3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

貴貴記得那是2013年的寒冬,還在上高三的貴貴在課間躲在教室里倚著熱氣騰騰的暖氣喝著把你捧在手心的香飄飄的時候,萬惡的班導賊兮兮的抓了一把長得像考卷一樣的紙,一副要給我們出腦筋急轉彎的表情,告訴我們,這個課間的放鬆方式是——搶答各個高校自主招生的題目(有這麼個班導是造了什麼孽)。第一題就是:多肉植物為什麼長得這麼呆萌。拜託,小貴貴小時知道這個問題,還會每天早上被自己帥醒嗎?然而,就在小貴貴準備好國外各大名校哭著喊著把小貴貴招錄學校的時候,竟然驚訝的發現,原來多肉植物這麼呆萌的原因竟然不是像貴貴一樣是因為吃可愛長大的(教主:來呀,幫這個瘋貴貴叫一輛救護車,往瘋人院送的那一輛)。好吧好吧,貴貴不廢話了,接下來你還是跟我看看國外各大高校都有什麼奇葩面試問題吧。這裡面或許有你心儀的專業哦生物科學 Biological SciencesLadybirds are red. So are strawberries. Why?瓢蟲是紅的,草莓也是,為什麼?解答提示:常見的動植物是非常普遍的考點,這道題主要考察你的思辨能力。Red can signal either 'don't eat me' or 'eat me' to consumers. I'm interested in seeing how applicants attempt to resolve this apparent paradox.紅色既可以向取食者發送「別吃我」的信號,又可以發送「吃我」的信號。這道題考查考生如何解決這個明顯的悖論。計算機科學Computer ScienceHow do pirates divide their treasure?海盜如何分財寶?A group of 7 pirates has 100 gold coins. They have to decide amongst themselves how to divide the treasure, but must abide by pirate rules:7個海盜共有100枚金幣,他們必須自行決定如何分財寶,分財寶必須按照如下規則:The most senior pirate proposes the division.最年長的海盜提出一個分贓方案。All of the pirates (including the most senior) vote on the division. If half or more vote for the division, it stands. If less than half vote for it, they throw the most senior pirate overboard and start again.所有海盜(包括最年長者)進行投票,如果一半或以上的海盜贊同,那結果成立。如果少於一半,他們將最年長者投入大海並重新來過。The pirates are perfectly logical, and entirely ruthless (only caring about maximizing their own share of the gold).海盜邏輯性強,而且非常無情(只關注個人所得最大化)。So, what division should the most senior pirate suggest to the other six?所以,最年長的海盜應如何建議把金幣分給其他6個海盜?解答提示:這是道標準的邏輯考題,同時教授們還將注重你解決問題和溝通能力。I like to see how students can take directions, and if they can break problems into smaller subsets, and work through a complex concept applying a solution in an algorithmic way. If students have any questions, I want them to ask – not to sit in silence feeling stuck!這道題關注學生如何跟著引導走,是否能將大問題切分成小問題,用演算法方式化解複雜的概念。如有問題,學生應該立即提出,而非悶聲冥思苦想。經濟管理Economics and ManagementDo bankers deserve the pay they receive? And should government do something to limit how much they get?銀行家們的所得與付出是否成正比?政府是否應限制其所得?解答提示:這道題反映了一個非常現實的金融問題,解題關鍵是從經濟學角度解讀收入,而非考慮公平性問題。A simple answer might be that since banks are generally private firms and workers are free to work where they wish, then the pay they receive is just the outcome of a competitive labour market.簡單的答案:一般來講銀行是私人公司,員工能較為自由地自主選擇工作地方,因此他們的個人所得是競爭激烈的勞動市場的結果。英國文學English LiteratureJK Rowling has published a book for adults after the hugely successful Harry Potter series. In what ways do you think that writing for children is different to writing for adults?J.K. 羅琳在《哈利·波特》系列大獲成功之後又推出了一本面向成人讀者的書籍。你認為為孩子們寫書和為成人寫書有何區別?解答提示:沒讀過這本書也不用慌,考官是想了解你是否是一個愛思考的讀書人。