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石雷鵬寫譯一哥/點題王學院派寫譯經典名師,英語四六級及考研閱卷人。被學生親切地稱為「石叔」,沉穩幹練,獨創「功能段落」寫作模式,一招斃敵,以不變應萬變。雖然素未謀面,但我真的愛你今天長難句的難點是:more than..., 表示不僅僅;造句:Mr. Sky told dirty jokes in class time, and more than imparted knowledge. (Mr.Sky 在上課時間不僅講知識,還講黃色笑話)【上期長難句】The definition also excludes the majority of teachers, despite the fact that teaching has traditionally been the method whereby many intellectuals earn their living.【今日長難句】They may teach very well, and more than earn their salaries, but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems which involve moral judgment.2【句子分段】They may teach very well,|| and more than earn their salaries,|| but most of them make little or no independent reflections on human problems || which involve moral judgment.3【句子分析】1. 聯繫上下文可知they 指代teachers;該句為由but鏈接的並列句。2. 前半句:they may teach very well, and more than earn their salaries. 其中more than 表「不僅僅、除。。。外」。前半句譯為:教師可能擅長教書/教師可能教書教的很好,而且不僅僅是掙工資。3. 後半句為主謂賓結構:most of them/ make /little or no independent reflections on human problems. 譯為:大部分教師很少或沒有對人類問題進行獨立思考。which involve moral judgment 為定語從句,定語從句較短時,可譯為「的」結構,即:涉及到道德判斷的。4【詞的處理】more than …不僅僅make reflections on反思…, 思考…independent adj. 獨立的5【參考譯文】教師可能擅長教書,而且不僅僅是在掙工資,但是大部分教師很少或沒有對涉及道德判斷的人類問題進行獨立的思考。6【下期長難句預告】This description even fits the majority eminent scholars. Being learned in some branch of human knowledge is one thing; living in 「public and industrious thoughts,」 as Emerson would say, is something else.我就是你們騷氣十足的17歲少年石雷鵬老師寶貝er們,想聽更多我的課程歡迎加入我們【考蟲四六級系統班】包您滿意↓↓↓↓↓ 四級1\2\3\4\5班,6級1\2\3班 65000名額售罄!已覆蓋全國2679所高校 搶購四級5班、六級3班

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