3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

峰會倒計時八天點擊圖片搶峰會門票每周二與酒店高參相約酒店高層任命,不見不散!酒店高參投稿郵箱:hotel@hoteln.cn,,可申請加入酒店高參傳訊聯盟。【酒店高參】在8月15日(周二)的酒店高參任命中,我們冬粉選出了最具人氣的前三名:第三名:上海五角場凱悅酒店總經理梁建邦先生 (858票)恭喜以上三位獲得上周最具人氣的酒店高層,酒店高參近期將為他們做一次專訪。最新任命2017年第29期近日,萬豪國際集團正式任命劉崗先生為五台山萬豪酒店總經理,他將全面統籌酒店的運營及管理工作。劉崗先生於1994年正式加入萬豪國際集團工作。在此後20多年的酒店職業生涯中,劉崗先生曾先後於北京國航萬麗酒店,北京海航大廈萬豪酒店及北京粵財JW萬豪酒店等六家酒店任職並儲備了豐富的酒店管理經驗。劉崗先生非常認同萬豪國際集團的核心價值觀,並將其運用於日常的管理工作之中,他對員工的認可與關心使得每一位與他共事的同事都能夠竭誠為賓客傳達酒店的非凡待客之道。劉崗先生豐富的管理經驗,突出的領導力及專業的工作能力,必將使他在新的崗位上取得更加優秀的成果。Ricky joined Marriott International in 1994. Over the next twenty years, He had been with Marriott in six properties, such as Renaissance Beijing Chaoyang Hotel, Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast, and JW Marriott Hotel Beijing Central, where he enriched his hotel management experience.Ricky highly values the Core Value of Marriott International, especially the "Putting People First", and he integrates it into his daily management. He always takes good care of associates, which encourages associates to do their best to take care of our customers.With rich management experience, outstanding leadership and professional competency, Ricky will lead the hotel to a continued success.2、萬豪國際集團任命青島膠州綠城喜來登酒店總經理——丁瑞慶先生丁瑞慶先生憑藉超過18年的酒店從業經驗及豐富的財務管理經驗,以嚴謹的資產優化管理、敏銳的市場洞察力、卓越的理財智慧及富有激情和創造性的領導魅力,得到了行業內的高度認可。 在過去的十年間,丁瑞慶先生在喜來登及福朋品牌酒店積累了豐富的酒店財務管理經驗。2014年始,丁瑞慶先生出任青島膠州綠城喜來登酒店及青島李滄綠城喜來登酒店的行政助理經理,全面負責兩家酒店的財務管理。之後,擔任青島膠州綠城喜來登酒店駐店經理,在酒店日常經營及優化管理利潤方面,表現出傑出的領導能力。我們深信,憑藉丁瑞慶先生在酒店業的豐富經驗和對本地市場形勢的精準分析,青島膠州綠城喜來登酒店的未來將更加美好。With a career spanning more than 18 years in hospitality industry and strong financial background, Ray brings to his new role a great passion and inspirational leadership with assets management, market insight, financial acumen as well as results driven ability.During the decade years, Ray has acquired a wealth of hospitality knowledge at Finance Department in Sheraton & Four Points brand properties. In 2014, Ray was the complex EAM in charge of financial part of both Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel and Sheraton Qingdao Licang Hotel. Most recently, he was the Hotel Manager in charge of Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel, where he displayed outstanding leadership skills in directing daily operational activities as well as the ability of exceeding profit targets.With his abundant experience in hotel industry and good knowledge of Qingdao market, we are confident that Ray will lead Sheraton Qingdao Jiaozhou Hotel to a continued success. 3、洲際酒店集團任命成都世紀城假日酒店總經理——嚴惠良先生近日,洲際酒店集團宣布嚴惠良先生就任成都世紀城假日酒店(東樓&西樓)總經理一職。此番上任之前,嚴惠良先生在昆明中心假日酒店擔任酒店經理並參與籌開。嚴惠良先生擁有29年的酒店行業管理經驗。他曾在香港文化東方酒店、香港維多利亞酒店、香港萬豪酒店、百慕大群島萬豪城堡海景度假村擔任管理職務。從2006年起, 嚴惠良先生開始了在內地的職業生涯。他曾在上海新天地、上海智奧會展集團、上海虹橋千禧大酒店、中山永安新城皇冠假日任職,積累了豐富的管理經驗。多年豐富的酒店管理經驗賦予了嚴惠良先生非凡的洞察力以及對酒店行業的獨到見解,他注重賓客關懷,將更加致力於酒店產品質量以及賓客體驗度的提升。相信嚴惠良先生將會帶領成都世紀城假日酒店創造出非凡的業績。