3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

提高英語辭彙量重要的一步是不僅要學習適當的術語,還要學習與這些術語搭配使用的單詞。這些單片語合往往是形容詞+名詞,動詞+名詞和名詞+動詞這些形式出現的。1.ADJECTIVES + 「MONEY」 形容詞+Money1)easy money 錢來的容易He thinks working in marketing is easy money. I think he'll find it's quite a different story.他覺得營銷工作賺錢很容易。 我覺得他會發現事實並不是這樣的。2)bonus / extra money 額外獎金If you complete the project before next Tuesday, there'll be some bonus money.如果你在下周二之前完成這個項目,將會有一些獎金。3)hard-earned money 血汗錢The best way to feel good about any purchase is if it's been made with hard-earned money.如果是你自己賺的血汗錢,花起來最安心。4)government / public / taxpayers' money 政府、公共、納稅者的錢It's not right to waste taxpayers' money on projects that benefit those who are already wealthy.在那些得益有錢人的項目上浪費納稅人的錢是不對的。5)pocket / spending money 零用錢、零花錢Would you like a little extra pocket money this weekend?這個周末你要一點額外的零用錢嗎?6)gas / lunch / petrol / rent / etc money燃氣費、午飯錢、汽油錢、租金等等Could you lend me some lunch money today?今天你能借我一些午飯錢嗎?7)prize / grant / scholarship money獎金、補助資金、獎學金They won a lot of grant money for their research into DNA.他們為DNA研究獲得了大量的補助資金。8)stolen / dirty / bribe / ransom money偷的錢、髒錢、賄賂錢、贖金I don't want your dirty money!我不要你的髒錢!9)hush / protection money封口費、保護費That gang is demanding protection money from every store on the street. It's scandalous!那幫人在街上的每一家商店收保護費。真可恥!10)pension / retirement money 養老金,退休金We plan to move to Hawaii with our retirement money.我們計劃用養老金搬到夏威夷去。11)counterfeit / fake money 假幣The police discovered more than $2 million in fake money.警方發現了超過200萬美元的假幣。2、Verb + 「MONEY」 動詞+ 「MONEY」1)coin, print + money 印鈔The government printed a lot of money in 2001.政府在2001年印製了很多錢。2)count + money 數錢Let's count your money and see if you have enough to buy that.讓我們數數你有多少錢,看夠不夠買這個。3)bring in, earn, make + money 掙錢The company brought in more than $4 million.公司掙了400多萬美金。4)borrow + money 向別人借錢Could I borrow some money for this weekend?這周末能借我些錢嗎?5)lend + money 借給別人錢I'll lend you some money until next month.下個月前我可以借給你一些錢。6)bank, deposit, pay in, pay into the bank, put in the bank + money銀行存錢I deposited a large amount of money last Friday.上周五我存了好大一筆錢。7)draw out, get out, take out, withdraw + money 取錢She took $500 out of our account.她從我們的帳戶中取了500美元。8)pay out, shell out, spend + money 付錢,花錢They paid out more than $300 dollars for that lamp.他們花了300多美元買那盞檯燈。9)fritter away, squander, throw away + money 浪費錢I hate it when you squander our savings!我討厭你浪費我們的積蓄!10)hoard, save, set aside, stash away + money 攢錢They set aside $200 each week for savings.他們每周會留200美元攢起來。11)contribute, donate, give + money 捐錢They donated more than $200,000 to charity last year.去年他們捐了20多萬美元給慈善機構。12)give back, pay back, refund, repay + money 還錢I'll pay you back the money by the end of next week.下周末我會還你錢。13)owe + money 欠錢She owes Thomas a lot of money.她欠托馬斯很多錢。14)share + money 分錢Let's share the money we've found!我們把找到的錢分了吧!15)accept, take + money 收錢I'm afraid I can't accept your money.我恐怕不能接受你的錢。16)be worth + money 值錢That painting is worth a lot of money.那幅畫值很多錢。17)change, exchange + money 換零錢I'd like to change twenty dollars please. Could you give me four five dollar bills?我想換二十美元。你能給我四張五美元的鈔票嗎?18)allocate, earmark + money 撥款The committee decided to allocate $50,000 for the project.委員會決定撥50000美元用於該項目。19)embezzle, extort, siphon off, steal + money 貪污、詐騙He was charged with embezzling money from the company.他被指控挪用公款。20)launder + money 洗黑錢They used the internet to launder the stolen money.他們用互聯網洗偷來的錢。3、「MONEY」 + Verb 「MONEY」+動詞1)money + come from something 錢來自哪裡Money for the exhibit comes from donations to the museum.展覽的錢來自於對捐博物館的捐贈。2)money + go to something 用來做什麼的錢The money goes to research.用來做研究的錢。3)money + come in , flow in, pour in 源源不斷的錢The money just kept pouring in! It was amazing!資金不斷湧入!真是驚人!4)money + buy something 用來買什麼的錢Who says that money can't buy happiness?誰說錢買不到幸福?4、「MONEY」+ Noun 「MONEY」+名詞1)money management / manager資金管理、理財,理財顧問、基金經理I think you should hire a money manager for your savings.我認為你應該雇一個基金經理為你理財。2)money supply 貨幣供應The money supply is very tight at the moment.目前貨幣供應非常緊張。3)money order 匯款單、郵政匯票You can pay by money order.你可以按匯款單付款。5、Phrases with 「MONEY」 與「MONEY」有關的短語1)bet money on something用……錢來打賭,下注Let's bet $400 dollars on the race.我們拿400美元在比賽中下注。2)get money off something 給錢Ask if you can get some money off the display model.問一下你是否能從展示模型中得到點錢。3)get your money's worth 錢花的值Make sure to spend the whole day at the park to get your money's worth.一定要在公園裡呆一整天,這樣你的錢才花的值。4)on the money 正好的,私毫不差的Your prediction was on the money!你的預測私毫不差。5)throw money at something 在……投錢 (砸錢)Don't just throw money at the project. Make sure you demand results.不要只在項目上砸錢,還要確保你想要得到的結果。6)throw your money around 大手大腳地花錢Peter throws his money around like it meant nothing.皮特花錢大手大腳的,就像錢對他來說一文不值。想要學習更多生活中的常用辭彙么?精選好詞盡在樂知小站辭彙專欄~————喜歡樂小知的文章就快訂閱微信公眾號吧:樂知英語(ID:hiknow)每天免費旁聽課程,大量私存的英語乾貨,更有各種歐美趣談。 請記住:沒有什麼英語問題是樂小知解決不了的。

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