3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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BBC英語:not a sausage來自日報雙語新聞NeilHello and welcome to Authentic Real English. I'm Neil… Feifei…and I』m Feifei. So, Neil, did you hear anything? NeilWhat about, Feifei?FeifeiRob』s new job. He must have told you something? Rob 找到了一份新工作。難道他沒有告訴你嗎?NeilNothing. He didn』t even mention it.FeifeiHow strange. Not even a little clue?NeilNo, not a sausage.Feifei 「Not a sausage 沒有一根香腸」?可是這和 Rob 的工作有什麼關係?Well, I』m sure we』ll find out soon enough. In the meantime, let』s explain that wonderful phrase you just used.NeilIn this Authentic Real English, we』re teaching the very cute but slightly old-fashioned phrase: 『not a sausage』.FeifeiWe use it to mean 『nothing at all』. 表達 not a sausage 的意思是「一點也不,什麼也沒有」,人們有時也用它來表達驚訝的感情,是一個聽起來友善而且很幽默的口語說法。NeilYes, it』s informal and friendly. Let』s listen to some examples to get a better sense of how it』s used.ExamplesA: Did you find any good deals?B: Not a sausage.A: Did the boss say anything about my project?B: No, sorry, not a sausage.A: Are there any sandwiches left?B: I』m afraid not. Not a sausage.FeifeiThat last example might have sounded confusing: 『No sandwiches left?』 Neil『Not a sausage!』 Yes, confusingly, we were asking about another kind of food – and the answer was still 『not a sausage』.Feifei在最後一個例句里,「not a sausage」用來強調某物「一點也沒剩」。You know what? All this talk of sausages is making me hungry.NeilIndeed. I』m meeting Rob for lunch – fancy going?FeifeiGreat. Hopefully he will finally spill the beans about this mysterious new job.NeilOoh – 『to spill the beans』 – meaning to reveal your secrets. It』s often used when you share a secret you didn』t mean to share! FeifeiAnother great phrase. 我剛才提到了另一個和食物有關的表達「to spill the beans 吐出豆子」,它的含義是「不小心泄露情報或秘密」。So, what do you fancy for lunch?NeilIt has to be a full English breakfast. With beans and… sausage!

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