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Kristaps Porzingis skipped exit meetings due to frustration over dysfunction, drama surrounding NYK, team sources told ESPN. Story coming.球隊信息源告訴ESPN,波爾津吉斯沒有出席尼克斯的賽季總結會議,原因是對球隊的功能失調感到極度的沮喪,鬧劇圍繞著尼克斯。好戲上場了。[–]NBALazymang 888 指標 1 天前Dolan: "Kristaps Porzingis is a drunk."多蘭:「波爾津吉斯是個酒鬼。」[–]PelicansBigEarl139 2211 指標 15 小時前Dude has only been there for 2 years and he's already tired of the shit in New York.That really tells you all you need to know.小夥子才來了兩年就已經厭倦了尼克斯的這些爛事了這就已經把你需要知道的事情說得很清楚了。[–]WhyAmIStillOnline 12 指標 1 天前I mean, two years is already a lot. We're talking about dealing with this every single day. Whether he's at work likely taking an L in front of thousands, or at home/in the car hearing about it on the TV/internet/radio.我感覺兩年已經夠長了。我們談論的是無時無刻不得處理這些爛事,不管是他在上萬觀眾面前輸掉一場比賽,還是回家后/在車裡又聽到電視/網路/電台談論這些東西。[–]GrizzliesRuddyBollocks 75 指標 1 天前Lead team executive actively and publicly tries to discourage longest standing franchise player to want to play for team all season - and team responds by extending said executive two years - I wouldn't want to play there either球隊首席執行官在整個賽季都非常積極的在大眾面前詆毀自己陣中效力時間最長的球員,從而不想讓他繼續為球隊效力——然後球隊對此的回應卻是延長2年與這位執行官的合同——換我我也不想在那裡打球。[–][WAS] Michael Jordankalifornia_kid 861 指標 14 小時前Knicks fans: this couldn't possibly get any worse...Kristaps: Hold my beer.尼克斯球迷:反正也不可能更糟了...波爾津吉斯:我需要喝一杯。[–]tommos 205 指標 12 小時前Knicks fans finally see a ray of sunshine through the dark clouds andBLOCKED BY PORZINGIS尼克斯球迷從黑暗中見到的唯一一絲光線被波爾津吉斯擋住了。[–]KnickszOmgFishes 84 指標 21小時前I knew this shit was going to go bad the moment Phil decided to open his fucking mouth again. Melo has been nothing but professional at the end of the season then Phil comes in an fuck it up. I expected KP to be tired of this shit, but i did not expect it to be this soon.我知道這鬧劇又會變得嚴重,當菲爾決定再次張開他那張臭嘴時。在整個賽季里,安東尼都沒有對此作出過激表現,他詮釋了一個職業球員應該有的修養,然後菲爾又開始了他的表演,最終搞砸了一切。我造就指望波爾津吉斯會厭倦這些爛事,但是我沒預料到這麼快就到來了。[–]76ersJ-Mosc 38 指標 18小時前I respect what Phil did as a coach. But his upper management game is clearly not his strength.我尊敬作為教練的菲爾-傑克遜,但是更高一級的管理能力顯然不是他的強項。[–]Bullshogcalling2015 200 指標 1 天前Such a messed up organization right bad. Feel bad for their fans.公牛蜜:如此爛糟糟的管理層,為他們的球迷感到遺憾。[–]Spurs Bandwagonlnstigator 64 指標 1 天前You know it's bad when the Bulls fans are pitying you.當公牛球迷都為你感到惋惜的時候,你就知道事情有多糟糕了。[–]Knicksimmabluedevil 139 指標 1 天前I love nothing more than basketball and I hate nothing more than my team. Fuck.尼克斯球迷:沒有比籃球更令我熱愛的東西,也沒有比我的母隊更讓我憎恨的事情。艹。[–]Charlotte HornetsVgatv 1121 指標 1 天前The irony is he refused to workout for the 76ers because he didn't want to go to a dysfunctional organization.具有諷刺意味的是當初波爾津吉斯就拒絕為76人試訓,因為他不想為一個功能失調的機構打球。[–][NYK] Lance Thomasscmsf49 28 指標 1 天前The Knicks were his favorite team, he always wanted to be here. He just probably underestimated how incompetent the FO actually is.尼克斯曾經是他最喜愛的球隊,他一直想為我們打球,只是他可能遠遠低估了這裡的管理有多麼的不完整。[–][NYK] Lance ThomascallmeNY 704 指標 1 天前This is a nightmare.這簡直是個噩夢。[–]RocketsWillyTanner 387 指標 1 天前A MeloDrama一場安東尼主演的鬧劇。[–]SpursNeckrolls4life 51 指標 1 天前Sorry about this man. For reals. I like the idea of the Knicks being good more than them ruining young talent.對他感到可惜,真的。我希望尼克斯成為一支強隊,而不是去糟蹋年輕的天賦。[–]Pacersaidsfarts 25 指標 22小時前You guys should have traded melo a while ago tbh. You're just making the post melo years worse and worse every month you hang onto him.說實話你們早就該交易安東尼了,你們每多留下安東尼一個月,后安東尼時代的尼克斯就會更加糟糕。[–]Trail Blazersfsm_the_alfredo 23 指標 22小時前No trade clause交易否決權。[–]Pacersaidsfarts 12 指標 21小時前I thought he said he would strongly consider waiving his no trade clause?我認為他說過,他會強烈的考慮放棄自己的交易否決權?[–]NuggetsHB3187 18 指標 21小時前I know ifni were an nba player and had a NTC itd have to be an ideal situation for me to waive it. Probably the same with him, which makes it even harder for the Knicks to trade em我不知道如果我是個NBA球員,然後在尼克斯拿著大合同,那麼肯定需要條件合適到一定的程度我才會放棄自己的交易否決權。