3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

More than 55 percent of college grads born in the 1990s would rather not buy homes if that means having to "bear the heavy burden of housing loans", said a recent blue paper by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.據社科院最近發布的一份藍皮書表示稱,超過55%的90后大學畢業生表示,如果買房就必須要「背負沉重的房貸」的話,他們寧願不買房。Only one-third of graduates of the post-1990s generation are willing to compromise on quality of life for the sake of buying a home, it said. About 30 percent of them lived in a space of less than 20 square meters a year after graduation, but they are more willing to improve their life quality rather than having a larger living space.藍皮書表示稱,只有三分之一的90后畢業生表示,自己願意為了買房而放棄高質量的生活。畢業一年之後,他們中約30%的人居住地方不到20平米,但是與其尋找一個更大的生活空間,他們寧願先提高生活質量。Singapore』s Zaobao.com reported on Monday that skyrocketing housing prices, along with the post-90s』 pursuit of life quality and changed outlook, are spawning China』s booming apartment rental business.本周一據新加坡《聯合早報》報道稱,急速躥升的房價、90后對生活質量的追求、以及面貌的改變,正在大力催生的公寓租賃業務。Liu Hui, 25, pays 4,200 yuan a month for a rented apartment, almost half of her monthly income, but she thinks it』s worthwhile and is willing to spend 1,800 yuan more than her previous rent in exchange for a more comfortable life.25歲的劉慧(音)每月要支付4200元的公寓租金,差不多是她月收入的一半,但是她卻認為值得,甚至還願意再多花1800元,換取一個更加舒適的生活。Housing prices in China』s first-tier cities are more than 40 times the average income of residents, challenging young people』s capability and willingness to buy homes, the report said. Young people in Beijing and Shanghai have already postponed buying their first homes, with the average age of 30 for first buyers in 2013 rising to 34 in 2016.該報道稱,一線城市的房價是居民平均收入的40倍以上,從而挑戰著年輕人買房的能力和意願。北京和上海的年輕人已經推遲了自己第一套房子的購買時間,從2013年的30歲上升到了2016年的34歲。China』s floating population reached 247 million in 2015, and the figure will rise to 282 million in 2020 and 327 million in 2030, meaning one-fifth of Chinese will be on the move over 10 years. As a result, living in rented homes may become a preferable lifestyle for most people.2015年的流動人口達到了2.47億人,而這一數字還將在2020年時達到2.82億人,在2030年時達到3.27億人,意味著未來10年裡五分之一的人將居無定所。因此,租房住對大多數人來說可能是一種更好的生活方式。According to a report by Beijing Homelink Real Estate Brokerage, China had 160 million tenants in 2015, a figure that could jump to 190 million in 2020 and 270 million by 2030.據北京鏈家房產中介公司一份報告指出,2015年有1.6一個租戶,而這一數字可能在2020年時達到1.9億,在2030年時達到2.7億。Hu Jinghui, vice-president of real estate agency 5i5j, said some property developers rent out unsold homes amid housing purchase restrictions. A survey also indicated one-third of China』s top 30 developers offer apartment rentals. Internet companies such as Alipay and Xiaomi also jumped on the bandwagon to take a share of the market.我愛我家房產中介公司副總裁胡金輝表示稱,由於房屋購買限制的緣故,一些房產開發商會出租未售出的房屋。一項調查也顯示,在前三十地產開發商中,三分之一的企業也提供公寓租賃服務。支付寶和小米等互聯網企業也投入到了這一浪潮中,想要分一杯羹。Apartment rentals for young people, if supported by policy makers and based on good business models, can be an effective measure to curb housing rents and prices in first-tier cities, said industry insiders.據業內人士表示,如果得到政策制定者的支持、並基於良好的商業模式之上的話,年輕人租房過日子可以成為抑制一線城市房屋租金和房價的有效措施。

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