3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

今天的《外交之聲》使者為你帶來最新工作機會:聯合國開發署夏令營招募、聯合國人居署招聘項目管理幹事、國務院發展研究中心國際合作局招聘實習生、法國駐華公共機構招聘等最新工作和學習機會。請感興趣的朋友在申請截止日期前遞交申請。祝好運! 申請通常雙語提交,遞交申請表有些部門需固定格式、申請方式,最好用兩個以上郵箱發送。可加微信xiaoka365進《外交之聲》微信交流群獲取具體信息。請註明:外交會。暑假去哪兒? 聯合國開發署夏令營!青少年的成長和發展是乃至全世界長遠發展議程中的關鍵議題。青少年作為未來環境的擁有者、使用者以至於政策決策者,他們對環境與可持續發展議題的關注和了解至關重要。同時在,青少年的話語權在社會發展領域也在不斷增加。為此,聯合國開發計劃署決定在這個夏天促進青年創新,培養未來氣候行動領袖;讓小夥伴們了解我們生存的環境,氣候變化的挑戰,以及目前已有解決方案;動員小夥伴們通過創新的行動關注可持續發展目標(目標7: 經濟適用的清潔能源,目標13: 氣候行動); 邀請聯合國官員介紹如何參與到聯合國的工作中來;通過辯論演講,參與創新創業工作坊和與科技大咖們面對面分享互動,幫助小夥伴們培養創新思維,組織能力,學習團隊合作和溝通交流能力。敲黑板時間!我是一個免費的夏令營;我是一個樸實無華、載著滿滿乾貨的夏令營;我是一個讓你與聯合國官員零距離接觸的官方夏令營;我就是首期聯合國開發計劃署與熊貓綠色能源集團合作的「培養未來氣候行動領袖」夏令營!你將收穫聯合國開發計劃署頒發的夏令營優秀營員結業證書;背景提升,夏令營為你拓寬視野,提供優質又富有科技創造力的暑期工作坊;與科技大咖對話交流,和優秀的同行小夥伴切磋交流的充實體驗參考日程:時間上午下午晚上Day 1 開營儀式 北京-大同營地向營員介紹氣候變化夏令營的使命感、公益性、目的及注意事項Day 2首屆夏令營營長為全體營員演講:「培養未來氣候行動領袖」夏令營的由來、目標和未來需要大家實現的任務;營員破冰儀式 邀請能源專家講解「太陽能發電系統中的小故事」;營員以小組為單位,組裝太陽能迷你型發電系統,並分享團隊在裝配過程中的經驗輕鬆活潑的聯合國可持續發展目標歌曲學習與營員破冰的互動表演Day 3邀請商界科技創新領袖暢談科技創新改變世界;邀請新能源領袖為營員分享太陽能發電的由來、技術和未來發展方向邀請聯合國官員介紹聯合國以及聯合國開發計劃署的由來和意義並組織營員模擬聯合國進行相關環境與氣候課題辯論紀錄片分享:《難以忽視的真相》Day 4邀請商界能源領袖為營員演講下一代太陽能產品;營員參觀營地魚光互補、農光互補等太陽能發電系統,普及太陽能發電新技術原理雲岡石窟旅遊;營員在魚光互補的魚塘釣魚比賽 晚餐: BBQDay 5邀請科技大咖講述可再生能源的市場價值;營員動手製作環保創意作品 主題辯論賽觀看法國紀錄片:《家園》Day 6邀請科技企業分享無人機的技術應用,小組自由討論並放飛無人機,多角度航拍熊貓電站;播放關於馬爾地夫環境保護的紀錄短片 5—8分鐘情景劇;給出關鍵詞「熊貓、大同藍、霧霾」,分發情景劇道具,講解規則;導演普及編劇的基本常識;以組為單位創作情景劇露天電影:聯合國開發計劃署提供《野性》紀錄片,請著名野生動物攝影師現場分享拍攝中有趣的故事Day 7未來儲能項目介紹;營員與當地青少年一同走進基地,參觀、交流學習熊貓電站知識;由聯合國官員介紹如何參與聯合國工作,成為聯合國志願者 邀請四川熊貓保護基地官員向營員及當地青少年普及大熊貓保護知識;邀請籍維和部隊軍官分享維和經歷、以及分享一些野外生存的技巧電影分享 《我們誕生在》Day 8中學生創新創業工作坊 以小組為單位,畫出你心目中的「熊貓電站」寫給未來的我的一封信Day 9分享熊貓電站的實施和未來暢想、合影、營員畢業季塗鴉牆,互動留念 結營儀式:9天回顧,視頻回放; 以小組為單位,每位營員4分鐘結營演講,「未來領袖如何走出夏令營」; 分享感受;演講結束后,聯合國開發計劃署頒發優秀營員結業證書,合影留念;神秘環節:為當月生日小朋友慶生;贈送營員營地生活相冊;聯誼活動、篝火大聯歡註:實際行程安排可能會根據天氣等原因進行調整,實際行程以最終安排為準。我來了,你在哪兒?報名時間:北京時間2017年5月25日-6月25日參與年齡:13-17周歲首期人數:50人我要報名1. 填寫報名表2. 提交一份近期的體檢報告(三個月內)3. 提交一份自拍視頻(60秒內),在視頻中闡述自己為什麼想參加此夏令營,以前是否參加過/做過什麼保護環境方面的活動,視頻應做到輕鬆有趣。請將視頻上傳至騰訊或優酷視頻,將視頻鏈接填寫在申請表格里。營地夏令營基地的整體風格是突出綠色、環保、活潑的主題裝修全部選用環保材料,每間宿舍供四位營員使用,配有獨立衛生間和浴室我們還給營員們精心準備了現代感十足的展廳和教室基地內有農業、池塘與光伏結合的微型示範區 安全保證封閉式夏令營,配備專業的保安、醫務人員以及輔導老師第一天從位於北京的聯合國駐華代表處統一乘大巴出發,前往山西大同夏令營基地開營后定期通過微博微信推送活動照片,記錄營員的學習進展和成果給每位營員配備專業的保險;餐飲食材嚴格篩選,保證食品安全和健康 申請者一旦報名參與,則視為申請者保證自己接受並符合本官方的規則。任何違反官方規則的參與人將被剝奪參與資格,聯合國開發計劃署保留對參與夏令營活動資格的最終解釋權。聯合國人居署招聘項目管理幹事Job OpeningPosting Title:Programme Management Officer (Project Post), P3 Job Code Title:Programme Management Officer, Human Settlements Department/Office:United Nations Human Settlements Programme Duty Station:BRUSSELS Posting Period:17 May 2017 - 15 June 2017 Job Opening Number:17-Human Settlements-UNHABITAT-77407-R-Brussels (E) Staffing Exercise N/A United Nations Core Values:Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for DiversitySpecial NoticeAppointment against this position is for an initial period of one year and may be subject to extension. Staff members are subject to the authority of the Secretary-General and to assignment by him or her. In this context, all staff are expected to move periodically to new functions in their careers in accordance with established rules and procedures.All applicants are strongly encouraged to apply on-line as soon as possible after the job opening has been posted and well before the deadline stated in the job opening. On-line applications will be acknowledged where an email address has been provided.If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledgement within 24 hours of submission, your application may not have been received. If the problem persists, please seek technical assistance through the Inspira "Need Help?" link.Org. Setting and ReportingThe United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-Habitat, is the agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. This post is located in the Regional Office for Europe and European Institutions. The duty station is Brussels. The incumbent will report directly to the Director, Office for Europe and European Institutions.ResponsibilitiesWithin delegated authority, guided by the strategy and functions of the Office for Europe and European Institutions, the