3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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身為一名夢想吃遍世界的吃貨,去哪裡吃,什麼好吃,一定要做到瞭然於胸。不過,世界這麼大,從哪裡吃起呢?別急,CNN這回給大家帶來了一本吃貨寶典,盤點了23個最佳街頭美食城市!五花八門的小吃正在前方等著你,隔著屏幕彷彿都能聞見香氣!快來一起看看吧!23 北京Beijing, China不出意料,北京以眾多著名的小吃街登上了這份「吃貨」榜單。Much of Beijing's street food is now available off the streets and in organized food courts.在北京,大部分街頭美食在街頭或者美食廣場都可以買到。CNN還特地推薦了后海九門小吃街和王府井大街。The Jiumen Snack Street, surprisingly well-hidden among the narrow paths of the hutongs around Houhai lake, hosts many of the vendors who once shouted at patrons on the sidewalk. Now they shout at patrons in a building. They claim to offer 200 kinds of snacks, drinks and desserts, but that could be a low count.九門小吃街,隱藏在後海周圍的狹窄衚衕中,以前商販們在衚衕邊上叫賣,現在場地變成了高樓。他們聲稱提供200多種小吃、飲料和甜點,但很可能絕不止這個數。Many of the same dishes are on offer on Wangfujing Snack Street, a pedestrian way that includes a night market and lots of food on sticks, including unusual nibbles like scorpions and seahorses.類似的美食還可以在王府井步行街找到,這裡有夜市,還有小吃攤,烤蠍子、烤海馬等不尋常的美食應有盡有。22澳大利亞 悉尼Sydney, Australia說到悉尼,大家腦中是不是已經浮現出來龍蝦、螃蟹等誘人的海鮮呢?The Sydney Fish Market remains a wonderful place to get fresh seafood, which Peter's Seafood Cafe will cook from their shop window. Served simply but expertly, there's fish and chips as well as BBQ octopus and soft-shell crab.悉尼魚市場是品嘗海鮮的絕佳場所,你可以從窗戶看到海鮮的製作過程。這裡有魚和薯條、烤花枝、軟殼蟹......製作方法簡單但滋味絕倫。But Vietnamese, Chinese and Middle Eastern food are what's really being served up across a city that embraces banh mi, noodles and babaganoush.不過,這個城市主要的街頭美食是來自越南、和中東的食物,如越南風三明治、麵條、巴巴羅薩......21巴西 里約熱內盧Rio de Janeiro, Brazil來到這裡,怎能錯過街頭美味的冷飲?For cooling off, Brazil's wealth of tropical fruits have been juiced and frozen into popsicles called sacoles.為了解暑,巴西街頭有著各種熱帶水果果汁凍成的冰棍。除此之外,這裡還有木薯煎餅等特色美食供你品嘗。20義大利 羅馬Rome, ItalyItalian food has traveled so widely and become intertwined with other cultures around the world that tasting the original is a revelation.義大利美食流傳甚廣,與世界各地的美食都進行了很好的融合。這時,更需要來品嘗一下原汁原味的義大利風味。這裡的街邊有著飄香的披薩,古法烤制的麵包,還有香濃的咖啡。看到這裡,是不是隔著屏幕也能聞到香甜的氣味?19美國 邁阿密Miami, United StatesMiami is home to amazing Cuban food, none more so than the humble Cubano sandwich. Ham, roasted pork, Swiss cheese, pickles and mustard, toasted like a Panini to fill the mouth with crunchy, chewy, savory goodness.邁阿密堪稱古巴美食之都,而最著名的要屬貌不驚人的古巴三明治。火腿、烤豬肉、瑞士乳酪、腌菜以及芥末,這一與帕尼尼類似的鬆脆美食會讓你口齒留香。儘管它叫古巴三明治,但它真的是邁阿密特色美食哦!18越南 胡志明市Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamPerched on a plastic stool on the sidewalk, with a steaming bowl of pho, watching the chaotic traffic on the streets all around -- it's a perfect afternoon in Ho Chi Minh City.