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Some people want their high school yearbook to portray them at their best - young, attractive and on the cusp of a bright future. 有些人想讓他們的高中畢業紀念冊表現出自己最好的一面:年輕又有魅力,而且即將迎來錦繡前程。 But other less egotistical souls use it as an opportunity to poke fun at themselves with hilarious results, as this collection by Bored Panda reveals. 然而,其他一些不那麼自負的人會藉此機會用搞笑的留言調侃自己,正如熊貓無聊藝術博客展現的這份精選集那樣。 沒有懷孕,只是吃得好而已。 Makenzie had a message for anyone who might be wondering why she's looking fuller in the face. 對那些可能想知道『為什麼她的臉看上去更豐滿了』的人,麥肯茲有話要說。 我理髮了,而且沒人注意到。 Ghufran joked that nobody had spotted her new hairdo under her head scarf. 古夫蘭開玩笑道,沒人發現她頭巾下的新髮型。 我成功了還不夠,還得其他人都輸。 Being a high achiever is just not enough for the ruthlessly minded Kevin. 對思想冷酷的凱文而言,表現出色還不夠。 我能聽到一切。 Jaime Mendoza wasn't afraid to make reference to his rather prominent ears. 傑米·門多薩不擔心談及自己特別突出的耳朵。 我就是那個不斷給你發郵件的奈及利亞王子。 Segun jokingly likened himself to a Nigerian 419 scam. 賽綱打趣地把自己比作一位奈及利亞419騙徒。 (高中)一點都不像《歌舞青春》里展現的那樣。 He's no Zac Efron: High school was far from a Disney-style musical for Seth. 他不是扎克·埃夫隆:對賽斯而言,高中遠遠不及迪斯尼式音樂劇中展現的那樣。 玫瑰很紅,紫羅蘭很藍,我很黑。 Nick put an unexpected twist on the classic rhyme to go with his photo. 尼克用經典的押韻手法為自己的照片配上了一句出人意料的轉折語。 校長給梅根頒發了高中畢業證,梅根自由啦! Harry Potter fan Megan referenced her favourite novel and film in her parting shot. 哈利波特的冬粉梅根在她的臨別留言中參考了她最喜歡的小說和電影。 「為什麼你還不是醫生?」——老爸 Daniel's father has high hopes for his son, despite the fact he's only just graduated from high school. 雖然丹尼爾剛剛高中畢業,但他的父親卻對兒子有著很高的期望。 一提到隨機安檢,我就總是「中獎」。毫無例外。 Antony has the dubious pleasure of always being under some kind of suspicion. 安東尼就是有這種引起懷疑的榮幸,總是會受到某種懷疑。