Programme Officer will be responsible for the following duties:1.Participates in the development, implementation and evaluation of programme/projects; monitors and analyzes programme/project development and implementation; reviews relevant documents and reports; identifies problems and issues to be addressed and proposes corrective actions; liaises with relevant parties; identifies and tracks follow-up actions.2.Performs assignments in planning and facilitating participatory workshops and assisting in developing the action plan for the management of the project.3.Researches, analyzes and presents information gathered from diverse sources.4.Assists in policy development, including the review and analysis of issues and trends in international urban diplomacy, preparation of evaluations or other research activities and studies.5.Prepares various written outputs, e.g. draft background papers, analysis, sections of reports and studies, inputs to publications, etc.6.Provides substantive support to meetings, conferences, etc., which includes proposing agenda topics, identifying participants, preparation of background documents and presentations, etc.7.Undertakes outreach activities; conducts training workshops, seminars, etc.; makes presentations on assigned topics/activities.8.Participates in field missions, including provision of guidance to external consultants, government officials and other parties and drafting mission reports, etc.9.Coordinates activities related to budget and funding (programme/project preparation and submissions, progress reports, financial statements, etc.) and prepares related documents/reports (pledging, work programme, programme budget, etc.).10.Performs other duties as required.Competencies• Professionalism: Knowledge and understanding of theories, concepts and approaches relevant to particular sector, functional area or other specialized field; Ability to identify issues, analyze and participate in the resolution of issues/problems; Conceptual analytical and evaluative skills to conduct independent research and analysis, including familiarity with and experience in the use of various research sources ;Ability to apply judgment in the context of assignments given, plan own work and manage conflicting priorities; Shows pride in work and in achievements; demonstrates professional competence; Is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; Is motivated by professional rather than personal concerns.• Communication: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; Listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; Asks questions to clarify, and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; Tailors language, tone, style and format to match audience; Demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed using different media.• Planning & Organizing: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; Identifies priority activities and assignments; Adjusts priorities as required; Allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; Foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; Monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; Uses time efficiently.EducationAdvanced university degree (Master』s degree or equivalent) in urban planning, communications, management, social sciences or a related field. A first-level university degree in combination with additional two years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree.Work ExperienceA minimum of five years of progressively responsible experience in project or programme management, administration or related area. Experience in developing and/or implementing international sustainable development programmes involving donor community, clients and civil society groups, preparing and implementing technical assistance/capacity development projects, and writing project progress reports for project Steering Committees, Governance Bodies and Senior Management is desirable.LanguagesEnglish and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this position fluency in English (both oral and written) is required. A