3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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隨著文字看音樂吧《月亮在咆哮》當代藝術展「The Moon is Roaring」Contemporary Art Exhibition▼展覽概況策展人:Amber劉琥珀Curator: Amber LiuAcademic Support: Li Yao 參展藝術家:陳美妍, 鄧春儒, 方亦秀, 黃珺堯, 黑一烊, 錢泓霖, 沈周來, 吳方洲(澳門), 張妮, 張齊努, 張浩強(香港), Riet van der Linden(荷蘭), Farhaad Rahnama(英國), Nicole Luederitz(德國), Hoda Mazloomian(英國)Participating Artists: Chen Meiyan, Deng Chunru, Fang Yixiu, Huang Junyao, Hei Yiyang, Qian Honglin, Shen Zhoulai, Ng Fong Chao(Macao), Zhang Ni, Zhang Qinu, Edward Cheung(Hong Kong), Riet van der Linden(Netherlands),Farhaad Rahnama(U.K.), Nicole Luederitz(Germany), Hoda Mazloomian(U.K.)開幕時間:2017.9.9 4:00pm 媒體預覽: 3:00-4:00pm地址:深圳市南山區僑城東路99號南門一層 99空間展期:2017.9.9-10.13 開放時間:每周二至周日10:00am-6:00pm策展團隊:劉紫茵, 陳嘉盈, 孔肖亞, 張理Preview: 3:00-4:00pmVenue: The 99 Art Space, Level 1, South Gate, No.99 Qiaocheng East Road, Nanshan District, ShenzhenExhibition Period: 9th Sept- 13th Oct 2017Daily Opening Hours: 10:00am-6:00pm(Tuesday to Sunday) CuratorialTeam: Zinn Liu, Carrie Chen, Sharon Kong, Zhang LiOrganizer: SUNS Design, MOKIK ArtVisual/Co-Organizer: ZOODO DESIGN, The 99 Art SpaceRecording: Long Yi, Shinemax MediaPerformance Artist: Mark, Arnold, Alex, Emanuel, Freddy 「人與天地相參,與日月相應。故月滿則海水西盛,人血氣積。」 ——《黃帝內經·靈樞·歲露論》《內經》認為,人體氣血變化與日月變化息息相關。月亮的引力造成了地球海洋的潮汐和每天時間的延異,月相周而復始,如同世間萬物的循環不息。本次展覽以「月亮在咆哮」為題,旨在藉由一種類「泛靈論」的視角與方式,反思這個全球化的時代,日益惡劣的環境對我們賴以生存的世界、文明及生命意識的影響。 從前現代社會以來,「月亮」就作為一個寄寓人類信仰投射與世界觀照的多重符碼,被賦予了無數的內涵。而「月亮在咆哮」則是基於「月亮」的警世意味,進而召集生髮的一個當代美學道場。本展覽特邀與珠三角地區(廣深港澳)有深度關聯的十五位本土及國際藝術家參與,通過其敏銳的觸覺及作品實踐,展示了處於當下複雜的「人類世」中的眾生相,人類與宇宙日月萬物的內在聯繫,也呈現了作者們各自獨有的生命氣質和精神理路,體現了異質文化肌理及其交叉互聯,東西方藝術語境在全球化背景下的對話碰撞。——Amber劉琥珀Preface "Man refer to the sky and the earth, and correspond with the sun and the moon. So when the moon is full, sea will be filled with water, and man will have abundant blood and qi."——"Huang Di Nei Jing • Ling Shu • Sui Lu Lun" "Huang Di Nei Jing" holds the view that changes in blood and qi of the human body are closely related to changes of the sun and the moon. Gravitation of the moon leads to ocean tides and the variation of the length of day. The moon phase shifts in cycles, just like everything in the world is in an eternal cycle of change. This exhibition's title is "The Moon is Roaring". It aims to use a perspective of "Animism" to reflect on the following question: How does the era of globalization and the increasingly harsh environment impact our survival on this world, our civilization and our life consciousness?Since the pre-modern society, the "Moon" served as a multi-faceted symbol that reflects human's belief-projections and worldviews.Thus, it was given numerous connotations. "The Moon is Roaring" is based on the alarming function of the "Moon" and is a call for the inception of a contemporary art hub.We have invited fifteen local and international contemporary artists who are living in the Pearl River Delta Area (Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Macao and Hong Kong) to take part in this exhibition. Through their sharp sense and their work practices, these artists show faces of humanity in this complex Anthropocene, and the inner connection between humankind and the universe. The shown artworks also demonstrate the unique temperament and spiritual rationale of the artists. All in all, "The Moon is Roaring" embodies a heterogeneous cultural texture which offers a dialogue for cross-connected art contexts between East and West.——Amber (Translator: Carrie Chen, Nicole Luederitz)部分參展作品陳美妍/Chen Meiyan 孤島 No.1/Lonely Island No.1布面油畫/Oil on canvas 90x100cm 2016鄧春儒/Deng Chunru 太婆/Big Nanny 紙本油彩/Oil on Paper 40x28cm 2013方亦秀/Fang Yixiu 賣故事/Story Selling互動裝置項目、研究手稿/interactive installation, Research Sketch(200cm),2017張浩強/Edward Cheung 2017藍圖——草原/2017 Blueprint GrasslandMixed Media Installation 923x200cm 2017編輯 | Viola合作請聯繫郵箱:919953750@qq.com

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