坐在人行道邊的塑料凳上,點上一碗越南粿條,看著周圍街道上的熙熙攘攘,在胡志明市,這就是一個完美的午後。Banh mi sandwiches are another Vietnamese street food exported successfully around the world. Here the baguette could be filled with a diverse selection of meats including pate, sausage and shredded pork skin.Banh mi三明治是越南成功出口到世界各地的另一款街頭美食。這種長棍麵包里可以夾各種各樣的肉餡,包括豬肉,香腸和碎豬肉皮。17印度 孟買Mumbai, IndiaThe eateries on Mohammad Ali Road don't all have menus, or even signs, but the crowds show where to go and what to eat.孟買街頭的小餐館並不是都有菜單,有些甚至連招牌都沒有,但人流會告訴你,哪家好吃,什麼好吃。在這裡,你可以享受到一些美味的肉食,包括kebab(阿拉伯烤肉)、partridge( 山鶉肉)等等。16模里西斯 路易港Port Louis, MauritiusFood in Mauritius is a mix of African, Indian, French and Chinese.模里西斯的食物混合了非洲、印度、法國和的美食特色。In the capital Port Louis, people head to the sidewalks for dhal puri, Indian crepes made with ground split peas and filled with veggies, coriander and as much (or as little) chili as a human can take.在首都路易港,人們通常會坐在路邊攤品嘗dhal puri和印度薄煎餅,煎餅里包著碎豌豆粒、蔬菜、香菜和超級無敵多的辣椒。dhal puri印度薄煎餅看來,這裡又是一個品嘗多元美食的好去處,快快馬克下來!15印度尼西亞 巴厘島Bali, Indonesia在巴厘島,除了陽光、沙灘、碧海,這裡的美食也不容錯過!Traditionally the best Balinese food is ceremonial, with these days some of the best dishes served in streetside restaurants.從前,巴厘島最美味的食物只能在重大儀式上享受到,但今天,只要你走進街邊的餐館,就能夠品嘗到這些美食。要說最誘人的美食,當屬烤乳豬了。One not to be missed dish is babi guling, a Balinese take on suckling pig, where various dishes using the entire pig are served. Nothing goes to waste.大家千萬不要錯過烤乳豬!這是巴厘島的一道特色菜,整隻乳豬的肉都會被用來做成各種美食,一點肉都不會浪費。看著流油的烤乳豬,大家的口水還忍得住嗎?14塞內加爾 達喀爾Dakar, SenegalSenegal is a treat for seafood lovers -- fish is the country's staple and most menus are peppered with oysters, prawns and squid. 塞內加爾是海鮮愛好者的天堂,這一國家的飲食以魚為主,大多數菜單都有牡蠣、蝦和魷魚。愛好海鮮的小夥伴們,想必已經坐不住了吧!The national dish, thieboudienne, marries freshly grilled fish with spicy tomato rice, cassava and carrots.達喀爾的國菜名叫thieboudienne,將新鮮出爐的烤魚與辣番茄飯、木薯、蘿蔔進行完美結合。13美國 波特蘭Portland, OregonPortland occupies a particularly privileged spot, near the ocean and surrounded by fertile green lands that produce excellent wine and the kind of small farms that make any straight-to-the-table business a viable option.波特蘭佔據了得天獨厚的地理位置,不僅靠海,四周還環繞著肥沃的綠地,那裡生產優質的葡萄酒。附近的小農場為這裡提供新鮮的食材。With an abundance of fresh and local ingredients, this is a city where street food rivals the finest restaurants.這裡有著充足且新鮮的食材,在這裡,街邊餐館可以與最好的餐廳相媲美。總之,這裡是一個適合「逛吃逛吃」的地——逛逛公園,喝杯咖啡,再品嘗一下美味的烤肉,豈不樂哉。12哥倫比亞 卡塔赫納Cartagena, ColombiaWalking through Cartagena is like wandering through one postcard after another, and the abundance of street carts, food trucks and kitchen windows make the journey so much better.步行穿過卡塔赫納,就像走過一張接一張的明信片,而一輛輛街頭食品車,一扇扇廚房窗戶讓這趟旅程更加豐富、美好。