3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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我困於激流,為尋一真相,事出有因,心與你相撞。丁酉年閏六月初四- 回復詩詞,送你詩詞創作小技巧 -漢語之美,是夜空中那一片冰月,清淡而艷麗。因為漢語之美,才令多少文人墨客寫下彪炳千秋的文章名著?當我們瘋狂地學習英語的時候,是否能偶爾停下腳步,回過頭來欣賞一下我們自己的文化呢?當一首英語詩被翻譯成漢語,不同版本之間的對決,你覺得哪首更驚艷?原文You say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains.You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.You say that you love the wind,but you close your windows when wind blows.This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too.普通版你說你愛雨,但當細雨飄灑時你卻撐開了傘;你說你愛太陽,但當它當空時你卻看見了陽光下的暗影;你說你愛風,但當它輕拂時你卻緊緊地關上了自己的窗子;你說你也愛我,而我卻為此煩憂。文藝版你說煙雨微芒,蘭亭遠望;後來輕攬婆娑,深遮霓裳。你說春光爛漫,綠袖紅香;後來內掩西樓,靜立卿旁。你說軟風輕拂,醉卧思量;後來緊掩門窗,漫帳成殤。你說情絲柔腸,如何相忘;我卻眼波微轉,兀自成霜。離騷版君樂雨兮啟傘枝,君樂晝兮林蔽日,君樂風兮欄帳起,君樂吾兮吾心噬。五言詩版戀雨偏打傘,愛陽卻遮涼。風來掩窗扉,葉公驚龍王。片言隻語短,相思繾倦長。郎君說愛我,不敢細思量。七律版江南三月雨微茫,羅傘疊煙濕幽香。夏日微醺正可人,卻傍佳木趁蔭涼。霜風清和更初霽,輕蹙蛾眉鎖朱窗。憐卿一片相思意,尤恐流年拆鴛鴦。Stopping by a Wood on a Snowy Evening(雪夜林邊小駐)Whose woods these are I think I know, His house is in the village though. He will not see me stopping here, To watch his woods fill up with snow. 我知此林誰為主,村落是其居處。他不會看到我停留於此,凝視他的林子雪花飛舞。My little horse must think it queer, To stop without a farmhouse near, Between the woods and frozen lake, The darkest evening of the year. 我的小馬一定以我為怪,近無房舍,為何停佇。況只有森林與冰湖,和一年中極黑之夜。He gives his harness bells a shake, To ask if there is some mistake.The only other sound's the sweep, Of easy wind and downy flake.他輕搖鈴具,詢問有錯與否。唯一的回復,軟雪,清風。The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.林子很美——昏暗而幽深,但我已有約定。沉醉前還有一段路,沉醉前還有一段路。Much Ado about Nothing作者:莎士比亞翻譯:朱生豪Pardon,goddness of the night, Those that slew thy virgin knight,For the which, with songs of woe, Round about her tomb they go. Midnight, assist our moan,Help us to sigh and groan, Heavily,heavily,Graves, yawn and yield your dead,Till death be uttered, Heavily,heavily.惟蘭蕙之幽姿兮,遽一朝而摧焚;風雲怫鬱其變色兮,月姊掩臉而似嗔;語月姐兮毋嗔,聽長歌兮當哭;繞墓門而逡尋兮,豈百身之可贖!風瑟瑟兮雲漫漫,紛助予之悲嘆,安得起重泉之白骨兮,及長夜之未旦!長詩XLIX作者:埃茲拉·龐德翻譯:未知For the seven lakes, and by no man these verses:Rain; empty river; a voyage,Fire from frozen cloud, heavy rain in the twilight,Under the cabin roof was one lantern.七湖無人可比附,天水匯流赴一程。星現凝雲曉雨重,陋室檐下一孤燈。The reeds are heavy,bent;and the bamboos speak as if weeping.Autumn moon,hills rise about lakes ,Against sunset,Evening is like a curtain of cloud.茅草濕沉將欲傾,風過竹篁泣無聲。秋月寒峰抱碧湖,雲幕落日映黃昏。a blur above ripples; and through it,Sharp long spikes of the cinnamon,a cold tune amid reeds.Behind hill the monk's bell,Borne on the wind.漣動濁色何處染,纖纖零落桂花丁。不堪蘆笛曲調冷,深山禪鍾借風生。愛一個人,就是護他安好,陪他到老。我想和你一起,從紅顏到白髮,從牽手到光陰的盡頭,時光清淺,攜手,一起老去。 