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【 My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark 】跨越文化、宗教、傳統、信仰、種族、等一切阻隔,通過音樂產生共鳴走到一起,就像新信仰與舊傳統的牽手,傳統與變革的融合。-01- My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark 這首歌一看歌名就讓人瘮得慌,再看看這張封面圖,朋克穿著澳洲搖滾樂隊ACDC的T恤,戴著露指頭手套,吞雲吐霧。和尚一臉嚴肅,p上了一道佛光,表情又羞澀又誠懇又恐懼的樣子。一個是吐著煙圈的不羈少年,一個是靦腆羞澀的小僧侶,看似活在相互衝撞的兩個世界的二人卻牽著手走在路上,充滿了妙不可言的和諧。封面照片並非擺拍,而是澳大利亞攝影師Roger Stonehouse在越南偶然抓拍到的。讓人看到了Fall Out Boy對搖滾精神的詮釋——超越一切阻隔的存在。-02-Fall out boy是來自美國芝加哥的一個搖滾樂隊,組建於2001年,曾入圍格萊美。充滿年輕活力朝氣,暢快將龐克的不羈氣焰完全釋放,些許EMO風格夾帶流暢聲線。-03-回到這首搖滾歌曲,My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark是Fall Out Boy 2013年度全新專輯《Save Rock and Roll》主打歌,曾在2013維多利亞的秘密內衣秀上由Fall Out Boy與Taylor Swift合唱,震撼全場。-04-「 Be-Be careful making wishes in the dark, dark Can't be sure when they've hit their mark And besides in the mean mean time I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart 」在黑暗裡祈禱要格外小心很難保證他們在達成自己的願望後會兌現你的在艱辛的日子裡我只是想著要把你碎屍萬段-05-「 I'm in the deep details with the devil So the world can never get me on my level I just got to get you out of the cage I'm a young lover's rage Gonna need a spark to ignite 」我和惡魔是同一國的所以現在這個世界已經不是我的對手了我只是想要幫你掙脫束縛我是新升的戀人的怒火只需要一點火花就能燃燒-06-「 Writers keep writing what they write Somewhere another pretty vein just dies I've got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see That you're the antidote to everything except for me 」所有的作家都在寫著他們寫的東西在某個地方伊甸園正在崩塌我已經受到了未來的懲罰我希望你能看到你可以摧毀萬物除了我以外-07-「 A constellation of tears on your lashes Burn everything you love Then burn the ashes In the end everything collides My childhood spat back the monster that you see 」你眼睫毛上的淚花摧毀了你所珍愛的一切化為灰燼在最後所有的東西都撞擊在一起我的灰色童年造就了你看到的惡魔般的我-08-「 My songs know what you did in the dark So light em up up up light em up up up light em up up up I'm on fire In the dark 」 我的歌知道在黑暗中你的所作所為所以拆穿它們點燃它們毀滅他們以我的火之力在黑暗之中-09-封面這張圖片,覺得正面意義更多的應該是狂熱,自由,真實,獨立,個性。至少對於我們而言,想做的事情就去做,熱愛的事情就去完成,千萬千萬不要放在心裡等著以後。你心愛的人不會等你,你熱愛的事業也不會等你。就像之前看到過一句話,最好的時間,一個是在十年前,一個是現在。● ● ● My Songs Know What You Did In the Dark歌手:Fall Out Boy作詞:Butch Walker作曲:Butch Walker「B-B-B-Be careful making wishes in the dark, darkCan't be sure when they've hit their markAnd besides in the mean, mean timeI'm just dreaming of tearing you apartI'm in the de-details with the devilSo now the world can never get me on my levelI just gotta get you off the cageI'm a young lover's rageGonna need a spark to igniteMy songs know what you did in the darkSo light 'em up, up, upLight 'em up, up, upLight 'em up, up, upI'm on fireSo light 'em up, up, upLight 'em up, up, upLight 'em up, up, upI'm on fireAll the writers keep writing what they writeSomewhere another pretty vein just diesI've got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could seeThat you』re the antidote to everything except for me, meA constellation of tears on your lashesBurn everything you love, then burn the ashesIn the end everything collidesMy childhood spat back out the monster that you seeMy songs know what you did in the darkSo light 'em up, up, upLight 'em up, up, upLight 'em up, up, upI'm on fireSo light 'em up, up, upLight 'em up, up, upLight 'em up, up, upI'm on fireOh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa.Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh,whoa.In the dark, darkOh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa.Oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa, oh, oh, whoa.In the dark, dark那麼,看過封面之後,再打開音樂,你會不會看到他們背後燃起的火焰?

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