3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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該怎麼安排這漫長的暑假呢?跟著FM92.3學英語吧,一個夏天就能讓你大變樣呢!沒時間解釋了,快上車!進入暑期口語訓練營,順暢溝通無障礙Lily:Hello, I'm here for a consultation regarding civil law. 您好,我想諮詢一下民法方面的問題。Tom: Yes, please. 請講。Lily: My neighbors are causing me to lose sleep. They are always singing and dancing late into the night. 我鄰居讓我根本睡不著覺。他們總是唱歌跳舞到大半夜。Tom: Oh, I see. For a case like this, we'll arrange for a lawyer to go visiting your neighbor with you. 哦,明白了。對於這種案子,我們通常會安排個律師去跟您的鄰居交涉。Lily: I spoke to them several times before. I don't think having a lawyer present is going to help. 我和他們都談過好幾次了。我看律師去談也不會管用的。Tom: In that case, we'll contact the police. If they find enough evidence, they'll force your neighbors to comply. 這樣的話,我們就只能通知警方了,如果證據確鑿,警方就能強令他們夜間安靜些。Lily: That's good. I hope I can have some peaceful nights in the future. 好。希望馬上就有安靜日子過了【趣味青春英語】本 板塊內容是北京外語廣播FM92.3《趣味青春英語》節目「口語訓練營」的暑期特別板塊,《趣味青春英語》面向青少年聽眾,提供包括最新考試動向、試題分析、辭彙突 破、嘉賓訪談等英語學習考試相關內容,不僅能夠讓準備參加出國考試的學生提升應試能力,同時也是其他英語愛好者的良師益友。

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