Almost every plaza has someone serving arepas, sort of like cornbread, sort of like a pancake, filled with cheese or eggs -- and always butter.幾乎每個廣場都有賣玉米餅的,這種玉米餅既像是玉米麵包,又像是煎餅,裡面夾著芝士、雞蛋還有黃油。此外,這裡的烤肉種類十分豐富,酸橘汁腌魚也值得一試。11摩洛哥 馬拉喀什Marrakech, MoroccoSmells of food fill the streets of Moroccan cities, and nowhere is the quality or diversity greater than in Marrakech.食物的味道充盈著摩洛哥城市的街道,而首都馬拉喀什的街頭美食是最具品質和多樣性的。Marrakech is all about street food. You'll find everything from freshly squeezed fruit juices to snail soup and sheep heads.馬拉喀什以街頭小吃聞名。從鮮榨果汁,到蝸牛湯,再到羊頭,應有盡有。10埃及 開羅Cairo, EgyptSome Egyptian street food has become takeaway fare internationally, with falafel, shawarma and kofta evolving into part of the global urban snack experience. In Cairo there's still a world of other dishes to sample that haven't yet made their way overseas.一些埃及街頭的食物已經成為傳遍世界的名小吃,如法拉費(炸鷹嘴豆丸子)、沙瓦瑪(一種烤肉卷)、肉丸等。但,在開羅,仍有著各種各樣的小吃等你去發現。一種名叫Koshary的小吃值得一試。Koshary mixes rice, pasta, lentils and chickpeas, topped with a vinegary-tomato sauce. Throw some fried onions on top for good measure and it's the tasty essence of street food: warm, flavorful, cheap and filling.Koshary,混合了米飯,義大利面,扁豆和鷹嘴豆,淋上醋番茄醬,再放上一些炸洋蔥,這就是街頭美食的精華所在:溫暖,美味,便宜又滿足。9墨西哥 墨西哥城Mexico City, MexicoEven the humblest taco stand in Mexico City has fresh tortillas and grilled meats, or tlacoyos (fatter than tortillas) topped with favas, cheese and a dollop of green salsa.在墨西哥城,即使是最不起眼的玉米餅攤,也有新鮮好吃的薄玉米餅和烤肉,或是放有蠶豆、芝士和洋蔥番茄辣醬的厚玉米餅。In recent years interest in native Mexican cuisine has exploded, making use of indigenous ingredients and methods for flavors impossible to experience anywhere else.近年來,人們對墨西哥本土美食的興趣完全爆發,用當地的原料和做法做出的美食是別的地方無法體驗到的。8法國 巴黎Paris, FranceDining in Paris can be an experience in itself. The haute cuisine is, of course, the subject of entire books, schools and libraries. But the city's humblest food also inspires.在巴黎品嘗美食本身就是一種獨特體驗。儘管在書中、學校里,我們看到的、學到的都是法國的高檔大餐,但即使是這個城市最不起眼的食物,也足夠激動人心。On a cold day, nothing's more welcome than the appearance of street vendors roasting chestnuts. 在寒冷的天氣,沒有什麼比街頭攤販的烤栗子更受歡迎的了。And crepes, oh the crepes. They can be restaurant fare, but finding one on the streets around Montparnasse is even better.還有薄煎餅,雖說餐廳里也可以吃到這種美食,但蒙帕納斯街頭攤販的煎餅更棒!7 香港Hong Kong, ChinaCNN大力推薦了香港的大排檔。For a city where scouring an entire district and eating street foods -- or sou gaai (street-sweeping) in local lingo -- is considered a preferred weekend activity, it's no surprise that Michelin decided to launch its first-ever street food guide in Hong Kong.在這個城市,人們周末的一項娛樂活動就是走遍整個街區,品嘗街頭美食,用當地人的話說,這叫「掃街」。正因如此,《米其林美食指南》在提到香港時,首次推薦了街頭美食。這裡有著美味的豆花和雞蛋仔,還有飄香的腸粉、滷味,高級料理和快餐的界限在這裡變得模糊。