InterContinental Hotels Group has newly appointed Mr. Larry Yim as the General Manager of Holiday Inn Chengdu Century City (West Tower & East Tower). Before joining Holiday Inn Chengdu Century City, Mr. Larry Yim was the Hotel Manager of Holiday Inn Kunming City Center, where he has worked since pre-opening team. Mr. Larry Yim has 29 years hotel management experience within Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong, Hotel Victoria Hong Kong, JW Marriot in Hong Kong, and Marriot』s Castle Harbor Resort in Bermuda. He has been working in Mainland China since 2006 with Shanghai Xingtiandi, GL Events, Millennium Hongqiao Shanghai and Crowne Plaza Zhongshan Wing On City.With a vast experience in hospitality, Mr. Larry Yim will ensure that guests at Holiday Inn Chengdu Century City will enjoy exceptional and inspired service underpinned by commitment to excellence. Assuredly, Mr. Larry Yim will lead Holiday Inn Chengdu Century City to a bright and prosperous future. 4、洲際酒店集團任命成都世紀城天堂洲際大飯店總經理——金金先生近日, 洲際酒店集團宣布任命金金先生為成都世紀城天堂洲際大飯店總經理,全面負責成都世紀城天堂洲際大飯店日常運營及管理工作。 在加入成都世紀城天堂洲際大飯店之前,金金先生擔任洲際酒店集團旗下內地最大的一家假日品牌酒店,成都世紀城假日酒店(西樓&東樓)總經理,在此期間,金金先生帶領團隊以優異的管理水平及卓越的收益表現榮獲洲際酒店集團頒發的銀龍獎及金龍獎,同時個人也榮獲最佳新任總經理的榮譽。2010年至2016年期間,他曾擔任過成都世紀城天堂洲際大飯店房務總監、行政副總經理以及駐店經理一職,除此之外,金金先生在20多年的從業經歷中還先後任職於廣州白天鵝賓館、南京金絲利喜來登酒店、南京金鷹皇冠假日酒店等多家國際國內高星級酒店。 此次履新,相信金金先生也將憑藉其豐富的管理經驗、對酒店行業的熱忱,不斷提升的創新思維以及堅定地捍衛品牌標準,為賓客提供真正的待客之道、為員工營造奮進團結的氛圍、為業主帶來更高效的回報率,創造屬於成都世紀城天堂洲際大飯店更加輝煌的新紀元。 Recently, IHG Hotels Group announces the appointment of Mr. Jin Jin as General Manager for InterContinental Century City Chengdu, in charge of the daily operations and management of this hotel. Mr. Jin Jin came from Nanjing, Jiangsu Provence, with a wealth of hotel management experience for several years. Mr. Jin Jin is not new to InterContinental Century City Chengdu, as he was Director of Rooms, Executive Assistant Manager and Resident Manager in InterContinental Century City Chengdu since October 2010, before being promoted his first General Manager role in Holiday Inn Chengdu Century City in April 2016. When he managed the biggest Holiday Inn hotel in mainland, China, Holiday Inn Chengdu Century City – West Tower and East Tower, Mr. Jin Jin showed his commitment and passion to delivering the results of the hotel. With his core leadership and strengthening team spirit in each department with high engagement, he led the hotels to win both 「Silver Dragon Award」 and 「Golden Dragon Award」 in 2016 and also he has been awarded the Best New General Manager in 2016. Mr. Jin Jin started his career in hotel industry from 1997 at Housekeeping Department with White Swan Hotel in Guangzhou, from then he has worked with several hotels, such as Sheraton brand in different cities. With over 20 years in hotel management, Mr. Jin Jin show his great talent on leadership in hospitality and His great enthusiasm and understanding of this hotel will brings InterContinental Century City Chengdu a new era in the future.5、 北京怡亨酒店任命總經理——Mr. Dany Lützel全球知名旅遊網站「貓途鷹」評選為第一酒店的北京怡亨酒店近日正式任命丹尼·魯澤爾先生為新任酒店總經理。丹尼·魯澤爾先生在酒店業擁有超過10年的豐富管理經驗,帶著他在歐洲及市場的知名酒店集團服務的成功經歷,將全面負責北京怡亨酒店的營運管理。 