也許對安東尼來說也是一樣,這樣也讓尼克斯更加難以交易他。[–]Easttrump_and_durant 443 指標 1 天前And the kid has only been in the league for 2 years damn這孩子才剛進入聯盟2年啊,見鬼。[–]RottenSmegmaMan 129 指標 1 天前That's insane. With the way things are going down over at New York, it looks like Porzingis is going to have a pretty interesting career.這太瘋狂了,鑒於今年尼克斯這出鬧劇惡化的情形來看,波爾津吉斯將會擁有一個非常有趣的職業生涯。[–]Incognitohero11 46 指標 23小時前Might just take that qualifying offer in a couple years so he could GTFO of there in 2020也許他在幾年後會幹脆接受資質報價,然後在2020年徹底的離開這個鬼地方。[–]Lakerspickprotection 222 指標 1 天前July 2019:Kristaps signed the qualifying offer and will be an unrestricted free agent in 20202019年7月:波爾津吉斯簽下了資質報價,並將會在2020年成為一名不受限制的自由球員。 [–]Warriorstwistedmind25 45 指標 1 天前*I think that's the next way franchise players find a way to hit free agency and switch teams. The 2nd big contact you sign is the mammoth one. If you switch teams after 4-5 years, you can get the designated player role on another team for your next contract. You'd lose a little money on the first, but not as much if you switch teams on the second contract.Edit: apparently I'm wrong and you would lose eligibility for supermax in this scenario.我認為這是今後基石型球員進入到自由市場並更換效力球隊的方式。球員生涯中籤下的第二份大合同將會是天價的,所以如果你在生涯開始前4~5年就更換球隊的話,你會在下一份合同中在下一支球隊得到為你量身打造的位置。一開始你會失去一些錢,但是相比你在第二份大合同時再去更換球隊而損失的金額來說,這些錢就顯得不足為奇了。註:顯然我錯了,因為這樣你就無法拿到超級頂薪了。[–]wrxwrx 53 指標 22小時前Warriors already making cap space.勇士已經在騰出薪金空間了。[–]Grizzliesvcsgrizzfan 37 指標 19小時前Porzingis under Kerr's coaching would be insane. It would like if Curry grew a foot, got worse at ball handling but got insanely better at shot blocking.科爾手下的波爾津吉斯將會非常瘋狂,就好像高了一英尺的庫里,雖然持球能力差了一點,但是蓋帽能力將會非常強。[–]WarriorsTastyDonutHD 24 指標 13小時前plz stop my dick is burning快別說了,我已經硬到發燙了。[–]Westmoonfossil 331 指標 1 天前knicks have already broken him... pray for porzingod尼克斯已經傷害了他...為波爾津吉斯祈禱吧。[–]RaptorsDeKobe-DeBryant 486 指標 1 天前Nice job Knicks, you're pissing off the 1 player that's actually gonna be part of the future.乾的真棒尼克斯,你們剛剛激怒了未來的基石球員。[–]Bullstopforthis 249 指標 1 天前It would be like if a unicorn that shat gold came walking into your house. You would so feel so lucky and grateful but you wouldn't know how to make it feel welcome. Plus your house is a bit of a crack den and eventually the Unicorn gets sad and wants to leave.這就好像一隻能拉出黃金的獨角獸走進了你的家裡,你感覺到如此的幸運和感激,但是你不知道如何讓他感覺自己是受歡迎的。另外你的房子四處透風,殘垣敗壁,從而最終這支獨角獸感到如此的傷心,離開了你們。[–]Clippers2Blitz 76 指標 23 小時前Yeah I agree. And it's not like the Unicorn hated living in a crack den, he liked having a home. But he wanted to help them fix their home, something the Knicks either didn't know how to do or just didn't want to.是的我同意。但是並不是說這支獨角獸討厭住在破爛的房子里,他喜歡擁有家的感覺。但是他想要幫助你們去修理這座房子,讓它重新煥發光彩,而這就是尼克斯要麼不知道怎麼去做,或者根本不想做的事情。[–]Lakersjoaopvm 139 指標 1 天前The Knicks better sort out their shit if they dont want the best thing that happened to them in the last 20 years walking out of the door尼克斯最好快點收拾好這場鬧劇,如果他們不想看著最近20年來他們所得到的最好的球員離開的話。[–]Knicksthajoker4566 29 指標 1 天前No player has ever turned down an extension so it would be unprecedented for him to leave after his rookie deal but it's the Knicks so anything is possible幾乎沒有球員會拒絕母隊的續約合同,所以對於他來說在新秀合同結束后選擇離開將會是空前的決定,但是因為是尼克斯,所以任何事情都會發生。[–]KnicksSaucy_Totchie 69 指標 1 天前The Phil/Melo drama is like a divorced parents narrative. Now KP is entering his rebellious teen years.這出菲爾/安東尼之間的鬧劇就好像兩位離婚的父母,然而現在波爾津吉斯剛剛進入了他充滿逆反情緒的青春期里。[–]KnicksHokageEzio 26 指標 22小時前He tried so hard to tell mom and dad to stop fighting.他非常努力的去說服媽媽和爸爸停止爭論。[–]PelicansHydroPumpCiroc 164 指標 1 天前Phil Jackson is a genius.菲爾-傑克遜是個天才。[–]Sunsp0tatoman 267 指標 1 天前he gone波爾津吉斯已經走了。[–]Thunderrussellp1212 134 指標 1 天前*he just got there and he already goneedit: if the Knicks could save this shit for the offseason that'd be great tbh他剛來到這兒,但是內心已經離開了。註:如果尼克斯在這個休賽期處理好這些爛事,說實話他們還是會很棒。

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