6土耳其 伊斯坦布爾Istanbul, Turkey提到土耳其,大家腦中一定浮現出了鮮嫩流油的烤肉柱。而這裡的街頭小吃遠不止烤肉哦!The most recognizable Turkish street food is probably simit. Freshly baked, dipped in molasses and crusted with sesame seeds, they entice snackers from push-carts all over Istanbul.辨識度最高的土耳其街頭小吃應該是芝麻麵包圈——新鮮出爐的麵包圈,蘸上糖漿,再撒上一層芝麻。販賣芝麻麵包圈的小推車遍布全城,吸引著來來往往的遊客。浪馬軍( lahmacun)也被稱為土耳其披薩,對於這裡的人們來說,它是夜宵的不二之選。5 美國 新奧爾良New Orleans, LouisianaThere's a saying in Louisiana that the gas stations serve better food than some of the country's finest restaurants.路易斯安那州有一句話——加油站售賣的食物比一些全國頂級餐館提供的食物都好吃。Debates over where to get the best plate lunch can rival the passions reserved for truly important things -- like football.在這裡,關於哪裡的午餐最好吃的爭論十分激烈,程度不亞於一些真正重要的事情,比如足球。為什麼爭論如此激烈?當然是因為美食多到數不過來!除了我們熟知的奧爾良烤翅,這裡的果仁糖、小龍蝦也都十分美味。4南非 德班Durban, South AfricaPerhaps it's because of Durban's lovely year-round weather, or maybe it's the Indian influence, but the city is southern Africa's reigning street food champ.或許是由於德班一年四季舒適的天氣,又或是受印度的影響,這座城市的街頭美食成為了南非之首。Local culture and cuisine is a blend sourced from Zulu, Indian and white South Africans, who each bring a little something to the mix. The city is known for its curries, which over the generations have adapted to South African ingredients and tastes.當地的文化和美食來自祖魯、印度和南非白人的融合,他們每個人都帶來些許自己的特色。這裡的咖喱十分有名,經過幾代人的改良,適應了南非人的口味。舒適的天氣配上多元化的美食,聽起來就十分享受啊!3夏威夷 檀香山Honolulu, HawaiiHawaiian food is a creative mishmash of cuisines, combining local traditions with the culinary tastes of successive waves of migrants from the mainland United States, Asia and Latin America.夏威夷美食是一種創造性的美食,將當地傳統與來自美國內陸、亞洲和拉丁美洲大陸移民的飲食傳統融合在了一起。The city also has a thriving food truck culture. The best is a bit of a drive.這座城市還有著繁榮的餐車文化。最棒的就是邊吃飯,邊隨車看風景。彩虹刨冰是這裡的經典街頭小吃,魚沙拉也可以隨處買到。2日本 東京Tokyo, JapanTokyo is home to more Michelin-starred restaurants than any city in the world, but Japanese cuisine often gets reduced to one thing: sushi.東京的米其林餐廳要比世界上任何一個城市都多。但當人們提到日本美食,通常只會想起一種——壽司。事實上,東京的街頭小吃種類豐富,親身體驗會有不少驚喜哦!到中目黒一帶吃燒烤是一個不可錯過的體驗。They are very famous for grilling extremely fresh ingredients in front of you, with special kinds of charcoal that can grill fresh ingredients with high heat quickly to trap all the goodness of them inside.他們會當著你的面烤制一些極其新鮮的食材,所用的特製木炭能用高溫把食材迅速烤熟,同時保留了食物本身的鮮美。而旁邊就是目黒川,一邊吃著燒烤,一邊在河岸賞花,好不愜意!1泰國 曼谷Bangkok, ThailandIt's impossible to avoid street food in Bangkok, where sidewalk vendors in different parts of the city operate on a fixed rotation.在曼谷,你一定不會錯過街頭小吃。在這裡,人們每天循環於各個區域的街頭小吃之間。早上,來一碗甜豆漿、豆腐,中午來一份海南雞飯,晚上再來個炒粿條、沙嗲烤肉。美好的一天不過如此啊!如此多的街頭小吃,等你來探索!看了這麼多誘人的美食街,大家肚子里的饞蟲是不是已經開始作祟了呢?快快拉上小夥伴,規劃一下下一站去哪裡吧!轉載自日報雙語新聞

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