3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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熱愛速度的人,都有一顆關不住的自由之心。不被方寸之地束縛,起身前往世界頂尖車手的聚集之地,你會遇見真正的自由世界。There is alway a free soul, living inside of those who love the speed. Are you one of those, who will not be limited?Join us, to the party of the world's most famous car racers.In Rimini, you will embrace the true world of freedom.3月31日至4月2日,義大利賽車錦標賽將在里米尼舉行。車手們將拼盡全力,爭奪Abarth Selenia 、F2、F4獎盃,在米薩諾世界巡迴賽GT系列衝刺杯一決勝負。From March 31st to April 2nd, the cars of the Italian Championships will take part in races for the Abarth Selenia Trophy, Italian F2 Trophy and Italian F4 Championship in Rimini - Misano World Circuit Marco Simoncelli Blancpain GT Series Sprint Cup頂尖賽車之間的競爭,將在羅馬尼亞彎道展開。你將能看到風馳電掣間,賽車在賽道上展現變化多端的駕駛技巧。 星期六晚上,還將舉行另一場值得一看的賽事——GT4 European Series Northern Cup!不想錯過和速度的完美約會,不如來義大利的里米尼,愉快赴約吧。Leading racing cars compete along the curves of the Romagna course with quick driver changes and pit stops. Saturday night race in the GT4 European Series Northern Cup.A good reason to come Italy and visit Rimini : we can't miss this date ! Misano世界級賽道這是一個位於聖莫尼卡,靠近里米尼的一個賽車場。 1969年,這條賽道剛被設計完成時,長度只有3.488公里,後來被延長到4.064公里。 It』s a race track located very near Rimini, in Santa Monica little country. Designed in 1969 as a length of 3.488 kilometres (2.17 mi), was increased to 4.064 kilometres (2.53 mi).自2007年起,這條賽道承開始擔起一部分MotoGP世界錦標賽主辦任務,即聖馬利諾和里米尼海岸大獎賽。2012年,已經有許多活動和賽事每年在這個賽道上舉行,假如你熱愛速度,一定要在里維埃拉停留哦。 Criscuito還提供了用於訓練和測試的賽道,讓人們能親自體驗速度與激情。As of 2007, it began hosting the San Marino and Rimini Coast Grand Prix as part of the MotoGP World Championship.In 2012. Many are the events and competitions that are held annually in this circuit: an inevitable stop on the Riviera for those who love speed. The Criscuito also offers the possibility of making Coatching and test circuits, thus proving the thrill of speed: a must!Marco SimoncelliMarco Simoncelli賽道,以前的名字叫做Misano。因為2011年,這位年輕車手在一場故事中喪生,這場事故還殃及了他的朋友Valentino Rossi。為了紀念這位年輕車手,賽道因此改名。Misano track is now renamed Marco Simoncelli, as a tribute to the young bike rider died in a very dangerous accident in 2011 that also involved his friend Valentino Rossi.Marco Simoncelli,是義大利機車手,在2008年獲得了250cc級的世界冠軍,他的冬粉稱他為Sic或SuperSic。事故發生在他二十歲時,在Sepang賽道舉行的馬來西亞大獎賽期間。2014年5月30日,Marco Simoncelli的名字被加入機車名人堂,獲得了MotoGP Legend的褒獎。Marco Simoncelli (Cattolica, January 20, 1987 - Sepang, October 23, 2011) was an Italian motorcycle rider, world champion in the 250cc class in 2008. Known among fans by the nickname Sic or SuperSic, he died at the age of twenty-four during the Malaysian Grand Prix, held at the Sepang circuit. On 30 May 2014 was inducted into the Hall of Fame of motorcycling, receiving the posthumous recognition of MotoGP Legend, while the September 8, 2016 it was decided the withdrawal of his race number.想了解里米尼旅遊 優惠 資訊?關注我們,才不會錯過哦!更多詳情,請登陸里米尼官網就可以關注我啦

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