3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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改變大學生一生的戀愛法則,畢業生單身狗同樣適用。▼▼▼01Don』t get into a relationship for at least the first month or two of college.不要在剛入學一兩個月的時候就急著確立戀愛關係。「You』ll end up spending a lot of time focusing your significant other, and might miss out on college』s other opportunities and friendships!」剛入學的一兩個月是很重要的時間節點,錯過了一個妹紙還會有成千上萬的妹紙,錯過了一個學長還會有成千上萬的學長,但切記不要因為急在一時,而忽略了維繫同學關係或者錯過了其他更加重要的事情。02Don』t do the long-distance thing (unless you』re positive that your heart is in it).不要輕易嘗試異地戀,除非你對你們之間的感情有200%的信心。「Every situation is different. One couple I knew actually ended up getting married, but they only saw each other once a year for, like, eight years.」這確實是因人而異,儘管有人最終能開花結果,但你必須做好充分的心裡準備,例如問問自己,如果碰上連續8年每年只見一次面這種極端情況,你們還能堅持住嗎?03If you and your high school boo end up at the same college, expect some changes in your relationship.如果你跟你的高中男/女朋友考上了同一所大學,不要天真的以為你們就這樣能笑著走到最後了。「College brings new experiences, and opportunities for people to change. Sometimes that can be a good thing!」人隨著環境的改變,經歷的增長,心態和品位也會發生改變。但你會發現,這種改變其實並不壞,它是一種成長。04No matter what, don』t let your relationship hold you back. College is YOURS to enjoy.無論如何,不要讓感情拖了你的後腿。大學生活很豐富,感情只是其中一小部分。「If your S.O. is trying to stop you from experiences you want to try (no, not hooking up — think more like studying abroad), don』t stick around!如果你的現任已經成為你人生進階的絆腳石(例如死活不讓你出國之類的),請果斷把TA踢開。05If you have any control over it, avoid dating anyone who lives in your building.如果可以選擇的話,不要跟住在同一棟宿舍樓的人談戀愛,對面樓也不好。「If there』s a chance you』ll see that person frequently, it will be difficult to get over the relationship if it ends badly.」雖然在熱戀期很占地理優勢,但萬一分手撕逼了,每天進進出出還是會遇到,那是有多影響心情。06Don』t disconnect from the world the moment you start dating someone.不要因為談戀愛而把整個世界隔絕了。「Focus on friendships — don』t take college romantic relationships too seriously.」愛情誠可貴,友情價更高。07You don』t have to find ~the one~.沒有必要非要在大學找到自己的「歸宿」。「Don』t feel like college is when you need to find the person to spend your life with. If it happens, great. If not, that』s great too!」大學不是婚介所,如果你有幸能在你大學遇到你的終身伴侶,恭喜你,如果沒有,其實一樣很好。08If your relationship isn』t making you happy, don』t waste your time with it. Relationships are supposed to make you happy.如果跟TA在一起的時候不開心多於開心,那這段戀愛就沒有必要談下去了。「If it feels like you』re constantly trying to fix things or make yourself fit with another person, end it!」如果你覺得你一直在修補這段關係,或者一直在改變自己去適應對方,那就證明你們並不適合。09But in all seriousness, if your mental health is at stake because of your relationship, seek help.如果你的感情問題已經嚴重影響你的精神狀態,必須及時尋求幫助。「Remember you』re not alone. Many of us have ended up feeling awful as a result of a college relationship, but never feel afraid to confide, get guidance, and treat yo』self!」記住你永遠不是一個人的。很多人也曾在大學期間受過情傷,不要羞於啟齒,及時找朋友傾訴,一切都會過去的。10Don』t throw away love for college hookups.別把你的感情浪費在關係不明朗的「朋友」身上。「If you』re sure about someone, stay with that one person.」如果你覺得「就是TA了」,那就儘快把關係確定下來吧。11It』s perfectly OK to not text the person you』re dating 24/7. Enjoy life IRL!不要一分鐘沒收到對方微信就開始抓狂,給大家一些私人的空間!「You might have done that in high school, but in college, it』s not sweet anymore — it』s kind of irritating. A few times a day is plenty.」大家都已經是成年人了,沒必要每時每刻給對方彙報行程,每天留一點時間交流就夠了。12Be smart and safe when it comes to sex (!!!).謹慎進階到「特別關係」,如果已經完成進階,請做好安全措施!!!「This cannot be stressed enough. Make it your golden rule.」這點需要一再強調,並要時刻謹記。13But also, if you』re a virgin, it』s 100% OK to stay that way throughout college.當然,把貞潔留在畢業之後也是很正常的。「Your sex life is literally no one else』s business.」這種事情主動權完全在你自己手上。14Hookups have a different effect on everyone.你不一定真的適合交某些「朋友」。「Be prepared for the person from *that* night to either reach out, or completely ghost. There are people who will sleep with you and then only text you for homework answers.」如果人家只當你是個某些一次性的「朋友」,你就不要還傻傻的走去問人家為什麼沒有第二次了。15A failed relationship is not a death sentence for your love life or general happiness. Grab some pizza and bask in your singleness.失戀不是世界末日,被甩不等於孤獨終老。這時候化傷心為食量吧,不會有人阻止你的。「Find time to find yourself.」是時候把重心放回自己身上了。16Don』t be afraid to make mistakes and learn from them.遇到錯的人不重要,重要的是你能吸取教訓。「Fall hard and learn that if you have to get up, there will be new opportunities.」揮別錯的才能和對的相逢。17Don』t be afraid to just GO for it. Life』s too short.人生短暫,遇到喜歡的趕緊上。「This is 2015 — just ask that person you』ve had your eye on to hang out!」都什麼年代了,誰做主動不重要,幸福是要靠自己爭取的。18Learn more about what kind of relationships work for you. The heart wants what it wants.清楚自己想要的是什麼,猶豫不決時只管跟著自己的心走。「Experiment isn』t the word I』m looking for, but don』t be afraid to try new things.」有時候嘗試一下新類型可能會有意想不到的驚喜。19Make sure that you love YOURSELF before starting a relationship.先愛自己才能愛別人。「If you can love yourself single, you』ll learn what you like, and you』re less likely to settle for the first sleazebag who comes along.」愛自己就是遇到人渣時懂得放手。20And, most importantly, you don』t have to date at all, if you』re not actually into anyone.如果暫時沒有令你心動的人,單身一段時間也不錯。「Don』t just date because others are dating; date if you』re seriously into someone!」不要為了談戀愛而談戀愛,耐心等待對的人出現。

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