3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

Zi 字媒體

很多學生認為,可怕的1000字閱讀學術文章對於只要求150和250字的寫作借鑒意義不大,實際上,兩者在主題涵蓋範圍、段落結構以及用詞句式等方面存在著極大的相似性。下面環球教育(即環球雅思)南京學校劉輝老師就來為大家解釋解釋。1.主題閱讀和寫作涉及到的話題重點都包含環境、社會、教育、文化四大類。閱讀文章可以幫助童鞋們更好地理解話題的文化背景,從而積累重要素材。劍4Test2的 Reading Passage1「Lost for Words」就極好地回答了一道寫作中較難的文化類考題:What are the reasons for the loss of many cultures and languages? How to solve this problem?很多學生由於缺乏對這方面背景的了解而無從下手,我們就來看看這篇文章提供了哪些素材:1.What makes a language endangered is not just the number of speakers, but how old they are. If it is spoken by children, it is relatively safe.2.Why do people reject the language of their parents? It begins with a crisis of confidence, when a small community finds itself alongside a larger, wealthier society...3.Quite often, governments try to kill off a minority language by banning its use in public or discouraging its use in schools, all to promote national unity.4.They cannot refuse to speak English if most commercial activity is in English...以上文中的句子都解釋了為何語言在喪失,除此之外,文章還提到了語言逐漸消失和文化之間的互相作用,完全可以幫助同學們在寫作的時候拓展思路:「Language is also intimately bound with culture, so it may be difficult to preserve one without the other.」2.段落結構&參考句式寫作大作文往往是分析解決型,常常要求考生對題目所述現象(通常是二選一)進行討論,說明原因、影響以及解決方式,段落多是以「總-分-總」的方式架構。劍六Test 4的Reading Passage3就提供了一個很好的範例。該文對校園中恃強凌弱的暴力行為進行了說明,文章段落分佈主要是:擺事實(校園暴力的表現形式及現狀)-說影響(校園暴力對受害者的心理危害)-查原因(導致學校對校園暴力關注提升的原因)-提辦法(四個解決校園暴力的方法)-總結呼籲。不難看出,這一布局跟分析解決型作文有著驚人的相似。其中值得參考的句式如下:擺事實:「...can take a variety of forms, from...to...as well as... . A survey ...found that...」。那我們就用這一套路嘗試給青少年犯罪話題開個頭: Teenagers criminal acts can take a variety of forms, form theft to robbery as well as kidnapping. Some surveys recently found that the rate of youth crimes is increasing.查原因:「...factors are involved in ... . First is.... . Second, .... . For example,.... . Third, there is evidence that... 」仍然是青少年犯罪的話題,我們來代入看看:Several factors are involved in the alarming trend. First is teenagers' ignorance of laws... . Second, some reasons are in association with their family background. For example, some young criminals imitate their parents' domestic violence. Finally, there is evidence that society exerts some bad influence on young people.提辦法:「Evidence suggests that a key step is to... . Other actions can be taken to ... . There are also ways of ..., too.」「The most important step is for...to ... . In addition, actions can be taken through... . Effective work can also be done with... . ...will be more effective.」我們可以根據自己習慣用的句式來解答青少年犯罪的解決方法:The most important step is for school authorities to offer students knowledge of laws. Other actions can be taken to reverse the increase in the youth criminal rate, such as proper guidance from society and parents.總之,建議考生們可以根據閱讀文章進行相關寫作話題的模寫。另外,辭彙的豐富和語法的多樣性也是值得注意的。反過來,如果能夠很好地構建寫作結構,對於閱讀技巧的熟練掌握也是大有裨益的。

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