good working knowledge of French and Spanish is desirable.AssessmentEvaluation of qualified candidates may include an assessment exercise which may be followed by competency-based interview.United Nations ConsiderationsAccording to article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations, the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity, including but not limited to, respect for international human rights and humanitarian law. Candidates may be subject to screening against these standards, including but not limited to, whether they have committed or are alleged to have committed criminal offences or violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law.Due regard will be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible. The United Nations places no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs. The United Nations Secretariat is a non-smoking environment.Applicants are urged to follow carefully all instructions available in the online recruitment platform, inspira. For more detailed guidance, applicants may refer to the At-a-Glance on "The Application Process" and the Instructional Manual for the Applicants, which can be accessed by clicking on 「Manuals」 hyper-link on the upper right side of the inspira account-holder homepage.The screening and evaluation of applicants will be conducted on the basis of the information submitted in the application according to the evaluation criteria of the job opening and the applicable internal legislations of the United Nations including the Charter of the United Nations, resolutions of the General Assembly, the Staff Regulations and Rules, administrative issuances and guidelines. Applicants must provide complete and accurate information pertaining to their personal profile and qualifications, including but not limited to, their education, work experience, and language skills, according to the instructions provided on inspira. Applicants will be disqualified from consideration if they do not demonstrate in their application that they meet the evaluation criteria of the job opening and the applicable internal legislations of the United Nations. Applicants are solely responsible for providing complete and accurate information at the time of application: no amendment, addition, deletion, revision or modification shall be made to applications that have been submitted. Candidates under serious consideration for selection will be subject to a reference-checking process to verify the information provided in the application.Job openings advertised on the Careers Portal will be removed at midnight (New York time) on the deadline date.No FeeTHE UNITED NATIONS DOES NOT CHARGE A FEE AT ANY STAGE OF THE RECRUITMENT PROCESS (APPLICATION, INTERVIEW MEETING, PROCESSING, OR TRAINING). THE UNITED NATIONS DOES NOT CONCERN ITSELF WITH INFORMATION ON APPLICANTS』 BANK ACCOUNTS.國務院發展研究中心國際合作局招聘實習生一、機構簡介國務院發展研究中心是直屬國務院的政策研究和諮詢機構。主要職能是研究國民經濟、社會發展和改革開放中的全局性、戰略性、前瞻性、長期性以及熱點、難點問題,開展對重大政策的獨立評估和客觀解讀,為黨中央、國務院提供政策建議和諮詢意見。國際合作局是國務院發展研究中心國際交流與合作的職能管理部門,主要負責管理協調境外來訪、國際會議、國際合作項目、境外智庫合作、因公出訪等國際交流合作工作。同時國際合作局也開展全球治理、國際發展以及相關國際問題的研究。二、工作內容1. 辦公輔助性工作;2. 相關翻譯工作;4. 協助相關研究工作;5.協助項目管理工作;6. 其他交辦工作。三、崗位要求1.重點高校外語類、經濟類、政治類、國際發展、公共管理等相關專業在讀或已畢業碩士、博士;上述專業海外知名院校留學生。2.工作主動積極,細心踏實,認真負責,溝通能力較強。3.至少全職實習4個月。能實習6個月以上者優先考慮。四、其他事項實習待遇面議。面試時間5月底/6月初(具體時間另行通知)法國駐華公共機構招聘MissionsPlacé sous l』autorité du responsable du Club de lecture, le/la titulaire du poste sera en charge des missions suivantes :Accueil et orientation des lecteursParticiper à l』animation du Club de lectureParticiper à la gestion du Club de lectureProfilMaitrise du français (C1) et du chinois indispensable ;Expérience souhaitée en librairie ou en gestion de la relation client ;Connaissance de la scène littéraire française ;Connaissance du marché du livre chinois ;ConditionsOuverture du club de lecture 6 jours sur 7, travail le week-end ;Ouverture du club de lecture certains soirs autour d』événements culturels ;Personne de nationalité chinoise ;Poste basé à Pékin ;Contrat de droit local.MissionsAccueil des lecteurs ;Inscription des lecteurs ;Prêts et retour