3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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聽說暑假,是最喪的時候沒有了老師的教導,舍友的督促大家都統一都過上了晚睡晚起的生活你……是不是又胖了?是不是離夢想又遠了?喪文化正悄悄在我們身邊流行下面這45句最喪格言看完懷疑人生!今天,你喪了嗎?↓↓前方高能預警↓↓01失敗並不可怕可怕的是你還相信這句話Failure is not horrible.What's horrible is that you believe this.02你以為有錢人很快樂嗎?他們的快樂你根本想象不到You think the rich are happy?No, the way they're happy is beyond your imagination.03你們之所以喝雞湯是因為肉被別人吃了You have chicken soup for the soul.Because someone else already ate the chicken.04別灰心人生就是這樣起起落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落落Don't be discouraged.Life is full of ups and downs,and all the downs after those downs.05條條大路通羅馬而有些人就生在羅馬All roads lead to Rome.Yet, some people have been living there ever since they were born.06有些人出現在你的生命里是為了告訴你:你真好騙Some people come to you in your lifeto make you know that you are such an easy target.07比一個人吃火鍋更寂寞的是一個人沒有錢吃火鍋What makes one even lonelier than having chafingdish alone?That you can't even afford the chafingdish.08你不努力一下怎麼知道什麼叫絕望呢?If you don't try,how can you know what it feels like to be desperate?09比爾·蓋茨休學創業成了世界首富但人家休的是哈佛大學Bill Gates became the richest manby dropping out of school and starting his own business.But the school he dropped out is Harvard.10男女之間一定有純真的友誼因為每一個認識我的女生都說最多只能跟我做朋友There has to be real friendship between boys and girls.Because every girl I know told me thatwe could only be friends.11不要沒完沒了地修圖你現實中長得不好看我們都知道Don't photoshop yourself again and again.We know you look ugly in reality.12你無法用錢買到幸福因為你沒有錢You can't buy happiness with money,Because you don't have money.13最怕你一生碌碌無為還安慰自己平凡可貴The worst nightmare is that you achieve nothing in your lifeand manage to believe it's a blessing to be common.14不要看別人表面上一帆風順實際上,他們背地裡,也是一帆風順Some people seem to have everything.In fact, they do have everything.15受夠了又肥又丑的自己嗎?快去健身房吧,光丑就行了Tired of being fat and ugly?Then go to the gym. Just be ugly!16你無法叫醒一個不回你消息的人但是紅包可以You can't wake up someone who doesn't want to text you back.But money can.17雖然你單身但你胖若兩人Though you're single,you occupy twice the space.18好女孩只得到了好字而漂亮女孩卻得到了所有A good girl has good reputation.A pretty girl has everything.19愛笑的女生運氣不會太差說實話,如果一個女生運氣一直不好我不知道她怎麼還能笑得出來A girl who laughs a lot usually has fortune on her side.Seriously, I don't know how someone can manage to laugh if she got screwed by life.20像我這種連名牌都不認識幾個的人都感覺不到別人在炫富!With such limited knowledge of brands,I can't even recognize when some people show off their wealth.21喜歡一個人就去表白萬一成備胎了呢If you have a crush on somebody, go tell that person.There's a chance that you become the Plan B.22當你覺得自己又丑又窮、一無是處時別絕望,因為至少你的判斷還是對的If you feel ugly, poor and useless,don't be devastated. At least you have good judgement.23 哪有什麼選擇困難症還不是因為窮There is no such a thing called allodoxaphobia.You are just being poor.24你只知道人家化妝比你好看卻不知道,她們卸了妝不僅比你好看,皮膚還吹彈可破You only know that they look prettier than you in their make-up.What you don't know is: underneath those make-up, not only are they prettier than you, they also have perfectly good skin.25為什麼總是天妒英才呢?因為沒人管笨蛋活多久Why does fate always mess up with geniuses?Because no one bother caring about idiots.26當上帝給你關上一扇門也會順手把窗戶關上When God closes a door for you,he'd close the windows all together.27一些人常會被罵,說每天像豬一樣愛睡懶覺豬都比你起得早Some people are said to be like pigs because they sleep too much.That's not fair, pigs get up earlier.28學校的廁所為什麼放鏡子?是為了讓你知道:人丑就要多讀書~Why do schools install mirrors in the restrooms?Because they want you to know: with such unsatisfying appearance of yours, your only chance is to study.29人生很多事,終究會隨著時間好起來比如很多人原本只是胖,久了就變好胖Things do get improved as time goes by.For example, some people were fat and they got fatter and fatter.30這段日子迷茫又黑暗撐過去了會有下一個黑暗等著你Days are dark and troubled now.Just keep going, so you can see more darkness beyond them.31許多人說北上廣深機會多但沒人說那是你的呀People say there are more opportunities in the metropolises.But did anybody ever say they were yours?32生活不止眼前的苟且還有前任的喜帖Life is not all about the muddle that you see,but also the ones that you will see,such as your ex's wedding invitation.33誰說你沒有毅力的?單身這事你不就堅持了好幾十年么Who said you lack perseverance?You managed to be single for decades!34女追男隔層紗那得男的本來就對你有好感不然隔的都是鐵絲網,還是帶電的那種They say it's easy for a girl to pursue a man,easy like poking through a veil.But that has to be when the man already has a crush on you.Otherwise what you need to poke through would be a bunch of barbed wire with electricity running through.35當你失敗的時候身邊會有一群關心你的人他們會問你發生了什麼聽聽你的失敗經驗然後心滿意足地離開When you fail, there will be people who cares.They come and ask.They listen.And they leave with satisfaction.其實,這些都不是最喪的你知道最喪的是什麼嗎?迫不及待的想知道四六級成績嗎?不用等了反正你也過不了過不了不了了你被喪文化影響了嗎?咳咳喪文化已在我們身邊悄悄流行~但是「喪」不等同於負能量,也不意味著絕望而大多是作為一種自嘲和排解壓力方式。儘管我們將生活里地喪毫不掩飾地表現出來儘管彷彿把人生的黑暗面看了個透但我們從來沒有真正地放棄過生活經過一番幽默的自嘲之後我們還是帶著正能量重新上路了。就像在暑假!吃吃喝喝也不要忘記學習啊~

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