3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

即將步入社會的「95后」是成長於信息時代、緊跟社會潮流的一代人。他們思想開放,更加會表達和堅持自己,也常常被打上「標新立異」的標籤。對於「95后」的世界,你又了解多少呢?Current generation defined來自21世紀英文報00:0003:21↑↑點擊播放音頻↑↑It』s believed that the current generation of young people will shape the future of the country. But how is it different from previous generations?人們相信,如今的年輕一代將會塑造這個國家的未來。但他們和先前的幾代人究竟有多不同呢?To try and find the answer to this question, City Zine magazine and IT giant Tencent conducted a survey. They questioned 4,000 respondents to get a better idea of the post-1995 generation and what makes it stand out.為了找出這個問題的答案,《城市畫報》雜誌與IT業巨頭騰訊展開了一項調查,約4000名受訪者參與,從而對「95后」有了更好的認識,了解他們的與眾不同之處。Hobby time興趣愛好The study found that 73 percent of respondents have hobbies, with music being the most popular. Of those surveyed, 62 percent named music as their favorite leisure activity. Gaming took the second spot, with 58 percent. Perhaps surprisingly, reading beat watching videos – although only by 1 percent – at 40 percent. Cartoons and anime followed closely, tying with travel at 37 percent. And according to another Tencent survey released in 2016, 72.9 percent of internet users among post-1995 generation watch films and the programs adapted from web novels.該調研發現,73%的受訪者都有興趣愛好,其中音樂這一愛好最受歡迎。在受訪者中,62%的人表示音樂是他們最喜歡的休閑活動。遊戲則位居第二,佔58%。或許最令人驚訝的是,喜愛閱讀的比重佔到了40%,超過了看視頻 —— 儘管優勢只有微弱的1%。動畫片和日本動漫則緊隨其後,和旅行旗鼓相當皆佔37%。而據騰訊2016年發布的另一項調查顯示,72.9%的「95后」網友會看改編自網路小說的影視節目。Members of this generation are also willing to spend cash on their hobbies – 85 percent of respondents have spent money on them at some point. About 10 percent report blowing over 10,000 yuan at a time for a single experience.這一代人也願意為自己的興趣愛好買單 —— 85%的受訪者都曾為自己的興趣愛好花錢。約有10%的人表示,曾為興趣愛好一次豪擲萬元。And while many believe that gaming can turn you into a couch potato, this generation is proving them wrong. Wang Zilu, a 22-year-old student and gaming fan, graduated a year early from high school through an experimental program and was accepted into Beihang University. He』s currently furthering his studies at Beihang』s Fert Beijing Research Institute as a doctoral student.雖然不少人都認為打遊戲會讓人變成「沙發土豆」,但「95后」卻證明他們錯了。22歲的學生王子路(音譯)是一位遊戲迷。他通過一個實驗項目提前一年從高中畢業,並被北航錄取。目前他正作為博士生在北航費爾北京研究院深造。「I play games – all kinds of them,」 Wang told China Daily. 「I』ve played computer games since I was a kid. I also like Japanese anime, such as Detective Canon and Naruto.」「所有類型的遊戲我都玩,」王子路在接受《日報》採訪時表示。「我從小就玩電腦遊戲。我還喜歡日本動漫,比如《名偵探柯南》和《火影忍者》。」Independent interests獨立的興趣Unlike their parents, members of the post-1995 generation select majors based on their interests.和父母那輩人不同,「95后」根據自己的興趣來選擇大學專業。That』s why 21-year-old Wang Zeping, a student at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, chose traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as his major, although some relatives and neighbors disapproved of his choice. 「I like traditional Chinese culture, and TCM is part of it,」 he told China Daily.這便是21歲的北京中醫藥大學學生王澤平(音譯)選擇中藥作為專業的原因,儘管一些親戚鄰居並不贊成他的選擇。「我喜歡傳統文化,而中藥是其中的一部分,」他在接受《日報》採訪時表示。He has dreamed of being a doctor since high school and is now trying to make his dream come true.從高中時起,他就夢想著成為一名醫生。現在,他正努力實現自己的夢想。The student is also president of Qihuang Volunteers, a collegiate society of medical students at the university. The group visits Beijing universities and neighborhoods to offer free health checks and massage therapy on weekends. They also promote TCM awareness.這名學生還是該校醫學生社團「岐黃志願者協會」的主席。這些志願者在周末前往北京高校和社區,(向人們)提供免費健康體檢和按摩治療,並宣傳中醫療法。「Being a doctor requires a selfless, empathetic and volunteering spirit,」 he said.「成為一名醫生需要無私奉獻、體恤他人的志願精神,」他表示。本文選自《21世紀學生英文報高中版》高三621期熱門文章:今年的四六級神翻譯笑到無法自拔,求你們放過閱卷老師吧!2.3分!黃磊版《深夜食堂》為啥把全的吃貨們都得罪慘了?霸氣英文舌戰群儒,懟不到你算我輸!被這位真·女神實力圈粉!凱特終於和另一個王室圈最會穿的女人相遇了,這故事就很精彩了……「祝你不幸!」這篇爆火的毒雞湯演講為啥瞬間被刷屏了?(附熟肉視頻)freestyle一夜之間爆火!到底是什麼讓吳亦凡無法自拔?【福利】各年級報紙最新合訂本上架啦!戳這裡進入商城開搶啦~「悅」讀暑假,開學秒變小學霸!爆款隨時可能斷貨,戳這裡購買~ 還有「21世紀杯」演講比賽精英選手高清演講光碟最新上架,戳這裡get英語演講最佳範本啦~

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