當前瀏覽器不支持播放音樂或語音,請在微信或其他瀏覽器中播放 當你老了趙照 - 當你老了《When you are old》作者:葉芝When you are old and grey and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read,and dream of the soft look,Your eyes had once,and of their shadows deep.How many loved your moments of glad grace.And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim Soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face.And bending down beside the glowing bars,Murmur,a little sadly,how Love fled.And paced upon the mountains overhead,And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.典雅現代版當你老了,頭白了,睡意昏沉,爐火旁打盹,請取下這部詩歌,慢慢讀,回想你過去眼神的柔和,回想它們昔日濃重的陰影;多少人愛你青春歡暢的時辰,愛慕你的美麗,假意或真心,只有一個人愛你那朝聖者的靈魂,愛你衰老了的臉上痛苦的皺紋;垂下頭來,在紅光閃耀的爐子旁,凄然地輕輕訴說那愛情的消逝,在頭頂的山上它緩緩踱著步子,在一群星星中間隱藏著臉龐。絕美五言版暮色染霜鬢,爐邊欲眠寐,寒夜暖爐旁,隨手取詩卷,緩目細讀之,柔文軟似夢,回眸半生路,憶及深沉影;世人皆愛君,傾城好顏色,虛情或假意,難以辨別之,唯有一男子,慕卿以真心,光陰摧花容,真心永不變;俯身半側卧,回神壁爐邊,自言竊竊語,黯然情已逝,孤魂游山林,思緒遠萬里,舉頭觀繁星,似望故人顏。婉約古詞版惜紅顏漸老少精神,白髮繼青絲。只爐邊倦坐,捧書細閱,不語魂馳。美目當年顧盼,回首又低垂。多少輕肥客,爭與相隨。或戀雪膚花貌,假真難分辨,唯我成痴。念蓮心似汝,憔悴也相宜。語喃喃、低眉蜷膝,嘆悠悠、雁字總難回。山中隱、望繁星滿,忍更相思。中文有多美?觀之形式多變,可豪放、可含蓄;讀之朗朗上口,意韻無窮。中文之美,美在形體,亦美在風骨。前面詩詞之間的碰撞已經讓人驚艷,當西方韻律遇到東方古香古色,會迸發出怎樣的美麗?Someone Like YouAdele - Pop Mothers(另尋滄海)歌手:Adele翻譯:未知I heard, that you settled down. That you, found a girl and you married now. I heard that your dreams came true. Guess she gave you things, I didn't give to you. 已聞君,諸事安康。遇佳人,不久婚嫁。已聞君,得償所想。料得是,卿識君望。Old friend, why are you soshy? It ain't like you to hold back orhide from the lie. 舊日知己,何故張皇?遮遮掩掩,欲蓋彌彰。I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.ButI couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it. I'd hoped you'd see my face& that you'd be reminded, That for me, it isn'tover. 客有不速,實非我所想。避之不得,遑論與相抗。異日偶遇,識得依稀顏。再無所求,涕零而淚下。 Nevermind, I'll find someone like you.Iwish nothing but the best, for you too.Don'tforget me, I beg, I remember yousaid: Sometimesit lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah.毋須煩惱,終有弱水替滄海。 拋卻糾纏,再把相思寄巫山。勿忘昨日,亦存君言於肺腑。情堪雋永,也善心潮掀狂瀾。情堪雋永,也善心潮掀狂瀾,然。Here With Me(伴我於此)來自詩詞天地00:0003:59歌手:Robot Koch翻譯:小黃人鬧革命Caught in the riptide,I was searching for the truth,There was a reason,I collided into you.我困於激流,為尋一真相,事出有因,心與你相撞。Calling your name in the midnight hour,Reaching for you from the endless dream,So many miles between us now,But you are always here with me.子夜喚你之名,夢海千里渡,萬年為尋你,而今彼此雖隔千山萬水,我心卻永與你相伴於此。Nobody knows why,Nobody knows how and,This feeling begins just like a spark,Tossing and turning inside of your heart,Exploding in the dark.誰人可解其中由,何者能了這般情,此情起時如星火,千般流轉躍心間,爆裂於黑夜。Calling your name in the midnight hour,Reaching for you from the endless dream,So many miles between us now,But you are always here with me.Oh inside me,I find my way,Back to you,Back to you.在我的心裡,終得一路,重至你近旁,重至你近旁。Two words,In your hands,In your hearts,It's whole universe,You are always here with me.只二字,於你手中,於你心中,便是全世界,我心卻永與你相伴於此。