來自瑞士,畢業於盧森酒店專業管理學院,擁有高級工商管理碩士學位,丹尼·魯澤爾先生精通德語、法語及英語。2006 年起在瑞士首都聖加侖市的麗笙酒店擔任總經理一職,服務時間超過6年。2014 年丹尼·魯澤爾先生移居,擔任重慶凱賓斯基大酒店的駐店經理,短短一年時間,便接手總經理一職,推動海內外市場的營收,同時善用品牌資源,大幅提升宴會與餐飲的業績表現,充分展現他對酒店以及整體市場極佳且迅速的掌握。2016 年離開重慶凱賓斯基大酒店后,他加入馬可波羅集團,任職於成都尼依格羅酒店的開業籌備總經理,成功完成開業項目。 北京怡亨酒店董事總經理周偉江先生表示"丹尼·魯澤爾先生是一位全方位的專業酒店管理人。他的加入將會是酒店團隊的一大助力。 我們非常期待且確信北京怡亨酒店在他的帶領之下能達到新的里程碑。 " The No.1 hotel in China ranked by TripAdvisor Travellers‟ Choice, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Dany Lützel as General Manager. Drawing on more than a decade of experience in the hotel business, including success at well-known addresses in Europe and China, Lützel is now responsible for all operations at one of the most unique luxury boutique hotels in Beijing.Prior to joining Hotel Éclat Beijing, Mr. Lützel was Pre-Opening General Manager of Niccolo by Marco Polo in Chongqing. Previously, he was also General Manager at Kempinski Chongqing. Before Mr. Lützel transferred to China in 2014, he was General Manager at Radisson Blu, St. Gallen in Switzerland, where he spent over six years in the property. Mr. Eddie Chow, Managing Director, Hotel Éclat Beijing said: 「Mr. Lützel is a highly experienced hotelier who is a great addition to our team. We look forward to having him lead Hotel Éclat Beijing to achieve another milestone.」 Mr. Lützel majored in hotel management at the Hotel Management School Lucerne and received a degree of Executive Master of Business Administration. He speaks fluent German, English, and French.6、上海寶華萬豪酒店任命市場銷售總監——王萍女士王萍女士將管理上海寶華萬豪酒店市場銷售工作,工作職責包括了擁有317間客房的酒店銷售、市場傳媒、網路營銷,會議團隊、宴會活動等,致力於帶領團隊一同提高酒店的知名度,引領其在行業內的領先地位。王萍女士擁有近17年銷售、市場營銷及餐飲管理的豐富從業經驗,她於2013年加入上海寶華萬豪酒店擔任銷售總監一職,基於她出色的領導力,勇於突破的創造力及戰略管理才能,正式晉陞為市場銷售總監。與此同時,她也是一位高瞻遠矚的領導者及高效的溝通者,曾任職於多家國際知名品牌酒店,如雅高集團、上海淳大萬麗酒店及上海金茂君悅大酒店等。 「期待她以出眾的領導力、資深的管理經驗及不斷追求卓越服務的信念為酒店的未來創造更輝煌的成績。」上海寶華萬豪酒店總經理林國雄先生如是說。 In her new role, Claire will be responsible for driving the overall sales and marketing strategy of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Parkview with 317 rooms, where she will also oversee the daily operations of the hotel Sales, Marketing Communications, Online Marketing, MICE, Event & Catering, bringing her expertise to further enhance the hotel』s reputation as one of the leading business hotels in Shanghai. Claire Wang brings with her over 17 years of expertise in Sales, Marketing and Catering Management. She joined Shanghai Marriott Hotel Parkview as Director of Sales in 2013. With savvy leadeship, creativity and strategic thinking, Claire is promoted to Director of Sales and Marketing. As an accomplished strategic thinker and effective communicator, she worked at various position levels with responsibility for sales, marketing, revenue and team development across a wide range of international hotels including Accor, Renaissance Pudong, Grand Hyatt Shanghai and etc. 「 With her proven qualities in leadership, strategic planning, market insights and the commitment to the highest standards of quality and service in achieving high performance goals, we are confident that Claire will be a tremendous asset to the team and drive the hotel to the next level.」 