3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

About 76 percent of young Chinese people experience difficulty falling asleep, according to a report released by the Chinese Sleep Research Society (CSRS) ahead of World Sleep Day on March 21. Experts expressed concern over the sleep quality of the country』s youth, saying that irregular daily routines may harm one』s health. 3月21日是世界睡眠日,在此前夕睡眠研究會公布了一份報告,指出約有76%的年輕人難以入睡。專家們對年輕人的睡眠質量表示擔憂,稱這種不規律的日常生活可能會損害健康。 A total of 60,000 people ranging in age from 10 to 45 were interviewed for the report. Of the 76 percent who admitted to difficulty falling asleep, 13 percent said they truly suffer from the situation. Only 24 percent said they enjoyed good sleep quality, while those who can generally sleep through the night accounted for only 11 percent. Among China』s younger generations, 91 percent of respondents said they feel tired when they wake up in the morning, and only 5.6 percent reported feeling energetic. 該報告總共對60000名10到45歲人群進行了調查。其中76%的人承認難以入睡,13%的人稱失眠讓自己很痛苦。只有24%的人說他們睡眠很好,而能夠真正一覺睡到大天亮的人只佔11%。在年輕人中,91%的受訪者說自己早上起床時感覺很累,而只有5.6%的人說自己起床時感到精力充沛。 In addition, the report suggested that work is generally prioritized over sleep. More than 60 percent of respondents said they would sacrifice sleep time for work. Only 5 percent of respondents could be classified as following regular schedules and routines. 此外,該報告指出工作的優先度一般高於睡眠。60%以上受訪者稱自己會犧牲睡覺的時間來工作。只有5%的人會嚴格遵守規律的作息時間。 Employees of CSRS believe that pressure, anxiety and depression are the major causes of poor sleep quality, but the use of electronic devices also plays a role. Ninety-three percent of respondents confessed to playing with their mobile phones, watching television or shopping online before going to sleep. 證監會工作人員認為,壓力、焦慮和抑鬱是導致睡眠質量不好的主因,但是電子設備的使用也起到了一定作用。93%的受訪者承認在睡覺前會玩手機、看電視或網購。

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