Viva La VidaColdplay - Viva La Vida Or Death And All His FriendsViva La Vida(生命萬歲)歌手:Coldplay翻譯:chaosphinxI used to rule the world,Seas would rise when I gave the word,Now in the morning I sleep alone,Sweep the streets I used to own.大千世界曾由我主宰,巨浪也曾因我之命澎湃,而今我卻在黎明獨自入眠,在曾屬於我的大道落寞徘徊。I used to roll the dice,Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes,Listen as the crowd would sing:"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"大千世界曾由我主宰,盡情品味驚恐在死敵瞳孔綻開,欣然傾聽百姓高歌喝彩,「先王亡矣!」「新王萬代!」One minute I held the key,Next the walls were closed on me,And I discovered that my castles stand,Upon pillars of salt, pillars of sand.此刻我手握權位經脈,轉瞬才知宮牆深似海,恍然發現我的城池,基底散如鹽沙亂似塵埃。I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing,Roman Cavalry choirs are singing,Be my mirror my sword and shield,My missionaries in a foreign field,For some reason I can not explain,Once you go there was never, never an honest word,That was when I ruled the world.聽那耶路撒冷鐘聲傳來,羅馬騎兵歌聲震徹山海,擔當我的明鏡,利劍和盾牌,我的傳教士屹立邊疆之外,只因一些緣由我無法釋懷,一旦你離開這裡便不再,不再有逆耳忠言存在,而這便是我統治的時代。It was the wicked and wild wind,Blew down the doors to let me in.Shattered windows and the sound of drums,People could not believe what I'd become。凜冽邪風呼嘯襲來,吹散重門使我深陷陰霾,斷壁殘垣禮崩樂壞,世人不敢相信我已當年不再。Revolutionaries Wait,For my head on a silver plate,Just a puppet on a lonely string,Oh who would ever want to be king?起義大軍翹首期待,有朝一日我站上斷頭台,恰如傀儡隨吊線寂寞搖擺,悲哉,誰又曾渴望萬人膜拜?Young And BeautifulLana Del Rey - Young And Beautiful - SingleYoung And Beautiful(絕代芳華)歌手:Lana Del Rey翻譯:黃昊HaoskyI've seen the world,Done it all, had my cake now,Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel-Air now,Hot summer nights, mid-July.看徹繁華,盡失初妝,金迷紙醉,歷盡滄桑,仲夏夜茫,七月未央。When you and I were forever wild,The crazy days,the city lights,The way you'd play with me like a child.起初你我年少輕狂,不懼歲月漫長,縱情時光,華燈初放,你我嬉戲痴狂,童稚之心難藏。Will you still love me,when I'm no longer young and beautiful,when I got nothing but my aching soul.當韶華逝去,容顏不再,你是否愛我如初,任地老天荒,當一無所有,遍體鱗傷,你是否愛我如初,任地老天荒。I've seen the world, lit it up as my stage now,Channeling angels in the new age now,Hot summer days, rock and roll,The way you'd play for me at your show,And all the ways I got to know,Your pretty face and electric soul.榮華過場,舞台聚光,時年流轉,冠冕新王,仲夏夜夢,歌舞激昂,你盛裝登場,獨為我而唱,我一睹難忘,精緻面龐,魂靈不羈狂妄。Dear lord when I get to heaven,Please let me bring my man,When he comes tell me that you'll let me.神明在上,若將我引入天堂,可否許他陪伴身旁,所願隨行,相讓入場。Father tell me if you can,Oh that grace, oh that body,Oh that face makes me wanna party,He's my sun,he makes me shine like diamonds.請應允我最後的冀望,驚鴻過影,令我沉淪瘋狂,彼為吾日,光芒若珠寶奪目,璀璨閃亮。每一個中文字,都蘊藏著不尋常的美。不知道這世界上是否還有第二種語言能像漢語這樣,產生出如此極具美感的文字來。中文之美,你感受到了嗎?詩詞君為你推薦取悅自己,才是生活真正的目的靜聽20首經典古曲,輕輕享受慢生活人心如落葉: 一生一落,一落一生九首最經典的絕句,點亮了整個大唐!吃茶讀閑書,聽雨看落花一曲《無塵》,滌盪天下煩憂心▼ 點擊"閱讀原文" ,發現更多精彩內容

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