3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

【MBA網訊】今天為大家推出的是英語二小作文背誦100句系列,這是系列五。到現在為止已經正式結束了哦。希望對備戰聯考的你們有所幫助。81.我們很樂意保留您的申請並在明年一有空缺時就提供您此教職。--回復We are glad to keep your application and will offer you a post as soon as there are any openings next year.82.我確信我接受過的專業培訓和我在工作中獲得的經驗將使我在貴公司有一個優異的表現。--求職I do believe that the professional training I got and the experience I gained will contribute to my excellent performance in your prestigious company.83.你讓我給你推薦一個旅遊地兒,我想北海是個不二之選。--推薦You asked me to recommend a traveling destination and I do think Bei Hai is second to none.84. 我們收到很多求職信並已經選出幾位應聘者。他們的背景、質素和經驗可能會比您更適合我們公司的具體要求。--回復We have received a host of applications and identify several applicants whose background, qualification and experience may be more matched to our company』s specific requirements.85.我打算繼續攻讀此專業,並在一流的教授的指導下和充滿活力的學術氛圍中繼續研究此領域。--求學I plan to continue my study and research in this field under the instructions of first-class professors and in a dynamic academic atmosphere.86.對您的來函再次表示感謝,祝萬事如意。--回復Thank your again for your application and best wishes to you.87.如能適時讓我知曉應聘結果,倍加感謝。--求職I would be grateful if I could be informed of the results of my application in due course.88.我很抱歉地通知您我打算在兩周后辭去我現在的評論部編輯的工作。--辭職I am sorry to inform you that I plan to resign my present job of editor in the review sector two weeks later.89.您也許知道,我的主要興趣一直以來是在寫作,所以我已決定要去做一名自由作家。我想,這更能讓我找回我『最初的愛』。--辭職As you may know, my primary interest has been in writing, so I have decided to become a free-lancer writer, which should put me back in touch with my 『first love』.90.對因我辭職而給公司帶來的任何不便,我深表歉意。--辭職Please accept my sincere apology for any inconvenience caused by my resignation.91.我知道你很有天賦,而且為了實現這個目標你付出了很大的努力。--祝賀I know how talented you are and how hard you have worked to attain this goal.92.他現在百度公司工作,下個月他將被調到芝加哥的分部工作。--介紹He is presently working for Bai Du and is going to be transferred to its branch in Chicago next month.93.我們最好能夠重新安排下周的工作計劃。--備忘錄It is better for us to rearrange the working schedule for next week.94.機場發言人說會成立事故調查小組徹底調查事故原因。 --報告A spokesman for the airport said that a committee would be set up to determine the cause of the accident.95.本星期五下午四時,全體學生會成員在校會議室開會,討論網站推薦問題。--通知All members of Students』 Union are requested to meet in the school conference room on Friday, at 4pm to discuss questions concerning website recommendations.96.我們應該制定一項新的計劃來在這個新領域培訓我們的員工。--備忘錄/報告We need to make up a plan for training our employees in this new field.97.我想讓你來制定我們的內部英語培訓項目。--備忘錄I would like you to design our own in-house English-training program.98.我們研究所會正在招募為下周五舉辦的一次有關全球化的國際會議服務的志願者。--通知Our Postgraduate Association is now recruiting volunteers for an international conference on globalization, which will be held next Friday.99.我很榮幸通知大家:懷特先生已被選為學生會的副主席。--通知/備忘錄I have the pleasure of announcing that Mr.White has been elected as the vice president of Students』 Union.100.我寫此份報告主要是與您討論一下下周的閱讀任務。--報告The report is written to discuss my next week』s reading assignments with you.本文內容來自網路, 如原作者如不願意本網站刊登使用相關素材,請及時通知本站,我們將在最短時間內予以處理,聯繫010-57277590。

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