐一進行練習。

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