des documents ;Encaissement des amendes et des abonnements ;Rangement des documents ;Equipement des documents.ProfilUn très bon niveau de français parlé et écrit ;Niveau d』études équivalent à bac+3 minimum ;Intérêt marqué pour les fonctions proposées ;Qualités d』organisation ;Sens du travail en équipe ;Sens de l』accueil et du service public ;Maîtrise des outils informatiques et bureautiques ;Etre de nationalité chinoise ;Poste basé à Pékin ;Contrat de vacation de droit local.CCIFC : Chargé de Formation PékinMissions:Etablir et maintenir de bonnes relations avec les fournisseursEtablir et suivre les contrats avec les formateurs et les clientsPromouvoir notre service de formation en cours public et en in-houseComprendre les besoins de nos clients, trouver le bon formateur, et préparer l』offre commerciale dans les meilleurs délaisOrganiser les formations (en cours public ou en in-house) en coordination avec les fournisseurs de formation et des collaborateurs du marketing : promouvoir les formations, assurer les inscriptions des participants, les inscrire dans le CRM, les relancer la veille de la formation et assurer la logistique pendant toute la durée de la formationAssurer la facturation, le bilan pour le formateur, le paiement du formateur et le bilan mensuelDesired profile :Entre 1 et 3 ans d'expérience professionnellesNationalité chinoise niveau Bac +5 requisExcellent niveau de français parlé et écrit; Maitrise de l'anglaisAutonomie et prise d』initiative impérativesExcellente capacité de travail en équipeDynamique, organisé et rigoureuxMissionsAccueil des étudiants (demandes d』informations, passation des tests de français, passation des entretiens d』évaluation, participation aux conférences de présentation des études en France) ;Accueil téléphonique ;Réception et transmission des courriers aux destinataires ;Accueil général de l』espace et notamment des représentants d』établissements français ;Participation aux salons de l』éducation et renfort du bureau promotion et orientation dans le cadre de ses activités.ProfilMaîtrise du français et de l』anglais ;Intérêt pour le monde éducatif et si possible expérience dans ce domaine ;Bonne connaissance des systèmes éducatifs chinois et français ;Patience, sens du contact ;Discrétion ;Capacité à travailler en équipe ;Rigueur dans le travail.ConditionsPersonne de nationalité chinoise ;Contrat de vacation de 6 mois ;Poste basé à l』espace Campus France de Shanghai ;Contrat de droit local.Missions :Assurer le secrétariat de direction (localement et dans le cadre de la liaison avec l』administration en France), assurer le standard téléphonique, réceptionner le courrier et traiter les emails (réception+diffusion) ;Accueillir les familles et se charger des visites de l』établissement / répondre aux questions relatives aux inscriptions scolaires ;Faire le relais entre les parents, les élèves et l』école ;Se charger des commandes locales sous la supervision de la direction;Faciliter la vie des collègues dans le quotidien : aide à l』installation du personnel (réservation d』hôtel, recherche de logement, enregistrement auprès de l』administration, traduction, achats numériques, etc.)Solliciter la direction pour garantir le bon fonctionnement de l』école ;Gérer la planification des activités extrascolaires et du transport scolaire ;Compléter les enquêtes de rentrée sous la supervision de la direction ;Assurer des services de surveillance (récréation, permanence, etc.)…Profil cherchéMaîtriser parfaitement le Français, l』Anglais et Mandarin (lu, écrit et parlé) ; Niveau C2 minimum requis.Avoir le sens de l』organisationAvoir le sens relationnel et le sens du contact ;Avoir le sens de l』initiativeAvoir une formation Bac +4 minimum ;Connaître la culture franco-chinoise ;Etre à l』aise dans une équipe multiculturelle ;Etre très polyvalent et flexible ;Maîtriser les outils numériques (traitement de texte, tableur, etc.)…如何獲取《外交之聲》公布的工作機會、活動、項目信息、申請材料及報名表格?請添加微信xiaoka365,加入《外交之聲》微信交流群,註明」外交會「獲取詳細資料。(廣告、微商等不能證明身份者禁入)《外交之聲》自聯合國、用人單位等 外交之聲Voice Of Diplomacy直通使館 放眼世界轉載須註明出處

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