3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba announced plans to launch the world』s first "automotive vending machine" later this year, saying that buying a car could become "as easy as buying a can of Coke."的電子商務巨頭阿里巴巴最近公布了將要在下半年推出世界上首台汽車自動販賣機的雄偉計劃,並揚言未來買一台車就和買一罐可口可樂那麼簡單。The project led by Tmall, a shopping site owned by the Alibaba Group, aims to take e-commerce to the next level after years selling vehicles via an online application for smartphones.據悉,阿里巴巴集團旗下的天貓將承接該項目,通過讓用戶在智能手機上進行網路申請來購買汽車這一方式,計劃在多年後將電子商務再次帶上一個新的台階。Tmall General Manager Yu Wei reportedly said that consumers would be able to browse through hundreds of cars stored in a huge garage-like building on their smartphones, before picking one to buy.天貓的總經理俞巍表示顧客們在買車之前可以事先在智能手機上進行瀏覽,相關網頁會顯示自動販賣大樓中的上千輛車型,供消費者挑選。The chosen cars would be then delivered to the consumers at ground level, Yu Wei added.俞巍還補充道:「顧客選好車后,選中的車型會被自動送到消費者面前。」"It will make buying cars as easy as buying a can of Coke."「整個流程就像買一罐可樂那樣簡單。」The expected period of time for a purchase by shoppers with good credit scores will be "only five minutes."對於那些信用積分良好的用戶來說,整個購車流程僅用五分鐘即可。According to Alibaba, any consumer with over 750 on the company』s credit-scoring system will be able to choose a model online before paying an initial fee of 10 percent and picking up the new vehicle.阿里巴巴方面表示,芝麻信用在750分之上的客戶可以事先在網上選取理想車型,然後只需付一成的首付,就可以將新車開回家。The consumers will then make monthly payments through Alipay until the total costs are covered.顧客可以事後通過支付寶支付的方式來進行按月付款,直到將全款付清為止。Tmall previously sold 100 Maserati cars in only 18 seconds during a flash sale, proving that Chinese shoppers are willing to buy luxury cars online.在此前的一次「限時特賣」活動中,天貓僅在18秒的時間內就成功售出100輛瑪莎拉蒂,這一現象表明國內有很多消費者有意願在網上購買豪車。The "world』s largest luxury car vending machine," as promoted by Alibaba, was opened in Singapore last May and offers vehicles from a wide range of high-end brands like Ferrari, Bentley, Lamborghini and Porsche.阿里巴巴試圖推出的這款「世界上最大的豪華汽車自動售貨機」已於五月份在新加坡試營,所售車型包括法拉利、賓利、蘭博基尼和保時捷等高端汽車品牌。愛語吧作者:Jessica

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