I always want to know that whatever they are reading, candidates are reading thoughtfully and self-consciously, and are able to think as literary critics about all the books they read. I am careful to judge them on what they know, not on what they don't know我想了解的是,不論考生們讀過什麼,他們都應該邊讀邊思考,做個有心人,能夠像一個文學批評家一樣讀書。我盡量通過他們知道的事情來評判他們,而非他們不知道的。地理GeographyIf I were to visit the area where you live, what would I be interested in?如果我到你的家鄉,我會對什麼感興趣?解答提示:這道題考查的是你的「地理思維」以及對世界的好奇心。The question probes whether they are able to apply 『geographical thinking' to the everyday landscapes around them. It reveals the extent to which they have a curiosity about the world around them.這道題主要考查考生是否能將「地理思維」應用到他們周邊的事物。這揭示了他們是否對周圍的世界抱有好奇心。歷史HistoryIs violence always political? Does 'political' mean something different in different contexts?暴力中都含有政治因素嗎?在不同的語境下,「政治」是否具有不同內涵?解答提示:此題並非考查問題的解決,而是發現考生對已知領域的興趣。A good candidate would, with assistance, begin to construct categories of when violence looks more and less political. A very good candidate would, with assistance, begin to construct a useful definition of 'political', but this is challenging.一個優秀的考生將能夠在幫助下,將暴力含有政治因素多少的情況進行分類。而出類拔萃的考生將能夠在幫助下建立起對於「政治」的有用定義,但這非常具有挑戰性。法律LawIf the punishment for parking on double yellow lines were death, and therefore nobody did it, would that be a just and effective law?如果停車停在雙黃線上將判處死刑,那麼沒人會這麼做。這是一條公正且行之有效的法律嗎?解答提示:結果不重要,對結果引發問題的思考才是考官們最看重的。Candidates are not meant to give a right or wrong answer to this question. They need to demonstrate that they have recognised the various issues that arise. The candidate who distinguishes between 'just' and 'effective' does best. The issues are different once that distinction is made. A just law might not be effective, or vice versa.這道題不是要考生給出正確或錯誤的答案,但他們需要認識到結果將引發的系列問題。能夠區分「公正」和「有效」的考生才是最優秀的。如果做出區分,則兩者差別顯而易見,公正的法律未必有效,反之亦然。材料科學Materials ScienceHow hot does the air have to be in a hot air balloon if I wanted to use it to lift an elephant?如果我想用熱氣球吊起一頭大象,裡面的空氣得多熱?解答提示:教授們設置這道題,肯定不是為了在很短時間內讓你給出一個確切的答案。Things we are looking for include how readily they can see into the core of a problem; how they respond to hints and suggestions from us; estimates (typical size of balloon, weight of elephant) and sorting out what's important...我們看中的是:他們怎樣快速地考慮到問題的核心;對於我們給出的暗示和建議他們如何應對;預估(典型熱氣球的大小,大象的重量)及歸納出最重要的是什麼……現代語言學Modern LanguagesIn a world where English is a global language, why learn French?既然英語是全球性語言,為什麼要學法語?解答提示:這個問題看似簡單,實際大有深意,你的回答,會影響老師們後續的問題。Given the nature of the Modern Languages course, I would be interested in responses about the French language as a 'window' into French culture/literature/history, etc.; but would also be happy to see candidates investigate some of the assumptions underlying the question: Is English a global language? What about Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, etc.?