said Ricky Lam, General Manager of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Parkview.7、重慶萬達艾美酒店任命市場銷售部總監——周蕾女士重慶萬達艾美酒店宣布任命周蕾女士為酒店市場銷售總監。此次的新委任,周蕾女士將負責整個市場銷售部的日常運作。周蕾女士是一名土生土長的重慶本地人,她擁有豐富的本地客戶資源及資深的市場銷售優勢。她的酒店銷售職業生涯開始於重慶JW 萬豪酒店並任職了長達7年的市場銷售工作。至今為止,她擁有超過18年不同國際品牌酒店的工作經驗,履新前於重慶嘉發希爾頓逸林酒店擔任商務發展總監。酒店駐店經理洪偉傑先生表示:「我們相信周蕾女士的加入將會帶領重慶萬達艾美酒店市場銷售部走向新的篇章」。共同祝賀周蕾女士接任市場銷售總監的職務並再次回歸萬豪國際集團。8、上海虹橋元一希爾頓酒店任命商務發展總監——卡特(Solomon Carter)先生卡特先生被正式任命擔任上海虹橋元一希爾頓酒店商務發展總監一職,全面負責酒店的市場開發及商務拓展工作,並直接向酒店總經理周文先生彙報。 卡特先生於2003年加入北京香格里拉酒店開始其酒店職業生涯,至今擁有近15年的國際酒店管理工作經驗,11年的高級銷售管理經驗。2006年,他加入喜達屋集團旗下的北京金融街威斯汀酒店任業務發展總監。2011年,他加入北京萬達索菲特大飯店任銷售副總監,而後於2012年再次加入喜達屋集團先後擔任合肥萬達威斯汀酒店及廈門威斯汀酒店銷售總監,於2014年榮升為廈門威斯汀酒店市場銷售總監。2015年,他加入北京三里屯通盈中心洲際酒店籌備團隊,領導市場銷售團隊開拓市場。對於卡特先生的加入, 總經理周文先生表示:「我們期待卡特先生帶領商務發展團隊,在激烈的酒店市場競爭環境中脫穎而出,達成並超越商業預算,同時開發新領域,穩固及擴大酒店會議及宴會在市場中的龍頭地位。」Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao has appointed Mr. Solomon Carter as Director of Business Development, reporting to Mr. Joseph Zitnik, General Manager of Hilton Shanghai Hongqiao. Solomon』s appointment is effective from 21st July, 2017 with responsibility to further enhance hotel』s overall business and increase brand awareness in the market. Starting his hospitality career early in 2003 at Shangri-La Beijing, Solomon has more than 15 years』 management experience in hospitality industry and 11 years』 senior sales experience. He joined in Starwood in 2006 as Director of MICE at The Westin Beijing Financial Street, and showed excellent performance with his comprehensive hospitality knowledge and strong sales skills. Then, he joined in Sofitel Wanda Beijing as Assistant Director of Sales in 2011, and was back to Starwood as Director of Sales at The Westin Hefei Baohe in 2012 and later at The Westin Xiamen. In 2014, he was promoted to the position of Director of Sales & Marketing. Solomon participated in the opening team of InterContinental Beijing Sanlitun in 2015.Mr. Joseph Zitnik said: 「We look forward to Solomon leading the BD Team in our fiercely competitive business environment and achieving and exceeding our budgeted commercial targets while developing new business and expanding the hotel』s already leading position in MICE and Events.」 9、三亞亞龍灣瑞吉度假酒店任命行政總廚——張賓先生三亞亞龍灣瑞吉度假酒店宣布任命晉陞張賓先生為行政總廚,於2017年8月21日正式生效。張賓先生是三亞亞龍灣瑞吉度假酒店籍行政總廚,擁有長達20年的酒店經驗,自1997年加入酒店行業以來,先後任職於洲際、希爾頓、萬豪國際等知名酒店集團旗下的酒店和度假村。 張賓先生自2014年加入三亞亞龍灣瑞吉度假酒店擔任行政副總廚,對於晉陞行政總廚一職,張賓先生表示,「雄關漫道真如鐵,而今邁步從頭越」,他將帶領三亞亞龍灣瑞吉度假酒店的精英廚師團隊為全球食客們展現美食的創新與傳統的完美融合,為三亞亞龍灣瑞吉度假酒店的客人提供美好的瑞吉美食體驗之旅! 張賓先生的豐富經驗及懷著一顆熱愛美食的初心,曾接受中央電視台財經頻道美食電視節目「2017廚王爭霸賽」擔任資深專業評委。張賓先生在業餘時間喜歡攝影,更喜歡在旅行中探索體驗當地豐富的食材,保持提煉融合全球各地的美食呈現到三亞亞龍灣瑞吉度假酒店的客人的餐桌上。倒計時第8天2017酒店品牌高峰論壇2017酒店品牌高峰論壇—暨非標住宿峰會、暨第二屆酒店高參峰會將於2017年8月30日-31日在上海閔行寶龍艾美酒店舉辦,本次峰會由「酒店高參」主辦,聯合主辦方是「酒店邦」、「客棧群英匯」及「幾何生活」。90%一線酒店業主,70位總裁級別演講嘉賓,600位酒店行業決策者共同出席本屆峰會,這是今年最值得參加的酒店行業盛會!▲掃二維碼搶峰會優惠門票▼戳「閱讀原文」搶峰會限時優惠價門票

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