3C科技 娛樂遊戲 美食旅遊 時尚美妝 親子育兒 生活休閒 金融理財 健康運動 寰宇綜合

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誰說金髮女郎頭腦簡單?美國女星斯嘉麗·約翰遜不但在好萊塢風生水起,還有志在政壇闖出一片天地。是時候對這個性感美女刮目相看了。 Scarlett Johansson might be best known as the queen of science fiction but the actor is keen to try her hand at other endeavours. 斯嘉麗•約翰遜也許最為人所熟知的是各類科幻片中的女主角形象,但是她還有志在其他領域一顯身手。 The actor has said she might swap films for politics and run for office in the US. Johansson explained she had always had a keen interest in local politics and was keen to follow it up. 斯嘉麗說,她可能會息影從政,競選美國政府公職。她解釋說,她一直對地方政治有著濃厚興趣,想要參與進去。 「I』ve always been interested in local politics,」 the 32-year-old said during a Good Morning America appearance. 「Right now I think with my young daughter, and also as my career is going right now, it』s not the right time.」 「我一直對地方政治感興趣,」32歲的斯嘉麗在《早安美國》節目上說,「不過現在我的女兒還太小,我的事業也正處於上升期,所以時候還沒到。」 「But eventually, maybe if my daughter was older and I could totally focus myself on something like that, I think it could be interesting.」 「我最後還是會(選擇從政),不過可能要等我女兒大一點,到時候我就能全身心地投入進去。我覺得(從政)會很有趣。」 Johansson attended the Women』s March on Washington, a protest which took place the day after Donald Trump was elected, and gave an impassioned speech about Planned Parenthood and women』s abortion rights. She told the crowd about the life-saving experiences both herself and close friends have had at Planned Parenthood - a non-profit organisation that provides reproductive health care in the US and globally. 唐納德•川普當選后的第一天,華盛頓就爆發了婦女遊行以示抗議。斯嘉麗參與其中,並就計劃生育協會和婦女墮胎權發表了一場慷慨激昂的演講。她告訴大家,計劃生育協會曾經救過她和她摯友的命。計劃生育協會是一家非盈利性組織,向美國和全球各地提供生育護理服務。 Johansson, who was named the top grossing actor of 2016, said despite being a public figure she likes to keep her private life private but added a caveat for the Trump era. 「I feel that in the face of this current political climate, it is vital that we all make it our mission to get really, really personal,」 she said. 2016年,斯嘉麗當選為票房收入最高的演員。她說,她雖然是一個公眾人物,但是不喜歡曝光私人生活,不過她也為川普時代的到來敲響了警鐘。她說:「我覺得在現在這個政治環境下,我們都要發出自己的聲音,這很重要。」 Politics is not the only non-film industry Johansson has expressed interest in. 不過,政治並不是斯嘉麗在電影圈以外唯一感興趣的領域。 The actor, who rose to fame for her roles in Lost In Translation and Girl With A Pearl Earring, opened a popcorn shop in Paris last Autumn. Jumping on the latest food fad, her shop serves gourmet popcorn in an array of unusual flavours. 因為出演《迷失東京》和《戴珍珠耳環的少女》而成名的斯嘉麗去年秋天在巴黎開了一家爆米花店。這家店抓住了最新的美食風潮,供應多種口味獨特的美味爆米花。 She launched the business venture alongside her French husband Romain Dauriac who she filed for divorce from last month. 這家店是她和她的法國丈夫羅曼•達瑞克一同開辦的。就在上個月她提出和羅曼離婚。 英文來源:獨立報翻譯:張鈺(日報網愛新聞iNews譯者)編審:丹妮

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