考慮到現代語言學課程的屬性,我會對法語是通向法國文化、文學、歷史的「窗口」等這樣的回答感興趣;不過,如果有考生能探究該問題背後的假設:為什麼英語是全球語言?那漢語和西班牙語呢?我也會很開心。經濟學EconomicsWhy is income per head between 50 and 100 times larger in the United States than in countries such as Burundi and Malawi?為什麼美國人均收入是蒲隆地、馬拉維這樣國家的50到100倍?解答提示:回答這個問題時,不能停留在問題表面,而要學會透過現象看本質。The question is focused on perhaps the most important economic question there is: why are some countries rich and some countries poor? Candidates need to think about all the potential reasons why such income gaps exist.這個問題關注的可能是最重要的經濟學問題:為什麼有些國家富有而有些國家貧窮?考生要考慮到存在這樣的收入差距的所有潛在原因。心理學PsychologyA large study appears to show that older siblings consistently score higher than younger siblings on IQ tests. Why would this be?一項大規模研究證明,年長的哥哥姐姐智力測試得分一直比他們的弟弟妹妹高,這是為什麼呢?解答提示:這個問題也需要綜合考慮很多因素,比如:出生順序、母親的生育年齡、父母是否專註陪伴等。This is a question that really asks students to think about lots of different aspects of psychology, and we guide students when discussing it to think about both scientific factors such as maternal age and observational analysis about how birth order might affect behaviour and therefore performance on IQ tests.這個問題真的需要學生去考慮心理學的各個方面,在討論過程中我們會引導學生去思考兩個方面:科學因素,如母親年齡,和觀測分析,比如出生順序可能會影響行為,進而影響智力測試中的表現。神學和宗教Theology and ReligionIs someone who risks their own life (and those of others) in extreme sports or endurance activities a hero or a fool?那些冒著自己或他人生命危險進行極限運動或耐力活動的人是英雄還是傻子?解答提示:如何把具體的問題和一個相對廣泛的概念聯繫在一起,如何探索出更多值得談論的問題是老師們想要看到的閃光點。The question is properly approached from many perspectives and opens up many topics – Is this impulse selfish, or does it contribute to the whole of humanity's attainment? What is a hero, and is that category in opposition to folly?這個問題可以從很多角度入手,可以發掘更多話題——這種衝動自私嗎?它是否對全人類的成就有貢獻?英雄是什麼,是與愚蠢相對的分類嗎?除了以上這些專業性的問題,名校面試也包括一些常規問題。問題都不難,關鍵要明白面試官的意圖,名校面試常規問題我們也整理了一些,供參考!1、What are you interested in studying in college?你對大學學習的哪方面感興趣?2、What high school accomplishment are you most proud of?你高中期間最自豪的成就是什麼?3、Tell me about your family background? Where did you grow up?說說你的家庭背景,你在哪兒長大的?4、What is an example of something difficult you've had to go through, or an important event perhaps that took place in your life in the last few years?過去幾年你是否經歷過艱難或重要的時刻?5、Why Harvard or Why Princeton? or Why Columbia? …為什麼選擇哈佛/普林斯頓/哥倫比亞……?重大發現:這些聽得開心沒準現場就給你發offer的學校的面試題和雅思口語題目大同小異,難道歪果仁和汪峰一個路子,只會問」為什麼「、」為什麼「和」你的理想是什麼」。身經百戰的小烤鴨都知道,這些問題和「女朋友和媽媽掉進了水裡你先救誰」一樣難回答,要是沒有個大師指點,我大概只能用我清澈的眼神呆萌的等著你作為回答了。但是!!!!!竟然就在這電光石火之間,我發現了一款神奇的APP。每天早上和全球數十萬水平最好顏值最高的夥伴們一起「早聽早過」。晚上那些超級大咖名師上公益課竟然還會回答我的留言。更重要的是,不用千里拜師,只需要一個APP就可以在線上他們的網課,給我打開腦洞靈感如滔滔江水。考官都被我折服。我這麼無私也就不藏著掖著了,猛戳「閱讀原文」,下載「學為貴」APP,升級終身會員,不僅送你價值數萬元的留學套餐,更帶你拉高逼格帶你飛。

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